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Kiwi cuttings rooting on heated platforms

Learn about rooting kiwi cuttings, kiwifruit cultivation, nutritional info, and propagation methods using heated platforms.

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Kiwi cuttings rooting on heated platforms

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  1. University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Faculty of Horticulture International Student Symposium “Hortus Academicus” March 29, 2019, Bucharest, Romania Kiwi cuttings rooting on heated platforms Moloșag Ailin Professor Dr. Florin Stănică International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  2. Introduction Kiwifruit is native to north-central and eastern China, specifically the Yangtze River valley and the Zhejiang Province coast. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhejiang Source: http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2012/cejka_laur/history.htm International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  3. Introduction Cultivation of the kiwifruit spread from China in the early 20th century to New Zealand, where the first commercial plantings occurred (Morton, 2011). International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  4. Introduction In Romania, since 1993, at the Faculty of Horticulture in Bucharest there are works for the improvement/selection of valuable hybrid genotypes, obtained through intra and interspecific crosses (Zuccherelli, 1994; Stănică and Cepoiu, 1996). Source: https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/banana-nordului-si-kiwi-de-romania-1995948 International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  5. Introduction Nutritional Info (Per 100g Serving) • Calories-61 • Total Carbohydrate - 15 g • Dietary fiber - 3 g • Sugars - 9 g • Protein - 1.2 g • Vitamin A - 1% RDA • Vitamin C - 154% RDA • Calcium - 3% RDA • Iron - 1% RDA • Vitamin B-6 - 5% RDA • Magnesium - 4% RDA • Potassium - 8% RDA • Vitamin K - 31% RDA • Copper - 10% RDA • Vitamin E - 7% RDA • Folic Acid - 4% RDA • Manganese - 4% RDA Source: https://www.naturalfoodseries.com/11-health-benefits-kiwi/ International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  6. Introduction Kiwi plants are vines unisexual dioecious who prefer soft microclimate areas, without strong winds and need irrigation. Actinidiadeliciosaand A. chinensisspecies can be grown in Romania in favourability zones of peach culture. A. arguta(hardy kiwi, baby kiwi) can be extended to larger areas in all areas suitable for plum cultivation (Zuccherelli, 1994; Stănică and Cepoiu, 1996). Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwifruit#/media/File:Kiwifruit_Female_Flowers.JPG Source:https://www.garden.eco/where-do-kiwis-grow International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  7. Introduction Kiwi PlantPropagation Kiwi plantis almost exclusively propagated asexually by grafting fruiting varieties onto seedling rootstock, or using semi-hardwood or hardwood cuttings to ensure production of true to type cultivars (Tanimoto 1994). Kiwifruit seeds are not guaranteed to produce plants with desirable traits (bloom time, cane growth, fruit shape, or edibility) present in either parent. Additionally, seedlings have a long juvenile period, requiring up to seven years before sex determination is possible. As a result of these complications kiwifruit is only propagated by seed when breeding new cultivars or to produce rootstocks. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  8. Introduction International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  9. Materials and Methods 1. Rooting hormones Experiments were carried out on rooting with cuttings of Actinidia genotypes with the aim to test the effect of Radistim and Rhizopon (rooting hormones). International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  10. Materials and Methods 2. Propagation Heated Benches Heated raised propagation benches are often prefered over ground beds for propagation of cuttings. Ideal air temperature for kiwi rooting cuttings is 18 to 22℃ and the ideal substrat temperature for rooting is 24℃. Remember the rule when it comes to rooting cuttings: Cool Hands, Warm Feet! International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  11. Materials and Methods Firstly, we have been preparating the heated bench for rooting cuttings. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  12. Materials and Methods International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  13. Materials and Methods Secondly, we have been prearating the substrat. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  14. Materials and Methods PPst = left pump,INst = left heating, AS= asserted, DE= stopped Sensors FRst= left leaf;between 230(dry) and 5000+ (very wet). SLst = Humidity soil left TFRst = Temperature left leaf TSLst= Temperature left soil Mist starts from 10 secondswhen FRstis below 430. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  15. Materials and Methods 3. Cuttings The hybrid selections were chosen according to the quality organoleptic characteristics, following the tastings and analyzes carried out on the fruit. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  16. Materials and Methods Hard wood cuttings International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  17. Materials and Methods International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  18. Results and discussions As studies done in the past, the artificial fog and report rooting stimulators were decisive, similar with Stănică et al (2002), but different than Pacholczak et al (2017). International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  19. Results and discussions International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  20. Results and discussions International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  21. Results and discussions International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  22. Results and discussions International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  23. Results and discussions International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  24. Conclusions and recommendations Following the results obtained, rooting percentage was higher for cuttings that was used Radistim. Cuttings which issued the roots and follow normal development will be used to replace gaps in the orchard and as study material for the next researches. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

  25. Thank you for your attention!

  26. References • Bartolini, G. and Ianni, G. 1990. Kiwi propagation tests with herbaceous and hardwood cuttings. Acta Hortic. 282:239-241. • Caldwell, J.D., Coston, D.C. and Brock, K.H. 1988. Rooting of semi-hardwood‘Hayward’ kiwifruit cuttings. HortScience 23:714-717. • Pacholczak A., Jędrzejuk A., Sobczak M., 2017. Shading and natural rooting biostimulator enhance potential for vegetative propagation of dogwood plants (Cornus alba L.) via stem cuttings, South African Journal of Botany 109 (2017) 34–41. • Stănică, Fl. and Cepoiu, N. 1996. Actinidia - o nouă specie pomicolă pentru ţara noastră. (Actinidia – new fruit specie for our country). Rev. Horticultura nr. 8: Bucureşti, 22-25. • Stănică F., Dumitrașcu M., Davidescu V., Madjar R., Peticilă A., 2002. Înmulțirea plantelor horticole lemnoase, Ed. Ceres București. • Stănică Fl., Cepoiu N. and Peticilă A.G. 2002. Synthesis of researches regarding the kiwi fruit (Actinidia sp.) propagation. Scientifical papers USAMV, serie B XLV 2002 Horticulture, ISSN – 1222-5312, Bucureşti, 127-132. • Zuccherelli G. 1994. L’actinidia e i nuovi kiwi – Edagricole, Bologna. • CaulaA. BeylRobert N. Trigiano, CRC Press 2016. Plant Propagation Concepts and Laboratory Exercises: Edition 2. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania

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