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The Waves and Coupling Theme: Scientific Overview. William Ward (wward@unb.ca), Alan Manson, Tatyana Chshyolkova, Young-Min Cho, Dragan Veselinovic, Ding Yi Wang , Tom Duck, Gordon Shepherd, Marianna Shepherd, Robert Sica, Kimberly Strong, Jim Whiteway
The Waves and Coupling Theme: Scientific Overview William Ward (wward@unb.ca), Alan Manson, Tatyana Chshyolkova, Young-Min Cho, Dragan Veselinovic, Ding Yi Wang, Tom Duck, Gordon Shepherd, Marianna Shepherd, Robert Sica, Kimberly Strong, Jim Whiteway (University of New Brunswick, University of Saskatchewan, York University, University of Toronto) Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL Picture coutesy of P. Fogal
Summary • Observatory and theme description • Scientific context • Instruments and participants • Preliminary Results • Scientific studies Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Waves and Coupling Processes Theme • Investigates the wave signatures and coupling between heights and regions from a polar perspective. • The instrumentation provides observations from the ground to the mesopause (100 km). • Wave investigations include gravity waves, tides and planetary waves and their relationship to large scale conditions. • Phenomena of interest are those which occur as a result of this coupling and the waves themselves (sudden stratospheric warmings, constituent, wind and temperature variability, airglow signatures, noctilucent clouds, etc.). • With observations from other sites, assimilation and model output, and satellite observations these observations can be placed in global context and their broader relevance determined. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Scientific Context Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
? ? THERMOSPHERIC TIDES & DYNAMICS THERMOSPHERE MIDDLE ATMOSPHERE GRAVITY WAVES MESOSPHERE WAVE-DRIVEN CIRCULATION STRATOSPHERE JET INSTABILITY CONVECTION TOPOGRAPHY TROPO- SPHERE Circulation Schematic Summer Winter Large-scale circulation: tropical and mesopause Wave sources: Convection, topography, jet instability Gravity waves and wave-driven circulation Thermospheeic tides and dynamicsparticle precipitation Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
T Annual Cycle (40, 60, 80, 100 km, CMAM) The Arctic summer mesopause at ~88 km is the coldest-known place (~130 K) in the terrestrial atmosphere and is ~60 K colder in summer than winter. Indirect evidence has suggested that the summer mesopause temperatures in the Antarctic are a few Kelvin warmer than in the Arctic. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Coupling Processes Waves-Wind-Thermal-Constituent Structures are coupled The coupling between heights and regions from a polar perspective. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere 130 Dissociation: CO , O 2 2 O + h n Þ O + O 120 2 Thermosphere Molecular Diffusion 110 CO NLTE Processes 2 Large Amplitude Wave Motion Height (km) 100 Tidal /Gravity Wave Breakdown 1 Airglow: O( S), OH, O 2 90 Recombination: CO, O O+O+M Þ O +M 2 Mesosphere Chemical Heating 80 70 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Temperature (K) Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Proposed Winter Polar Dynamical Structure Redder (bluer) colors depict warmer (cooler) temperatures. The positive columnar region of PV is at the center of the vortex. The strong jet surrounding the region of PV weakens as one goes into the quasi-stationary core or outside of the vortex altogether. Darker contours indicate stronger westerly. Transparent, upward arrows conceptualize relative gravity wave activity. Schematic of the overall configuration of the Arctic polar vortex as diagnosed from a hypothetical positive region of potential vorticity (i.e., a high potential vorticity anomaly). From Gerrard et al., 2002. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
WCPT Areas of Investigation • Although the general ideas on the circulation, transport and dynamics have been formulated and are generally accepted, experimental verification is still required (especially the forcing mechanisms and transport). • Mean conditions (wind and temperature), waves of various scales, and constituents will be determined using the PEARL instrumentation. • We will use the natural variability of conditions over Eureka (i.e. vortex position, tropospheric conditions, …) to allow different atmospheric conditions to be examined. • Satellite observations, assimilated fields and models will provide contextual information. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Instrumentation and People Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Instrumentation: Waves and Coupling Theme* indicates instrument installation not complete • *Rayleigh/Mie/Raman Lidar (RMR)(Mentor: T. Duck) will measure profiles of tropospheric aerosols, clouds, diamond dust, temperatures, and water vapour. • Ozone Lidars (Mentor: R. Sica, J. Whiteway) Two ozone lidars will provide measurements of the ozone distribution with height (ozone profile) from ground level up to the lower stratosphere (height of 20 km), and from the lower stratosphere to 80 km. • Very High Frequency Radar (VHF Radar/Meteor Radar)(Mentors: A. Manson, S. Argall, Chris Meek). This provides measurements of the horizontal and vertical components of winds in the range 0.5-16 km altitude. In meteor-detection mode horizontal winds (80-100km) are available, effectively continuously in time, with data resolution of 3 km and 1 hour. • Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI)(Mentor: M. Shepherd) is a two-channel, Fabry-Perot interferometer. It monitors the dynamics and temperature in the upper mesosphere by alternate observations of the O2 atmospheric (0-1) nightglow emission layer at 94 km and the OH Meinel (6-2) layer at 87 km. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Instrumentation: Waves and Coupling Theme* indicates instrument installation not complete • All-Sky Imager (Mentor: W. Ward) The all-sky imager is designed to image airglow emissions within 10 degrees of the horizon at a spatial resolution of 1 km (elevation angle of 60 degrees). It will aid in the interpretation of the other optical instruments and determine gravity wave parameters from the fine scale structure in the airglow emissions. • *Michelson Wind Interferometer (E-region wind interferometer - ERWIN)(Mentor: W. Ward) is an interferometer for measuring mesospheric winds through a measurement of airglow emission, specifically OH, O2 and OI. This combination yields wind speed and radial direction for 3 altitudes between 87-97 km. • Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) (Mentor: K. Strong) Using the Sun or Moon as a source, the FTS scans result in absorption spectra that will yield the amount of an atmospheric constituent (column amount) and some information about its distribution (profile information). • UV-Visible Grating Spectrometer (UV-VIS)(Mentor: K. Strong) will be used to record UV-visible absorption spectra of the light scattered from the zenith sky to retrieve vertical columns of O3, NO2, NO3, BrO, and OClO. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Data Analysis and Interpretation • Ding Yi Wang: Research Associate (UNB), working on analysis of data, coordinating the results from various instruments, providing satellite (MIPAS, MLS, TIMED) and model results relevant to PEARL. • Tatyana Chshyolkova: PDF (USask), Contextual information on the state of the middle atmosphere and the analysis of wave data. • Young-Min Cho: PDF (York), working on the analysis of the SATI instrument. • Dragan Veselinovic: Master’s Student (UNB), development of the All Sky Imager and analysis of the data. • Collaborators: T. Shepherd (University of Toronto), J. McConnell (York University), S. Argall (University of Western Ontario) Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Viewing Location in Sky Horizon Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
1) SATI Configuration - Projection onto sky Conical mirror - Spatial spectral scanning Interference filter - Imager CCD camera 2) Measurements - O2 (0-1) atmospheric band - OH (6-2) Meinel band Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager Young-Min Cho Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
All-Sky Imager M.J. Taylor D. Veselinovic KEO Scientific Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
ERWIN II Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Radar Winds – January 2007 C. Meek Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Preliminary Results Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
SKIYMET MWR at Eureka and MFR at Saskatoon (Manson & Meek) Diurnal SemeDiurnal Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL From Manson & Meek
Diurnal Tidal Signatures in CMAMLatitude and zonal wave number cross section at 95 km zonal wave number Negative: eastward positive: westward J. Du Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
CMAM Annual Cycle of Diurnal Tidal Amplitude Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Vortex Structure • Representation of the polar vortex (blue) and anticyclones (orange) from θ=500 to 2000 K (~20-50 km) isentropic surface on December 25th, 2004; January 1st, February 1st, and February 25th, 2005. (T. Chshyolkova) Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Eureka Monthly Mean U and T CMAM Zonal Wind CMAM T MIPAS 2002 T AURA MLS 2006 T D. Wang Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Scientific Studies Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Transport • Airglow signatures (SATI, Imager, Erwin) are related to atomic oxygen. • Possible correlations with downward transport of NOx, NOy (NO, NO2, HNO3). . Randall et al., 2006 Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
NOx and NOy in atmospheric chemistry The three principal reactions producing thermal NOx (Extended Zeldovich Mechanism): N2 + O NO + N N + O2 NO + O N + OH NO + H Nitrogen dioxide reacts with water: 2NO2 + H2O HNO2 + HNO3 3HNO2 HNO3 + 2NO + H2O 4NO + 3O2 + 2H2O 4HNO3 . Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Gravity Waves • Short term variations in temperature and wind are often related to gravity waves (meteor radar, SATI, ERWIN, lidar, imager). • The imager provides information on the propagation direction and wave characteristics. • It also provides information for the other instruments. • Winds from the meteor radar and ERWIN provide background wind needed to interpret the gravity waves. • Together this instrumentation provides multiple perspectives on gravity waves (various heights, different observables, various wave parameters). • The wave amplitudes will be correlated with conditions in the troposphere and stratosphere, and other large scale waves. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Tides and Planetary Waves • Longer term variability in observables provides information on large scale waves (wind, temperature, and airglow variations – imager, SATI, ERWIN, meteor radar, lidar). • These variations will be interpreted along with satellite observations and observations from other stations which can provide spatial information and help identify the waves. • Correlations between tidal and planetary wave amplitudes and amplitudes in the stratosphere and mesosphere will be examined. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Sudden Stratospheric Warmings Sudden stratospheric warming (Day 30, Arctic, 40 km, T increased, U reversed) produce signatures throughout the atmosphere • These figures are from the extended CMAM and indicate how these signatures vary with height. • We will look for correlations between the various observation types Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Consistent Wind, Temperature and Constituents • The temperature, wind and airglow measurements with SATI, ERWIN and the Imager are integrated quantities. • The meteor radar provides wind profiles and the lidar temperature profiles. • We will investigate the possibility of developing a self-consistent vertical picture of wind, temperature, and atomic oxygen using the information from all the instruments. • Wind and temperature information has been used in the past to validate radar temperature measurements (Hocking, 2007) There is a radar capability which is being developed for temperature measurements using diffusion time for the echos. However it requires the temperature gradient to work. The earlier work used the lidar to provide the temperature measurements and a model for the radar temperatures. We hope to use the lidar to provide a temperature profile. This however might not work if the lidar doesn't go high enough. In that case we will use SATI temperatures. Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL
Plans for 2007/2008 • Implementation of the full instrument complement relevant to this theme at Eureka and analysis of the data. • Development of contextual information (models, assimilation, satellite observations). • Analysis of wave signatures from the tropopause up in wind, temperature and constituents (ozone, oxygen). • Establish collaborations with other Arctic stations. • Special events (warmings, particle precipitation) Waves and Coupling Theme of the PEARL