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Peter Sage Future Energy Solutions Hubert Howener PtJ Research Centre Julich

Clean Power Generation Technology for Europe. Peter Sage Future Energy Solutions Hubert Howener PtJ Research Centre Julich UK APGTF Forum London 25 November 2004. The Solution. The Problem. FENCO Overall Objectives.

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Peter Sage Future Energy Solutions Hubert Howener PtJ Research Centre Julich

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  1. Clean Power Generation Technology for Europe Peter Sage Future Energy Solutions Hubert Howener PtJ Research Centre Julich UK APGTF Forum London 25 November 2004

  2. The Solution The Problem

  3. FENCO Overall Objectives • Set up of an ERA-NET for the development of a technology path that gives the opportunity to share knowledge and funding options for a step-by-step improvement of fossil energy technologies. • This ERA-NET will link the R&D and demonstration needs of EU member states, the EU industry and academia on an extended European level to describe a technology path towards low and near zero emission power plants. • Establishment of a critical mass Europe wide initiative that will enable the EU fossil fuel technology industry to be competitive in the world market

  4. Elements of a Strategy Research and Technology Technology Validation of Technology 2010 2020 2030 Lighthouse Projects Increasing complexity in-tune with market development CO2 Protocol, Legal, Health, Safety, Perception,..

  5. Issues – Drivers for FENCO • Global energy projections mean that fossil fuels will be required for several decades • Renewable energy will only become significant in the energy mix in time – a portfolio approach needed • Developing countries (e.g. China) have to be engaged if global climate change is really tackled • The acceptability of nuclear power • Global climate change (up to and post 2050) targets will need full range of solutions • Security of energy supply implications • Economics!!

  6. A major transitional issue will be clean use of fossil fuels • Carbon Abatement Technologies (CAT) strategy (UK) • improved efficiency • fuel switch/co-firing/retrofit • CO2 capture/storage • COORETEC Concept (DE)

  7. “Snap Shot” of US Position • Clean Fossil Fuel Technologies firmly established as key component of carbon reduction strategy • 18% reduction in carbon intensity by 2012, backed by RTD and D initiatives • Clean Coal Plant Improvement programme : 2b US$ over next decade • CO2 Capture and Storage budget for 2004 requested at 60m US$ from a `zero` position less than 5 years ago • US regional networks established • Futuregen Project launched with 1b US$, 80% from USDOE : electricity and hydrogen plant with CO2 sequestration

  8. Strong competition from USA on world markets • US Industry set to take the lead on low-to-zero emission technologies • benefit from US DOE and other support • to the detriment of Europe in European and world markets • Establishment of the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF)

  9. European Response Vital that Europe responds in an effective way • Critical mass initiative to ensure that Europe can compete on world markets • Sector wide initiative bringing together industry, academia and governments • Combination of national Member State and EC RTDD programmes with industry and research community • Thrust towards carbon management strategy for power generation with fossil fuels

  10. What needed to be done Mechanism introduced under EC FP6 ERA-NET scheme • possible to take a two stage approach • Specific Supported Action (SSA) followed by a Co-ordination Action (CA) • to be initiated by (quasi) government organisations of Member States • link to industry and national aims and objectives e.g. POWER21, Thematic Networks, etc.

  11. Initiative taken by Germany and UK both countries in a similar position of defining future energy policy good support from Portugal and Greece interest expressed by Austria, Denmark and Poland plus other countries Many different Member States addressing energy policy German COORETEC Concept

  12. FENCO SSA Consortium Ministry of Economics and Labor (BMWA) Project Management Group Jülich (PTJ) (Co-ordinator) Department of Trade and Industry (dti) Future Energy Solution of AEA T (FES)

  13. Supporting Partners of FENCO SSA Ministry of Development Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas (ISFTA) Gabinete de Relações Internationais da Ciência e do Ensino Superior (GRICES) Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) Denmark Austria

