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1. Leadership Essentials:Leading Change and Building A High Performing Culture
K. Joseph Wittemann, PhD
1mcwitt@ comcast.net
4. Change Defined To make a difference
To give and receive reciprocally change places
To exchange for or replace for another
To lay aside
To give a totally different form or appearance
To transform
To become different
5. When do Organizations Change? When they hit the wall and lay devastated on the ground because they never saw the walls being constructed around them.
When they realize the world is changing rapidly around them and they need to keep pace with the changes as new walls are being constructed around them.
When they anticipate a change in the environment and build strategies to go around the walls to achieve success.
When they realize that by not changing they will become obsolete. The walls close in on them.
6. Organizations also change when: Leaders change
New politics or directives are legislated
Organizations merge or disassociate
Crisis occurs
People no longer care enough to do the job
They go out of business
8. Six Principles for Promoting Organizational Change Provide full and accurate information related to change as soon as it is available to all members of your organization.
Make organizational values the cornerstone of effective work performance and membership in your organization.
Set specific goals that derive from your organizations values and strategy.
Create new relationships, whether temporary or formal, to stimulate different attitudes and behaviors.
Give people throughout your organization some real say over how work is done.
Leverage tension within your organization to promote change.
9. Eight Steps to Rapid Change 1. Sound a bugle Call for Action
2. Give them a compass Strategic Direction
3. Unleash your Change Ninjas Change Leaders
4. Shake up the status quo Intervene in the Usual
5. Sing from the same songbook Align Leaders
6. Focus your workforce Total Immersion
7. Accelerate performance Create New Roles
8. Let go of the Present Next Steps
10. Resistance Sameness 5 percent
Predictable and
progressive 65 percent
Enthusiastic 20 percent
Revolutionary 10 percent
13. Change and Strategy Values core and operations
Vision Long term value
Mission two to three year focus
Beliefs elements that unify and align
Strategies and initiatives
Execution/ Review
14. Strategic Planning Future
15. Change and Culture High Performing Culture is a Strategic Decision
Define key characteristics of the desired culture
Assess current state
Understand major gaps
Build initiatives to close gaps
Execute actions
Assess progress and refine
16. Culture Defined The sum total of ways of living built up by a groupand transmitted from one generation to another.
In an organization it is the way of working together that is transmitted across the organization over time.
17. Impact of High Performing Cultures Significant impact on a firms long-term economic performance
Important in determining the success of failure of firms and organizations
Cultures that encourage high quality performance are preferred to those that promote getting along
Although difficult to change, corporate cultures can be made more performance enhancing
18. Characteristics of a High Performing Culture Employees know what they are accountable for
Mission flows from and supports the companys vision
Individual and team successes are acknowledged and celebrated
The leaders behavior supports the accomplishment of the mission
Conflict and disagreement are dealt with openly
Team members support one another Individual and collective performance is monitored, reinforced and corrected on an on-going basis
There is systematic, on-going competency development
There is a high degree of shared commitment to the mission
Necessary information is available to all team members
Individual authority levels match individual responsibility
Workers empower themselves to make individual decisions in support of the mission
19. Change and Leadership Being an effective leaders is a conscious decision
supports culture
enables strategies
demonstrates values
visible to followers