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Representation and Compression of Multi-Dimensional Piecewise Functions

Representation and Compression of Multi-Dimensional Piecewise Functions. Dror Baron Signal Processing and Systems (SP&S) Seminar June 2009 Joint work with: Venkat Chandrasekaran Michael Wakin Richard Baraniuk. The Challenge of Multi-D Horizon Functions. Signals have edges

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Representation and Compression of Multi-Dimensional Piecewise Functions

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  1. Representation and Compression of Multi-Dimensional Piecewise Functions Dror Baron Signal Processing and Systems (SP&S) Seminar June 2009 Joint work with: Venkat Chandrasekaran Michael Wakin Richard Baraniuk

  2. The Challenge of Multi-D Horizon Functions • Signals have edges • images (2D) • video (3D) • light field imaging (4D, 5D) • Horizon class model • multidimensional • discontinuities • smooth areas • Main challenge: sparse representation • Related applications: approximation, compression, denoising, classification, segmentation… N = 2 N = 3

  3. Existing tool: 1D Wavelets • Advantages for 1D signals: • efficient filter bank implementation • multiresolution framework • sparse representation for smooth signals • Success motivates application to 2D, but…

  4. 13 26 52 2D Signal Representations • Challenge: geometry - discontinuities along 1D contours • separable 2D wavelets (squares) fail to capture geometric structure • Response: • tight frames:curvelets [Candés & Donoho], contourlets [Do & Vetterli], bandelets [Mallat] • geometric tilings: wedgelets [Donoho], wedgeprints [Wakin et al.]

  5. Wedgelet Dictionary [Donoho] • Piecewise linear, multiscale representation • supported over a square dyadic block • Tree-structured approximation • Intended for C2 discontinuities wedgelet decomposition

  6. 13 26 52 Non-Separable Representations have Potential to be Sparse Separable wavelets Non-separable geometric tiling

  7. Signal Representations in Higher Dimensions • Failure of separable wavelets more pronounced in N>2 dimensions • Similar problems exist • smooth regions separated by discontinuities • discontinuities often smooth functions in N-1 dimensions • Shortcomings of existing work • not yet extended to higher dimensions • intended for efficient (sparse) representations for C2 discontinuities

  8. Goals • Develop representationfor higher-dimensional data containing discontinuities • smooth N-dimensional function • (N-1)-dimensional smooth discontinuity • Optimal rate-distortion (RD) performance • metric entropy – order of RD function • Flow of research: • FromN=2 dimensions, C2-smooth discontinuities • ToN¸2 dimensions, arbitrary smoothness

  9. Piecewise Constant Horizon Functions [Donoho] • f: binary function in N dimensions • b: CK smooth (N-1)-dimensional horizon/boundary discontinuity • Let x2 [0,1]N and y= {x1,…,xN-1} 2 [0,1](N-1)

  10. N = 2 N = 3 Example Horizon Class Functions

  11. Compression Problem • Approximate f with R bits ! • Squared L2 error metric (energy) • Need optimal tradeoff between rate and L2 distortion

  12. Compression via Implicit Approximation • Edge detection: • estimate horizon discontinuity b • encode using (N-1)-dimensional wavelets [Cohen et al.] • Implicitly approximate f from b • Theorem[Kolmogorov & Tihomirov; Clements]: Metric entropy for CK smooth (N-1)-D function: L1 distortion O(¢) lower bound

  13. Metric Entropy for Horizon Functions • Problems with edge detection: • edge detection often impractical • want to approximate f (not b) • require solution that provides estimate in N-dimensions, without explicit knowledge of b • Theorem: Metric entropy for N-D horizon function f with CK smooth (N-1)-D discontinuity: • Converse result – our algorithms achieve this RD performance

  14. Motivation for Solution: Taylor’s Theorem • For a CK function b in (N-1) dimensions, • Key idea: order (K-1) polynomial approximation on small regions • Challenge: organize tractable discrete dictionary for piecewise polynomial approximation derivatives

