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Act 54 , Local Personnel Evaluation (LPE) Plan, Bulletin 130 Update

Act 54 , Local Personnel Evaluation (LPE) Plan, Bulletin 130 Update. Mrs. Millie Williams, Interim Executive Director of Human Resources NOTE : Anything in this Powerpoint is subject to BESE approved changes in Bulletin 130. The Buzz Acronyms.

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Act 54 , Local Personnel Evaluation (LPE) Plan, Bulletin 130 Update

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  1. Act 54, Local Personnel Evaluation (LPE) Plan, Bulletin 130 Update Mrs. Millie Williams, Interim Executive Director of Human Resources NOTE: Anything in this Powerpoint is subject to BESE approved changes in Bulletin 130

  2. The Buzz Acronyms Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching (LCET)-teaching standards (domains, components, and attributes) Teacher-provides direct instruction/instructional support to students assigned (regular & ESS teachers, school counselors, and librarians) Performance Expectations & Indicators for EducationalLeaders-sixadministrator standards Comprehensive Performance Management System (COMPASS)-traditional 50% qualitative evaluation model based on Charlotte Danielson rubric for observation Value Added Model/Measures (VAM)-using at least one year prior achievement data, students are compared to where they are predicted to grow under a teacher’s instruction

  3. More Buzz Acronyms Curriculum Verification of Results & Reporting Portal (CVR)-entry & verification of student class rolls for reporting of VAM scores Non-Tested Grades & Subjects (NTGS)-no VAM data is available Non-Tested Non-Graded Positions (NTNGP)-librarians & school counselors Student Learning Targets (SLTs)-two objectives set forth by teachers measured by common assessment/measures (pre & post) Human Capital Information System (HCIS)-system where all scores will be entered to obtain final composite score Common Core State Standards (CCSS)- newest state curriculum standards

  4. Brief History of Local Personnel Evaluation • 0-3 years in position evaluated yearly and 4+ every third year (one formal observation, PGP, and Self-evaluation) • Since 2009-10, all EBR is evaluated every year, LaTAAP is over, & Act 54 passed!

  5. Brief Highlights of Act 54 • In 2012-13, teachers and administrators will be evaluated • using the job description • at least one informal observation + at least one formal observation • VAM OR SLTs

  6. Value Added Model/Measure (VAM) and Student Learning Targets (SLTs) • VAM includes: at least ten students (subject to change), prior year achievement data, gifted-504-disability-lunch status, English language proficiency, attendance (Oct 1 – two weeks before testing time), and previous discipline history • SLTs are two growth objectives based on common assessments/measures (pre and post) to measure if objectives were met

  7. Scoring Formula 50% Qualitative (at least one informal + at least one formal observation) + 50% Quantitative (VAM or two SLT goals) 0.00 to 1.49 = Ineffective 1.50 to 2.49 = Emerging Effective 2.50 to 3.49 = Proficient Effective 3.50 to 4.00 = Highly Effective

  8. Example: 6th Grade English Teacher Teacher has 7 informal observations (2 from Principal, 4 from AP (evaluator), and 1 from an Instructional Coach) and has two formal observations from the AP, who also collaborated on her personal Professional Growth Plan based on school improvement & district aligned objectives and her two SLT goals. This teacher also enters her CVR student roster with AP verification (2nd check) by set deadline. By end of year, AP takes 7 informal observations to come up with one score between 1.00 and 4.00, and takes two formal observations to develop one score between 1.00 and 4.00. Two scores are added and divided by 2 to obtain the one score between 1.00 and 4.00 for the qualitative 50%. Since this is a VAM teacher, the VAM score will be between 1.00 and 4.00 given by the LDOE. The VAM score will be added to qualitative score and divided by 2 for a final composite rating between 1.00 and 4.00. For NTGS teachers, the score would be one score between 1.00 to 4.00 for SLT #1 and one for SLT #2 added together and divided by 2 to obtain an SLT score (50%) NOTE:Any “ineffective” score on qualitative or on either VAM or SLT is automatic “ineffective.”

