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Welcome to ONTRACK for College REadiness

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Welcome to ONTRACK for College REadiness

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    1. Welcome to ONTRACK for College REadiness

    2. Who is IPSI A center at the University of Texas at Austin College of Education A leader in college readiness

    3. Division of College Readiness Mission: All Texas students can achieve college readiness through effective instruction, high expectations and engaging curriculum and resources Goals: Increase student achievement at the secondary level Ensure all students are high school and college ready Communicate best practices throughout Texas

    4. What is College Readiness ? College readiness means the level of preparation a student must attain in English language arts and mathematics courses to enroll and succeed, without remediation in an entry-level general education course for credit in that same content area for a baccalaureate degree or associate degree program (House Bill 3, Section 39.024a).

    5. OnTRACK overview Online learning tools for students in the areas of math, science and social studies developed to increase student performance on EOC assessments leading to a higher degree of College and Career Readiness. All learning tools are being developed within TEA’s Project Share platform and will be available, without a fee, to all students and teachers in Texas.

    6. Goals of the OnTRACK project Help students exceed the minimum score required on each EOC assessment in order to meet graduation requirements Prepare all students meet the college-readiness component of the EOC for Algebra II

    7. Why is this project needed? Without additional resources, many students will fail to meet the passing standards on the mathematics EOC assessments Fail to meet course requirements Fail to meet graduation requirements Fail to meet CCRS standards established by the THECB (Texas Higher Education College Board) and require remediation courses upon college entrance

    8. What is Project Share?

    9. Purpose Project Share is the portal through which teachers and students will communicate, collaborate, and access 21st century digital content. ©Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved.

    10. Project Share in Phases: Phase I Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Discussions, collaboration, and sharing among educators Ongoing learning opportunities for PD participants Professional Development Science, Math, English Language Arts, and CTE TEKS English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) ©Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved. Project Share will be introduced in phases. Phase I, to begin in spring 2010, will provide opportunities for educators to form online professional learning communities and will include professional development modules as a component of training offered at each of the 20 ESCs. Project Share will be introduced in phases. Phase I, to begin in spring 2010, will provide opportunities for educators to form online professional learning communities and will include professional development modules as a component of training offered at each of the 20 ESCs.

    11. Phase I Access to Digital Content To provide access to a variety of repositories for use in professional development and classroom instruction Planning for ePortfolio Pilots To explore student portfolios of coursework (essays, research papers, audio and video files of academic presentations and artistic performances) and other examples of academic and extra-curricular activities Planning for ePortfolio Assessment To explore new forms of evaluation of student work ©Texas Education Agency 2010. All rights reserved. Phase I will also include access to digital content available through the statewide platform. Teachers and, eventually, students will have access to digital assets from the New York Times Knowledge Network, Smithsonian Education, NASA Education, and others. TEA will also begin plans to launch an ePortfolio pilot during the 2010-11 school years. Selected high school students will be invited to participate in the pilot.Phase I will also include access to digital content available through the statewide platform. Teachers and, eventually, students will have access to digital assets from the New York Times Knowledge Network, Smithsonian Education, NASA Education, and others. TEA will also begin plans to launch an ePortfolio pilot during the 2010-11 school years. Selected high school students will be invited to participate in the pilot.

    12. Epsilen The next generation of eLearning and networking To provide the statewide platform, TEA has formed a partnership with Epsilen and the New York Times. To provide the statewide platform, TEA has formed a partnership with Epsilen and the New York Times.

    13. Times Templates

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    16. OnTRACK for Mathematics Algebra 1 6 units – approx. 65 lessons Geometry 5 units – approx. 60 lessons Algebra 2 8 units – approx. 80 lessons

    17. Phased Delivery - Mathematics Phase I, roughly 1/3 of the content to be developed ready for use by October 1, 2010 Phase 2, remaining content to be developed ready for use by January 1, 2011

    18. What will a learning tool include? Student-to-student video Teacher video A learning opportunity that includes some level of practice as well Digital assets Open source From a repository

    19. Digital Assets Open source Website Applet Video Article Animation

    20. Repository NY Times Article NY Times video PBS 300-500 digital assets Assets contributed through other partners with TEA, such as textbook publishers, newspapers, and other vendors

    21. Lesson Access in Epsilen Login to Epsilen.com Search for OnTRACK courses Join courses View lessons

    30. Student Access? TEA is currently working with Epsilen to create a batch upload process for students Student accounts would be created without accounts having to be linked to email addresses. The student batch upload tool should be ready by end of October, beginning of November.

    31. Contact Information Paula Steffen Moeller, Ed.D. pmoeller@ipsi.utexas.edu 512.499.4393 Gary Cosenza gcosenza@ipsi.utexas.edu 713.826.6621

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