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United S tates C onstitution

United S tates C onstitution. By: Cole Nichols 6 11-18-11. Article One –Legislative branch- Congress. A. House of Representatives 1. qualifications-age=35 Citizenship=7 years Residency= had to live in the state you want to represent Elections=every two years

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United S tates C onstitution

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  1. United States Constitution By: Cole Nichols 6 11-18-11

  2. Article One –Legislative branch- Congress • A. House of Representatives • 1. qualifications-age=35 • Citizenship=7 years • Residency= had to live in the state you want to represent • Elections=every two years • Responsibilities= impose and collect taxes, borrow money, regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the states, coin money, establish post offices, declare war, runs and supports an army or navy

  3. Senate • Qualifications- age= 30 • Residency= must live in state you want to represent • Citizenship=nine years • Elections= every six years • Responsibilities= choose officers, have power to try all impeachments

  4. Executive Branch • Qualifications= age 35 • Residency= 14 years • Citizenship= must be born a citizen. • Responsibilities= carryout and enforce laws made by congress, make treaties with foreign nations, appoint cirtin important government officials, act as commander a chief in armed forces, veto laws passed by congress. • Elections are held every 4 years.

  5. judicial • Supreme court • Needed to decide disputes between state governments and between citizen of two or more states. • Also needed for disputes between the national government and a state or citizen • Appointed by the president for life or until they retire • Two types of jurisdiction: original jurisdiction and appellate jurisdiction.

  6. Amendment one • Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment of religion. • This amendment is making it to where you can worship freely

  7. Fifth Amendment • The fifth amendment protects against abuse of government authority in an illegal procedure. It guaranties a stem from English common law. • It keeps the colonist safe and keeps every thing fare for them.

  8. Amendment fourteen • All people born in the united states are to be given full and equal benefits from the law. • I think its for all Americans to be given equal rights.

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