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Leading students to their path of success through a holistic approach in Whole-person Development. Explore various dimensions, contributors, approaches, and concerns to foster a student-focused learning environment. Discover the misconceptions and celebrate the quality of education provided.
SKH BISHOP BAKER SECONDARY SCHOOL 聖公會白約翰會督中學 Leading students to their path of success by Enhancing personal development in NAS
Whole-person Development (SLP) 1 Purpose 1 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5
Record Quality Quantity Reflect Renew 2 Dimensions 1 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5
1 1.Family 2.School 3.Community 8 2 3 Contributors OLE 7 3 6 4 5
1 8 2 OLE 7 3 Celebrate Convey 1.5% OEBG 2.HKJCLWLF 3.SBASLSP 4.DLG Compile 6 4 4 Money 5
1 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5 5Approaches / Areas / Aims Session MCE Horizon Event CS Interests Curriculum CRE Values Project AD Development Activity PD Capabilities
1 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5 6 Concerns People, Policy, Program, Process, Place, Partnership
1 8 2 Quality Flexibility Coherence Student-focused Learning together Student opportunities Building on existing OLE practices 7 P R E C E P T S OLE 7 3 6 4 5
本末倒置 數量取勝 盲從跟風 崇尚功利 捨近取遠 濫竽充數 輕視藝術 缺乏統籌 8 Misconceptions 1 8 2 OLE 7 3 6 4 5
Whole-person Development (SLP) 本末倒置 數量取勝 盲從跟風 崇尚功利 捨近取遠 濫竽充數 輕視藝術 缺乏統籌 Record Quality Quantity Reflect 1 Purpose Renew 2 Dimensions 8 Misconceptions 1 1.Family 2.School 3.Community 8 2 Quality Flexibility Coherence Student-focused Learning together Student opportunities Building on existing OLE practices 7 P R E C E P T S 3 Contributors OLE 7 3 Celebrate Convey 1.5% OEBG 2.HKJCLWLF 3.SBASLSP 4.DLG Compile 6 4 4 Money 5 6 Concerns People, Policy, Program, Process, Place, Partnership 5Approaches / Areas / Aims Session MCE Horizon Event CS Interests Curriculum CRE Values Project AD Development Activity PD Capabilities
「生命達人」乃指通 情達理之人,經過長 年的鍛煉,積累了 豐富的經驗而得 著生命真諦, 實踐「天人 物我」的 共融生活 態度。 聖公會白約翰會督中學 有能感 I CAN 嘗試 I AM 學習 生命 達人 I WILL I DO 使命感 WHY 成功感 HOW 培養
OLE Activities Experience
Student Led SLP RecordReflect Plan Connect Apply Adapt OLE Experience Reflect Teacher Led Record
我是誰 • 我的強項是 • 我高中時期, • 參加過最重要的活動是 • 我未來的發展 • 我希望你這樣認識我 • 我的升學計劃 OLE WORKSHOP SLP WORKSHOP CAREER & LIFE PLANNING WORKSHOP RecordReflect Plan
A PRESENTAION BY 5D TANG SIN YEE • 中五學生 • 領袖生長 • 義工學會幹事 • 爵士舞學會優秀會員 • 青年中心義工 • 繪畫班學生 Connect Apply Adapt
聖公會白約翰會督中學 THANKS!