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INTRODUCTION • The load and stability program (LoStab) is an interactive; menu driven program used on-board mobile offshore drilling units and floating production systems, accommodation units, derrick / crane barges and other units, to perform loading and stability calculations. This system is a windows based application, with a user friendly interface. It has numerous error checking routines to warn the user when improper input data is used and/or limits are exceeded. The program is customized to fully comply with the requirements and procedures of the vessel’s Operating Manual. • The major features of the program are: • Updates of draft, trim and heel, deck loads and KG margin, 3D/2D views with every entry. • Weight Management by grouping and sub-grouping (with the choice of global or local coordinate systems). • Grouping of weights based on solids, liquids and miscellaneous items. • Various mode of operations (Floating, Preload, Drilling, Survival and Jacking). • Facility to archive and retrieve loading conditions. • Real time updating of 2D and 3D views of the vessel to view heel, trim and tank sounding. • Calculation of stability parameters. • Preload planning and real-time monitoring of preload operation. • Multiple allowable KG curves for different transit conditions. • Generate various reports like variable summary, condition total, stability summary and option to send them by email. • Damaged Stability Calculations. • Plots of tank, hydrostatic and allowable wind and wave curves. • Multiple document interface with interactive display option for viewing multiple loading conditions. • Blocking selected fields to restrict user entry. Zentech, Inc. Slide 1 of 22
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Shows the condition total, stability window, 2D and 3D views of the vessel in a single view. Vessel Name Menu Bar Toolbar Toolbar 2D View 3D View Rotary Position Explorer Menu Data View Data View RT Sounding Notification Status Bar AutoSave Zentech, Inc. Slide 2 of 22
2DVIEW Real-Time Sounding – Enable to use real-time sounding available in excel spreadsheet, in the current working loading condition. • Displays the plan and elevation of the vessel. The position of the liquid tanks / solid items that are chosen in the table grid for data entry are highlighted. • The active tanks are highlighted and on mouse hover the tank names get displayed. • Adjust sounding by dragging the arrow up and down along the sounding tube. The adjusted sounding gets updated in the corresponding cell of the table grid and vice-versa. • User can drag and drop the solid items in the desired position, graphically OR input coordinates in the table. Expanded view of Sounding Tube Zentech, Inc. Slide 3 of 22
3D VIEW The extent of liquid filled in the tank chosen, gets highlighted in dark blue color. Shows the 3D model of the Vessel. The selected tank in the 3D view gets highlighted in yellow color. On selecting the liquid tank and/or solid item from the list, the 3D model is available in transparent mode. Zentech, Inc. Slide 4 of 22
ALLOWABLES & NOTIFICATIONS Validates the input values and displays the warning messages and graphical representation of allowable values for different items as a percentage of maximum allowable. • Below mentioned are the few notifications that are generally displayed: • AKG value not available at current draft, KG margin not displayed – No information regarding the Allowable KG for the current draft of the vessel. • KG Margin is Negative, Allowable KG requirement not met – The KG Margin in negative, i.e. the actual VCG of the vessel is greater than the Allowable KG. • Allowable KG requirement met – Vessel has sufficient stability. • Minimum GM requirement met – Vessel meets the minimum GM requirement. • Minimum GM requirement not met – Minimum GM requirement is not met at the draft. • Loadline Draft Exceeded – Vessel exceeds the Loadline Draft. AutoSave – Automatically save the currently working loading condition, to recover the lost data if there is a power failure or similar problems. Zentech, Inc. Slide 5 of 22
ROTARY POSITION Enable to stow the Cantilever, move Cantilever in longitudinal direction and move the substructure in transverse direction. Zentech, Inc. Slide 6 of 22
LIQUIDS • Calculate parameters for the liquid in the tanks automatically from the tank table data available in the program database. • Calculate the weight, percentage filled and CGs of the liquid on entering sounding of the selected tank. • Calculate sounding, percentage filled and the CGs of the liquid on entering weight of the liquid in the selected tank. • Uses maximum depth of the tank as the sounding, if the sounding input exceeds the maximum depth of the tank. • The selected tank gets highlighted in the plan view, profile view and in the 3D view. • Display minimum and maximum values on mouse-over of the density, sounding, % filled and weight, to fill in the respective cells. Zentech, Inc. Slide 7 of 22
WEIGHT DETAILS ABILITY to view weight details of the liquid tanks, individually. ABILITY to view details of the line items, individually Zentech, Inc. Slide 8 of 22
SOLIDS The weights in the vessel that are classified as solids are arranged under this category. The subgroup option is available, so that the items that make up a group can be defined together about a local coordinate system. • Define the items in that subgroup about that reference CGs as a local coordinate system (Reference System), once the reference location and CGs are specified. • Specify the number of items and the unit weight of items of the same kind, under the quantity and unit weight columns, respectively. • Calculate the total weight and the CGs about both the local and global coordinate systems. • Calculate CGs about the global coordinate system (Vessel System) when weights are included in their relevant sections of main groups. • The program erases the original values in the cells and shows only the weights and CGs as available in the sub-group. Zentech, Inc. Slide 9 of 22
LOADING CONDITION Allows to create multiple loading conditions and user can navigate through the loading conditions by clicking the tabs. AFLOAT STATUS : Displays mean draft, trim in degrees, heel in degrees, Variable Load, GM (min) and the draft at draft marks. The values are calculated from the Total Displacement and CGs from the loading conditions prepared in the program. Zentech, Inc. Slide 10 of 22