  9. Pilot Results • EBR participated in 2010-11 roster verification pilot in Curriculum Verification of Results Reporting (CVR) Portal • In 2011-12, 11 LEAs piloted the qualitative portion (COMPASS) showing a cumbersome process, thus Charlotte Danielson rubric was adopted and the current LCET and principal standards were decided as the best fit

  10. Sec 901: Appendix C p. 35 Danielson & LCET • Domain I Planning & Preparation Component 1c:Setting Instructional Outcomes • Domain II Classroom Environment Component 2c: Managing Class Procedures • Domain III Instruction Component 3b:Questioning & Discussion Component 3c:Engaging Students in Learning Component 3d: Using Assessment in Instruction

  11. Spring 2012 Steering Committee Teachers: Chip Cappel (Tara High) & Bonnie Chelette (Westdale Heights MS) Instructional: George Maddocks (Southeast MS) & Patricia McBride (Delmont Elem) Assistant Principals: Brandon Levatino (Tara High) & Tiffany Quiett (BRMHS) Principals: Sherry Brock (Westdale MS), Norma Church (Westdale Heights Elem), Phyllis Crawford (Sherwood MS), and Cynthia Lange (Glen Oaks Park Elem) Teacher Associations: Katherine Clarke & Donna Sedevie (EBRPAE) and Carnell Washington (EBRFT) Human Resources: Zanovia Curtis, David Grisby, and Millie Williams *Elected Members attended five meetings

  12. Chapter 1 Overview pp. 3-4 • Sec 101: Guidelines of Program History of Accountability & Standards • Sec 103: Purposes of Personnel Evaluation • Ensure qualified & effective personnel • Enhance instructional & administrative quality • Retain educators and strengthen learning • Improve teaching and learning through professional development and growth

  13. p. 5 Chapter 1 Overview Sec 105: Framework for Personnel Evaluation • Job Descriptions • Professional Growth Planning • Observation & Data Collection • Professional Development/Support • Grievance Process

  14. p. 5 Job Descriptions • Emailed by October 1st or 30 working days • Position Title • Overview of Position • Position Qualifications • Title of Person To Whom Reports • Performance Standards • Salary Range or Reference • Statement Acknowledging Receipt • Signature and Dates

  15. pp. 5-6 Professional Growth Plans • Collaboratively developed by October 1st or 30 working days • Signed at all points (start, changes, end) • Measurable objectives, activities, timelines to impact learning, achievement, growth, and practice • Ongoing and summative self-evaluation, reflection, and peer collaboration

  16. pp. 6-10 Observation & Data Collection • At least one informal and formal • At least one additional informal and formal for those rated “ineffective” • Pre-conference, at mutually agreed upon time, in appropriate setting and time • Must see lesson start, develop, & close • Post-observation conference within 5 working days

  17. p. 10 Professional Development and Grievance Process • Multiple opportunities to receive feedback and to reflect on practice • Description of conflict resolution and grievance process related to evaluation results

  18. pp. 10-12 Personnel Evaluation Sec 301: Overview of Personnel Evaluation 50% growth in VAM or SLTs 50% qualitative informal + formal observations Sec 303: Measures of Growth-VAM Sec 305: Measures of Growth for Non-Tested Grades & Subjects-SLTs

  19. pp. 13-14 Personnel Evaluation Sec 307: Observation Tools • Use the LDOE’s or create our own that must be approved (1.00-4.00 scale) Sec 309: Standards of Effectiveness Quantitative VAM or SLT 1.00-4.00 Qualitative Observations 1.00-4.00 Final Composite 1.00-4.00

  20. p. 15 Chapter 3: Personnel Evaluation Sec 311: Evaluators • Accountability Relationships (who reports to/observes/evaluates whom) must be defined • Evaluators of Teachers are clearly outlined in Bulletin 130, and it states that listed observers of teachers can help inform evaluators of the assessment of teacher performance • Evaluators must be certified yearly by LDOE for inter-rater reliability and scoring accuracy

  21. p. 16 Evaluate, