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The History of Standard Model

The History of Standard Model. 1. The Nobel Prize winner. 1979 Nobel Prize-- GLASHOW, SALAM and WEINBERG . the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction. . 1984 Nobel Prize-- RUBBIA and VAN DER MEER .

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The History of Standard Model

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  1. The History of Standard Model 1. The Nobel Prize winner 1979 Nobel Prize-- GLASHOW, SALAM and WEINBERG the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction. 1984 Nobel Prize-- RUBBIA and VAN DER MEER the discovery of the field particles W and Z, communicators of weak interaction.

  2. Ancient times People think that earth, air, fire, and water are the fundamental elements. 1802 Dalton’s Atomic theory began forming. 1897 J. J. Thompson discovered the electron. 1911 Rutherford discovered positive nucleus. 1930 Pauli invented the neutrino particle. 1932 James Chadwick discovered the neutron. 1937 The muon was discovered by J. C. Street and E. C. Stevenson. 1956 First discovery of the neutrino by an experiment: the electron neutrino. 1962 Discovery of an other type of neutrino: the muon neutrino. 1969 Friedman, Kendall, and Taylor found the first evidence of quarks. 1974 The charmed quark was observed. 1976 The tau lepton was discovered at SPEAR. 1977 Experimenters found proof of the bottom quark. 1983 Carlo Rubbia and Simon Van der Meer discovered the W and Z bosons. 1991 LEP experiments show that there are only three light neutrinos. 1995 The top quark was found at Fermilab. 1998 Neutrino oscillations may have been seen in LSND and Super-Kamiokande. 2000 The tau neutrino was observed at Fermilab. 2003 A Five-Quark State has been discovered. A short summary of events

  3. S0 po L+ D- Do K- D+ W- p- p p+ D++ K0 K+ W h a t a j u n g l e !

  4. 2. Question: What is Standard Model?

  5. 3. Science needs advanced technology and vice versa Accelerator How to Obtain Particles

  6. Modern Detectors Bubble Chamber

  7. Triggering The ATLAS Level-2 Trigger The ATLAS Level-1 Trigger

  8. Tracking Silicon Strip Detectors in the ATLAS Experiment Pixel Detectors

  9. World Wide Web ……

  10. 4. Physicists are human beings 1898 Joseph Thompson : “plum-pudding”model of the atom 1911 Ernest Rutherford: “planetary” model of the atom It took 10 years to realize the muon wasn’t Yukawa’s pion. At the beginning, the “quark” model was not accepted widely. ……

  11. 5. The Standard Model is so exciting!

  12. 5. The Standard Model is so exciting!

  13. 5. The Standard Model is so exciting!

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