CHANGE OPERATING MODE - FLOATING • A self-elevating unit have five modes of operation and they are Floating, Preload, Jacking, Drilling and Survival modes. • Calculates stability parameters only in the floating mode. • Provides multiple allowable KG curves for different transit conditions. • Calculates the spud can loads or the reactions on the pinions or soil pressures (for mat vessels), when the unit is elevated on its legs/columns. Zentech, Inc. Slide 11 of 22
CHANGE OPERATING MODE - ELEVATED • For each of the elevated conditions, the selection requires to input values for the water depth, air gap, and soil penetration. Once, any of the elevated condition is set, all the applicable screens display values relevant to the elevated mode. • Calculates the leg mark by utilizing the built in distance between the hull bottom and the point at which the leg mark is measured. The observers at the leg mark reading locations know the expected leg mark readings. The expected leg mark values are obtained from the leg position option in the program. • The leg mark, leg CGs, soil penetration, leg loads and pinion loads for each of the legs are displayed. • Hull buoyancy option helps to reduce the load on the vessel during elevated mode. The buoyancy of hull is determined even in the elevated conditions, if the hull is submerged in the water. Zentech, Inc. Slide 12 of 22
EQUALIZE LOADS The program redistribute the liquids within the tanks to obtain the desired trim and heel, for a given loading condition with certain liquid weights and ballast. Zentech, Inc. Slide 13 of 22
OBSERVED DRAFTS • Allows to check whether the draft obtained from the loading condition and the actual drafts measured at the draft marks on the vessel are the same. • Calculate the difference in weight, CGS and out of plan skew, if there is difference in draft reading observed at the draft marks. • If the observed draft is more than the calculated draft, it means that the program may not have considered some weight in the calculation, which will be displayed as a positive weight value. • If the observed draft is less, it means the program has accounted for more weight in the calculation, which will be displayed as a negative weight. • The unaccounted weights co-ordinates (Weight, LCG, TCG, out of plane skew) are updated according to the draft values. Zentech, Inc. Slide 14 of 22
DAMAGE STABILITY • Helps to study the effect of the vesseldamage and calculates the weight of the liquid in the tank and the resulting trim, heel, drafts and the KG. • Program will also perform calculation for remedial measures to obtain even keel after damage, if a recommendation is needed. Before Damage After Damage Zentech, Inc. Slide 15 of 22
PRELOAD Assist in finding the exact quantity of water to be pumped into each preload tank, during preloading the unit. % Preload • Enable to input the percentage of preload and provide the list of all the preload tanks, and the existing sounding of each preload tank. • Calculate the amount of water that can be pumped into each preload tank to meet the requirements based on the input data. • After filling the tanks with the specified quantity (percentage preload), the program tries to equalize the loads on the legs of the unit. • Provide warnings if the specified percentage is less than the variable that already exist or if it is not possible to equalize the loads with the specified quantity. Zentech, Inc. Slide 16 of 22
PRELOAD PLANNING Allows to create a preloading schedule to facilitate stepwise preloading by maintaining the required leg reactions throughout the preloading procedure. Shows the step 1 values updated in the Preload tanks as per user choice. Zentech, Inc. Slide 17 of 22
REAL–TIME MONITORING Allows to monitor the actual preload procedure. In addition to the parameters for the planning schedule, allows to select and modify the soil data, as desired. Zentech, Inc. Slide 18 of 22
ALLOWABLE WIND WAVE CHART Checksthe maximum permissible leg load of the vessel. On entering the water depth, wind speed, wave height and current speed, the allowable leg load of the vessel is calculated . Zentech, Inc. Slide 19 of 22
REPORTS Variable load summary - Displays all the variable loads like ballast, fuel, oil, potable water, deck loads, etc. Condition total - The weights and CGs of all the sections are summarized and totaled to give the condition total, which is the total displacement of the vessel. • Stability summary - Helps to determine whether the loading conditions that have been setup will satisfy the stability criteria sample. • The program calculates the total CGs (LCG, TCG and VCG) and estimate the trim and heel of the vessel. Knowing the VCG, the program calculates the transverse metacentric Height (GMT) and Longitudinal Metacentric Height (GML). • The centers of floatation and buoyancy are available for the particular draft, from the input data. • The program also calculates the free surface correction (max), corrected KG and Allowable KG. • The effects of free surface in the tanks are considered when calculating the final VCG. Zentech, Inc. Slide 20 of 22
PRINT REPORT • Report with and without Subgroup Provides a detailed output of the loading condition. Apart from the detailed breakup of each section, the breakup of the subgroups for each sectional item, if any, can also be generated. These subgroup breakdowns are listed at the end of the report following the details of each section. Facility exists for standard reports to be automatically emailed to a certain mailing list at a certain time of the day, everyday Zentech, Inc. Slide 21 of 22
GRAPHS Hydrostatic : Graph for displacement Vs draft, center of buoyancy Vs draft, center of floatation Vs draft, transverse metacentric height Vs draft, longitudinal metacentric height Vs draft. Tanks: Graph for weight Vs sounding, LCG, TCG, VCG, Vs sounding and free surface moments Vs sounding for each tank. Allowable KG Curve: Representation of draft Vs allowable KG for various operational drafts i.e. draft Vs allowable KG for various scenarios and tip of can positions. Zentech, Inc. Slide 22 of 22
THANK YOU • For further information, please contact • Zentech, Inc. • 14800 St. Mary’s Lane Suite 270 • Houston, Texas 77079. • Phone : 281 558 0290 • Fax : 281 558 0295 • web-site : www.zentech-usa.com • Email: zentech@zentech-usa.com