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Imaging Use Case for UCUM Development Tool Kit (DTK). Janice Chilli 2/25/08. Background and Goals. Opportunity for imaging workspace to define their requirements for this tool for the UCUM Development Tool Kit (DTK).
Imaging Use Case forUCUM Development Tool Kit (DTK) Janice Chilli 2/25/08
Background and Goals • Opportunity for imaging workspace to define their requirements for this tool for the UCUM Development Tool Kit (DTK). • Define the AIM UoM use case as depicted in the AIM model for attribute: CalculationResult:unitOfMeasure. • Develop an Imaging use case(s) based on all imaging applications (AIM, XIP, Middleware, NCIA, RIDER, LIDC, AVT, DICOM Ontology). • Review UoM list developed by imaging workspace last fall. • Identify any characters used as imaging UoM that are not part of the 7-bit US-ASCII character set. • Determine if single UoM implementation for all imaging applications is possible (values and UoM as separate attributes or UoM embedded in attribute?)
Question 1 Imaging Units of Measure List • Identify Units of Measure needed by the Imaging applications (AIM, XIP, Middleware, NCIA, RIDER, LIDC, AVT, DICOM Ontology, anticipated projects) • Status of list started by workspace last fall. • Dr. Channin to provide compiled workspace UoM list or UoM emails to Janice.
Question 2 7-bit US-ASCII OK? • Identify any characters used as an imaging UoM that are not part of the 7-bit US-ASCII character set. • Identify use case for these characters. • RIDER/LIDC (Mike McNitt-Gray): Can UCUM handle Greek letters like alpha, gamma in UoM? • WS: Any other imaging use cases for non-DICOM UoM?
Question 3AIM Use Case for UCUM DTK • CalculationResult class:unitOfMeasure • Is the anticipated use for the UCUM tool to electronically “validate” the UCUM unit of measure via a get to the this tool? • Is the anticipated use for the UCUM tool to “create” the UCUM unit of measure? • How will exception handling of non-UCUM strings be handled? Current UCUM DTK requires human intervention. • Do any of the other measurements in AIM model need a UoM attribute (GeometricShape:lineThickness, Dimension:size, Data:value)? • Set up Imaging developers and UCUM DTK call (Janice & Paul) to discuss imaging requirements with UCUM DTK team. Include representatives from AIM, XIP, Middleware, NCIA, RIDER, LIDC, AVT, DICOM Ontology.
Next Steps • Clearly define Imaging Application Use Cases/interaction with the UCUM DTK. • Confirm that the 7-bit US ASCII character set is sufficient to meet the needs of the imaging UoM attributes. • Develop an Imaging use case(s) as input to the UCUM DTK requirements. • Workspace to consider separate versus embedded UoM and impacts on current and proposed workspace applications.
AIM Model Class/Attribute for UoMSeparate UoM attribute vs Embedded in attribute?
AIM Model Class/Attribute for UoMSeparate UoM attribute vs Embedded in attribute?