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The Miracle of Al-Isr a ' & Al-Mi^r a j (Night journey & Ascension of Prophet Mu h ammad).
The Miracle of Al-Isra' & Al-Mi^raj (Night journey & Ascension of Prophet Muhammad) Surat al-Isra', Ayah 1 means:[Praise be to Allah Who enabled His slave, Muhammad, to make the journey at night from Masjid al-Haram in Makkah to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, which is surrounded a blessed land.]
معجزة الاسراء والمعراج لنبي الله محمد صلى الله عليه وءاله وصحبه وسلم
Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ^alahi Wa sallam) ascended while awake & by body and soul He ascended to the skies where he met with the Prophets With respect he was welcomed, and they asked Allah with good for him أسري برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقظة بوعيه وروحه وجسمه قد ارتقى إلى السماء ثم التقى بأنبياء بوقار جلله ودعَوا بالخير له Al-Isra' & Al-Mi^raj - معجزة الاسراء والمعراج
He saw at the first sky, Prophet Adam who welcomed him Then he ascended higher, and saw Prophet Jesus who truly surpasses the shining sun, as well as Prophet Yahya the dignified ورأى عند الأولى ءادم فاستقبله وعلا فرأى عيسى حقاً فاق الشمسَ مع يحيى وعليه وجلالٌ Al-Isra' & Al-Mi^raj - معجزة الاسراء والمعراج
Then he ascended and found Prophet Yusuf more beautiful then a full moon (3rd heaven) He ascended further and he met Prophet Idriss (4th sky) Then he encountered Harun (5th heaven) After that he encountered Prophet Musa (6th heaven) وسما فرأى يوسف أحلى من بدر يسمو يتجلى ثم زاد عـُلى فرأى إدريس بعده هارون بعده موسى Al-Isra' & Al-Mi^raj - معجزة الاسراء والمعراج
Then he saw Prophet Ibrahim; Khalilullah. (7th heaven) He also saw al-Bayt al-Ma^mur with many angels And he saw Sidrat al-Muntaha tree, and Paradise where he saw al-Hoor al-^een. ثم إبراهيم وهو خليل الله ورقى فرأى البيت المعمور وملائكةُ الرحمن حضور ورأى السدرةَ ما أجملها والجنة ورأى فيها الحور Al-Isra' & Al-Mi^raj - معجزة الاسراء والمعراج
Upon these Prophets we send Salat and Salam every time this blessed occasion returns فعليهمُ صلواتنا وسلامنا ما عادت الذكرى لنا Al-Isra' & Al-Mi^raj - معجزة الاسراء والمعراج
أبــدأ بسم الله والـرحـمنِ * وبـالـرحـيـم دائـم الإحـسانفالـحـمـد لله الـقديم الأول * والأخـر الـبـاقـي بلا تـحـولثـم الـصلاة والسلام سرمدا * عـلـى الـنبي خير من قد وحداوآله وصـحبه ومـــن تبع * سـبـيـل دين الحق غير مبتدعفـالله مـوجـود قـديـم باقي * مخـالـف للـخـلق بالإطلاقِأي الله موجود أزلاً قبل الخلق، موجود بلا مكان، لا يتغير، ولا يشبه شىء من خلقه، ولا يحتاج لشىء. قال الامام ذو النون المصري، وأحمد بن حنبل: "مهما تصورت ببالك فالله لا يشبه ذلك“وقـائم غـنـي وواحـد وحي * قـادر مـريـد عـالم بكل شيْسـمـيـع البـصـير والمتكلـم * لـه صـفـات سـبـعـة تنتظمفـقـدرة إرادة سـمـع بـصر * حـيـاة الـعـلـم كـلام استمروجـائـز بـفـضـله وعدله * تـرك لـكـل مـمـكـن كفعله
Our Prophet also ascended to what is beyond the seven skies; he entered Paradise. He saw most of the inhabitants of Paradise are the poor people. In Paradise, the Prophet saw some of the bounties Allah prepared for the inhabitants of Paradise. He saw the Hur ul-^In: females Allah created who are not humans or jinn.The Prophet saw the wildan ul-mukhalladun: creations of Allah who are not human, jinn, or angels. They are a very beautiful creation of Allah whose appearance is like laid-out pearls. They are servants of the inhabitants of Paradise. The Prophet saw other things on the night of his ascension. He saw Malik, the angel in charge of the Hellfire. The Prophet saw the Throne (^Arsh), which is the largest creation of Allah and is surrounded by angels whose number is known only by Allah. Four angels carry it, but on the Day of Judgement eight will carry it.Imam Ali Bin Abi Taleb said:"ان الله خلق العرش اظهاراً لقدرته ولم يتخذه مكاناً لذاته"Which means: "Allah created the Throne to show His Power and not to take it as place for Himself".Hence, whoever believes that Allah is sitting on The Throne is a blasphemer, because Allah does not resemble any of His creation and exists without being in a place.
Then the Prophet ascended beyond Paradise. He reached a place where he heard the creaking of the pens used by the angels who are copying from the Preserved Tablet. It is at that location Prophet Muhammad heard the Kalam of Allah, which is an attribute of the Self of Allah. He heard the Kalam of Allah, which does not resemble our speech. It is not something that occurs bit after bit. It is not letter after letter or a word that comes after another word. Rather, it is an attribute of Allah that is eternal and everlasting. It does not resemble our attributes.The Prophet understood several things from hearing this Kalam of Allah. He understood the obligation of the five Obligatory Prayers.
و الـحـمـد لله وصـلـى سـلما علـى النبي خير من قد علما والآل والـصـحـب وكـل مرشد وكـل مـن بخير هدى يقتدي www.alsunna.org