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EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT ON KARMA Using the account sheet of good and bad Karma Formulated by Liao -Fan Yuan (1550-1624) , articulate your own ranking (from 1 to 100) of good and bad karma based on the evils of our society and what you deem good behavior in our life today

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENT ON KARMA • Using the account sheet of good and bad Karma Formulated by Liao-Fan Yuan (1550-1624), articulate your own ranking (from 1 to 100) of good and bad karma based on the evils of our society and what you deem good behavior in our life today • (you will find here the account articulated by Mr. Yuan)

  2. RS 150 WORLD RELIGIONS THE NOTION OF KARMA (IT IS FOUND IN HINDUISM AND BUDDHISM) KARMA (law of retribution) Karma as understood in all the Indian religions is • a cosmic law as universal and as unchangeable as, for instance, the law of gravity. • Under the force of Karmic law, good never fails to be rewarded and evil never escapes being punished.

  3. Literally and etymologically, Karma means action (moral or physical action), and the result of those actions.


  5. A MERIT ACCOUNT SHEET (SOME SELECTIONS) • Formulated by Liao-Fan Yuan (1550-1624), a Zen master of Jiang-Su Province.

  6. Merits Demerits (Good Karma) (Bad Karma) 100 merits 100 demerits 50 50 30 30 10 10 5 5 3 3 1 merit 1 demerit

  7. 100 Merits: • save one life; • save a woman’s chastity; • prevent a child from drowning; • continue a family lineage.

  8. 50 Merits: • prevent an abortion; • provide for a homeless person; • prevent someone from committing a serious crime; • give a speech that benefits many

  9. 30 Merits: • convert another to Buddhism; • facilitate a marriage; • take in an orphan; • help another do something virtuous.

  10. 10 Merits: • recommend a virtuous person; • cure a major illness; • speak virtuously; • save the life of a good animal; • publish the Buddha’s teachings; • treat servants properly.

  11. 5 Merits: • Prevent a law suit; • cure a minor illness; • stop someone from slandering; • make an offering to a saintly person; • save any animal; • pray for others.

  12. 3 Merits: • Endure ill treatment without complaint; • bury an animal; • urge those making a living by killing to stop.

  13. 1 Merit: • Give an article to help others; • chant a Buddhist scripture; • provide for one monk; • return a lost article; • help repair a public road or bridge.

  14. 100 Demerits: • Cause a death; • rape; • end a family lineage.

  15. 50 Demerits: • Induce an abortion; • break up a marriage; • teach someone to do great evil; • make a speech that harms many.

  16. 30 Demerits: • Create slander that dishonors another; • disobey an elder; • cause a family to separate; • during famine, fail to share food grains.

  17. 10 Demerits: • Mistreat an orphan or widow; • prepare a poison; • kill an animal that serves humans; • speak harshly to parent or teacher.

  18. 5 Demerits: • Slander spiritual teachings; • turn away a sick person; • speak harshly; • kill any animal; • write or speak lewdly; • not clear an injustice when possible.

  19. 3 Demerits: • Get angry over words spoken; • cheat an ignorant person; • destroy another’s success; • be greedy.

  20. 1 Demerit: • Urge another to fight; • help another do evil; • waste food; • kill insects; • turn away a begging monk; • take a bribe; • keep a lost article.

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