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Healthy Life Years (HLY) at age 65 in the European Union using the SILC 2005 The EHEMU Team

Healthy Life Years (HLY) at age 65 in the European Union using the SILC 2005 The EHEMU Team www.ehemu.eu. Data and Methods. Life tables 2005 (provisional) Age specific prevalence of activity limitation from Eurostat (weighted) Estimation of HLY and 95% CI, using Sullivan method

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Healthy Life Years (HLY) at age 65 in the European Union using the SILC 2005 The EHEMU Team

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  1. Healthy Life Years (HLY) at age 65 in the European Union using the SILC 2005 The EHEMU Team www.ehemu.eu

  2. Data and Methods • Life tables 2005 (provisional) • Age specific prevalence of activity limitation from Eurostat (weighted) • Estimation of HLY and 95% CI, using Sullivan method • Difference between EHEMU and Eurostat values • At age 65 max absolute difference 0.59 yrs men and 0.35 yrs women

  3. Raw prevalence data

  4. Prevalence of activity limitation for men by age Denmark

  5. Prevalence of activity limitation for women by age Denmark

  6. Prevalence of severe activity limitation for men by age Denmark missing

  7. Prevalence of severe activity limitation for women by age Denmark missing

  8. Prevalence of chronic morbidity for men by age

  9. Prevalence of chronic morbidity for women by age

  10. Prevalence of good perceived health for men by age

  11. Prevalence of good perceived health for women by age

  12. Prevalence of poor perceived health for men by age

  13. Prevalence of poor perceived health for women by age

  14. Healthy Life Year Results

  15. Distribution of LE and HLY EU25, 2005

  16. LE at age 65 men and women Women range = 4.3 years Correlation = 0.85 Men range 4.9 years

  17. LE and HLY at age 65 men HLY range = 9.7 years Correlation = 0.67 LE range 4.9 years

  18. LE and HLY at age 65 women HLY range = 10.6 years Correlation = 0.47 LE range 4.3 years

  19. HLY at age 65 2005

  20. HLY at age 65 2005

  21. HLY% at age 65 2005

  22. HLY% at age 65 2005

  23. HLY % at age 65 men and women Women range = 74% - 19% Correlation = 0.97 Men range 81% - 26%

  24. Moderate and severe AL years at age 65 men Correlation = -0.11 Moderate range 2.6-8.6 Severe range = 0-5.3

  25. Moderate and severe AL years at age 65 women Correlation = -0.38 Moderate range 3.2-12.9 Severe range = 0-7.9

  26. Conclusions • Prevalence data from SILC 2005: • In general coherent apart from activity limitation in Denmark • Life expectancy: • Variations in LE at age 65 of 4.9 years for men and 4.3 for women • 3) HLY and HLY% at age 65 • Greater variation than in LE – 9.7 years for men and 10.6 for women • HLY% varies by 55% in men and women • Countries with high years in moderate AL are not necessarily high in severe AL • 4) Gender differences at age 65 • High correlation between LE, HLY and HLY% at age 65 between men and women

  27. Next steps • Sensitivity checks • Life expectancy assumptions • Institutionalised population

  28. Healthy Life Years (HLY) at age 65 in the European Union using the SILC 2005

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