Australia By: Sydney Lockhart
Food A standard cafe or restaurant in Australia not adhering to any particular ethnic cuisine might offer sandwiches and foccacias,a range of pasta, risotto, salad or curry dishes, steak, chicken or other meat-based dishes, cakes or other desserts, and juices, red and white wine, soft drink, beer and coffee. Damperis a simple and traditional type of bread, traditionally made by wrapping bread dough around a stick, then roasting it over an open fire.
Native birds include emus, kookaburras, budgerigars, magpies, lyrebirds and many varieties of lorikeets and parrots, including the Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Gang-Gang Cockatoo, corellas and the Galah. Australia's most well-known native eagle is the Wedge-tailed Eagle. It is considered to be in the same "super species" as the Golden Eagle, but has some distinguishing characteristics (especially the shape of the tail).
Population • The Australian population hit 21 million in 2007, seconds after 9.33pm, Australian eastern standard time. • Since then there is an estimation of a birth every 1 minute and 56 seconds, one death every 3 minutes and 59 seconds, and a net gain of one international migrant every 3 minutes and 15 seconds, leading to an overall total population increase of one person every 1 minute and 45 seconds.
Reliogion Religion of Australia's Aborigines, based in the dreaming. Religion involved living in agreement with the way of life ordained in the Dreaming, through the performance of rituals and obedience to the law. Through dreams and other states of altered consciousness, the living could come into contact with the spiritual realm and gain strength from it; myths, dances, and other rituals bound the human, spiritual, and physical worlds together in a single cosmic order. A child's spirit was held to come from the dreaming to animate a fetus, and a person's spiritual heritage was more important than the bond between a physical parent and child. Sacred art included tiurungas and and cave paintings, and paintings on bark .