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Community Development and Planning

Community Development and Planning. Overview

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Community Development and Planning

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  1. Community Development and Planning Overview • The Department of Community Development and Planning is made up of four separate divisions commonly referred to as “departments” that have worked together for more than 20 years as a self-directed team. Each division is managed by a Division Head, who reports to the Town Manager on an individual as well as on a collective basis with the other three division heads. The divisions are as follows: • Planning Division – Stephen Colyer, AICP, Director of Planning • Health Division – Everett Penney, Director of Public Health • Conservation Division – Robert Douglas, Director of Conservation • Building Division – Kaija Gilmore, Inspector of Buildings

  2. Planning DivisionStephen Colyer, Director of Planning Informational Overview

  3. Planning DivisionMission To ensure the orderly growth of the Town through sound planning practices and through the implementation of the recommendations of the Master Plan.

  4. Planning DivisionOrganization

  5. Planning DivisionPrimary Functions & Services • Responsible for a wide range of activities associated with development, transportation and economic growth in the Town. • Administers land use regulations governing residential, industrial and commercial development in Andover, and is responsible for processing plans for nearly all new projects in the Town. • Responsible for coordinating all major local and regional transportation improvement projects. • Provides professional technical support to the Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Town Manager and the Board of Selectmen, as well as a number of special committees and working groups such as the Housing Partnership Committee. • Represents the Town on the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission and the Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority, as well as the River Road Transportation Management Association and the Junction Transportation Management Organization. • Assists Town Counsel in matters involving litigation against the Planning Board.

  6. Planning DivisionFY06 Goals & Objectives • Develop and implement public relations program for Main Street Improvement Project. • Secure approval of complete comprehensive re-write of Subdivision Rules and Regulations. • Negotiate preservation of affordable dwelling units at Riverview Commons. • Assist in prioritization and implementation of improvements outlined in MVPC I-93 Corridor Study. • Develop strategy for new I-93 interchange and development of vacant lands in Lowell Junction area. • Assist MVPC and NCMOG in the development and implementation of the I-495 corridor study

  7. Planning Division Issues & Challenges • Maintain appropriate levels of service and facilitate current and new projects with reduced staffing and operating resources. • Provide coordinated responsive service while operating under applicable state laws, and statutory notice and hearing requirements. • Deal effectively with the development and use of remaining environmentally and topographically challenged land. • Deal appropriately with emerging issues related to a maturing community in the context of the health and well-being of the residents; including livable neighborhoods, a vibrant downtown, safe water, a clean environment, and efficient transportation systems.

  8. Planning DivisionContacting Us • Telephone: 978-623-8310 • E-mail: planning@andoverma.gov • Web Address: andoverma.gov/planning • Street Address: Town Offices, 36 Bartlet St. • Hours: 8:AM-4:PM, Monday-Friday

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