  14. Workshop 2 Integrating new partners Workshop 4 Joint R&D activity fields Workshop 1 Kick-off Workshop 3 R&D Programmes WP1: Identification of Partners WP3: Summary of joint R&D activity fields (Content of ERA-NET) WP5: Preparation of ERA-NET WP2: Analyses of national R&D programs and initiatives WP4: Administrative Preparation of ERA-NET WP 6: Project Management FENCO SSA Work Packages

  15. European Structure/Time-LineCarbon Management Strategy for FF Power Generation 1/06 1/04 1/05 1/07 1/03 UK CAT Strategy FENCO EC FP6 ERA-NET Bid 3/6/03 EC FP6 SSA EC CA Co-ordination Action on CMS FFPG RFCS DE CMS (COORETEC) EC FP7 RTD Energy FP6 MidTerm Review Competitive critical mass EU activity : POWER21 EC FP6 RTD Energy Member States Clean FF RTD (UK, DE, …….)

  16. FENCO SSA Progress (1) • 1st Workshop 18th / 19th December 2003 at LisbonHosted by GRICES • Integration of first new partners • Presentation of some first Member States Programmes • POWER 21 presentation • Preliminary questionnaire on national fossil fuel R&D programmes

  17. FENCO SSA Progress (2) • Country visits to engage new partners • 2nd Workshop, London 25/26 March 2004 • 12 countries and 4 stakeholder groups participate • DG RTD presentation – extremely supportive of FENCO initiative • PowerClean presentation – FENCO is complementary • Requirements for programme database discussed • Priorities for fossil fuels ERA-NET were debated with the importance of strategic issues and development of joint programmes being recognised

  18. FENCO SSA Progress (3) • Further country visits (Denmark, Spain and Greece) • 3rd Workshop, Berlin 28/29 June 2004 • 12 countries participate: this implies their intent to join the FENCO CA • Individual country interest, experience and aspirations assessed • Agreement on FENCO CA outline and scope • Actions for proposal preparation

  19. FENCO SSA Progress (4) • Working groups convene July/August 2004 to progress proposal – meetings at Jülich, London and Lisbon • 4th Workshop, Brussels 20/21 September 2004 to finalise technical and financial detail of FENCO CA proposal • Small group finalise proposal in Berlin end September 2004 • FENCO CA proposal submitted October 2004 • EC’s response awaited………

  20. ...Additional Collaborators for FENCO CA Spain Poland Netherlands Estonia Norway Latvia

  21. FENCO CA COLLABORATORS • Coordinator – Germany • Partners – Austria, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, UK • Associate Partners – Estonia, Latvia • Subcontractor – Poland If FENCO CA proceeds then will explore others joining later on

  22. FENCO CA WORK PACKAGES • Coordination and Management – PtJ, Germany • Information Exchange on National R&D Fossil Fuel Programmes – FES, UK • Strategic Activities – FCT, Portugal • Joint Actions – CERTH, Greece • Trans-national R&D Activities – SenterNovem, Netherlands • Dissemination and Communication – PtJ and FES

  23. TOP DOWN APPROACHCarbon Management Strategy for Fossil Fuels • Opportunity to create a critical mass activity in Europe • Needs to be part of an overall strategic framework addressing clean fossil fuels as a key element of the energy portfolio Improve Efficiency Fuels Cells Co-ordination Action from FENCO Possible Technology Platform for Clean Fossil Fuels Technology Platform for Hydrogen Co-ordination Action Zero Emission including Capture Hydrogen CO2 Protocol and related issues Transport and storage Use and EOR

  24. Intended Outcomes of FENCO • Establish the basis for a serious European wide fossil fuel initiative • Help meet future energy needs and environment targets whilst maintaining security of supply • Enable Europe to compete effectively with the USA and others in world markets; link to and consistent with industry and research aims

  25. Please visit web site at www.FENCO-ERA.net

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