  15. Surflets: Piecewise Polynomial Approximations on Dyadic Hypercubes • Surfletat scale j • N-dimensional atom • defined on hypercube Xj of size 2-j£2-j£L£2-j • horizon function with order K-1 polynomial discontinuity (“surface”-let) • Tile to form multiscale approximation to f Wedgelet K = 2 K = 3 K = 4

  16. 3D Surflets K = 2 K = 3

  17. Discrete Surflet Dictionary • Describe surflet using polynomial coefficients Wedgelet K = 2 K = 3 K = 4 K = 2 K = 3

  18. ~ O(2-(K-2)j) ~ O(2-Kj) ~ O(2-2j) ~ O(2-Kj) Quantization • Challenge: with naïve quantization of coefficients, dictionary size blows up with K and N • Surflet coefficients approximate Taylor coefficients • Higher-order coefficients quantized with lesser precision  same order error for all coefficients • Response:for order-lcoefficient, use step-size

  19. Approximation without Edge Detection • “Taylor surflets” • obtained by quantizing derivatives of b • requires knowledge/estimation of b • “L2-best surflets” • obtained by searching dictionary for best fit • requires no explicit knowledge of b • fast search algorithm via manifolds • Theorem: Taylor or L2–best surflets have same asymptotic performance

  20. Tree-structured Surflet Approximation • Arrange surflets on 2N-tree • each node is either a leaf or has 2N children • all nodes labeled with surflets • leaf nodes provide approximation • interior nodes useful for predictivecoding

  21. Tree-structured Surflet Encoder • Surflet leaf encoder achieves near-optimal RD performance • Top-down predictive encoder • code all nodes in surflet tree • use parent surflets to predictchildren • constant # bits per surflet regardless of scale • layeredcoarse-scale approximation in early bits • Theorem: Top-down predictive encoder achieves

  22. Discretization • Signals often acquired discretely (pixels/voxels) • Pixelization artifacts at fine scales • Approach to discrete data • discretize continuous surflet dictionary • coarse scales: use regular dictionary • smaller dictionary at fine scales • Theorem: Predictive encoder achieves same RD performance at low rate with discretized dictionary

  23. Numerical Example • N=2,K=3 • 1024£1024 pixels • Scale-adaptive dictionaries Wedgelets: 482 bits, 29.9 dB Surflets: 275 bits, 30.2 dB

  24. RD Results • Dictionary 1: fixed-scale wedgelets • Dictionary 2: wedgelets + scale-adaptive • Dictionary 3: surflets + scale-adaptive

  25. Piecewise SmoothHorizon Functions g1([x1, x2]) • g1,g2: real-valued smooth functions • N dimensional • CKs smooth • b: CKd smooth (N-1)-dimensional horizon/boundary discontinuity • Theorem: Metric entropy for CKs smooth N-D horizon function f with CKd smooth discontinuity: b(x1) g2([x1, x2])

  26. 13 26 52 Surfprints • Challenge: • wavelets good in smooth regions • wavelets wasteful near discontinuity • Surflets good near edges • Response: surfprints project surflets to wavelet subspace

  27. w w w w w w w w w w Tree-structured Surprint Encoder • Discontinuity information needed at finer scales • Top-down encoder • Prediction not used • Theorem: Top-down encoder achieves near-optimal • coarse: keep wavelet nodes • intermediate: nodes with discontinuity • maximal depth: surfprints coarse intermediate maximal surfprint

  28. Conclusions and Future Work • Metric entropy (converse) • piecewise constant/smooth horizon functions • arbitrary dimension & arbitrary smoothness • Multiresolution compression framework (achievable) • quantization scheme tractable dictionary size • predictive top-down coding optimal performance • scale-adaptive approach to discretization • surfprints at maximal depth  near-optimal • Future research: algorithms

  29. THE END

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