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Action Plan By OMCC : Mr. AUNG ZAW MYINT Mr. AUNG MYO 24.5.2012

Action Plan By OMCC : Mr. AUNG ZAW MYINT Mr. AUNG MYO 24.5.2012. PVC PIPE PROCESSING. In Myanmar , SMEs play insignificants role in the country’s economic, social and development . SMEs are the major diving force for the development of Myanmar’s feature economy.

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Action Plan By OMCC : Mr. AUNG ZAW MYINT Mr. AUNG MYO 24.5.2012

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  1. Action Plan • By OMCC: Mr. AUNG ZAW MYINT • Mr. AUNG MYO • 24.5.2012

  2. PVC PIPE PROCESSING • In Myanmar , SMEs play insignificants role in the country’s economic, social and development . SMEs are the major diving force for the development of Myanmar’s feature economy. • Myanmar is developing country and many infrastructures are still need to be developed . At present , PVC Pipes are using in many buildings and factories. PVC Pipes are made by High Density Poly Ethylene and it is not harmful to human being . It can easily transport from one place to another and install without any difficultly .It is also a recyclable products. • With the motto “reduce , reuse , recycle” and thanks to a skilled workforce and modern equipment , the company has also gained consumers’ confidence with a full range of PVC Pipes which include various sizes and design. • Plastic pipes has many features that it cannot erode in all kinds of weather . It can use in infrastructure, installing of buildings , plumbing and irrigation. • It will be much appropriate if we can form the PVC Pipe export consortia cluster. It should consist of raw materials supplier, producer ,expert , quality management ,marketing agents , whole sales retailors ,exporter . With that kind of cluster , we can compete with any competitors.

  3. Contents • Organization and Boundary • Cluster Mapping • Goals • Activities • Assumption • Evidence of Success • Beneficiaries • Evaluation

  4. Respond Organization and Boundary Boundary partners PVC Pipe Cluster Development Government : - Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Ministry of Co-operation Association : - Myanmar Industrial Association -UMFCCI Companies : - Related Companies

  5. Cluster Mapping SMEs SMEs SMEs Governance Related companies Bank Government National - International Market Companies Facilitators/Technical support PVC Pipe Export Consortia Market

  6. Goals • To promote the group of a Cluster or export consortia for the SMEs in PVC Pipe in Yangon within the next one year to encourage exports from the CLMV.

  7. Activities There are 6 main activities had been included as it follows: • Budget • Registration • Government need in law • Combine the group of cluster • Training • Review

  8. Assumptions • The target participations had been knowledge on SMEs cluster and export consortia • All information and networking on export of PVC Pipe had been distribute to all the members • Product’s standard had been improve

  9. Evidence of Success! • Draft of pilot project • List of task force • Time line • Agenda • List of participants (with photos) • Certificates issued • Monitoring and Evaluation • Report • Draft Registration Form

  10. Beneficiaries • To SMEs (PVC PIPE) • To Government • To Producer • To consumer • To suppliers

  11. Evaluation • Do you need an activity to evaluate your 6-month Action Plan? • We need an activity to evaluate our 6 month Action Plan. • How will you do it? • Planting , meeting with the member of consortium. • Evidence of Success: Case study. • How about the participation in MI Investment Forum… • We will participation.

  12. Thank You

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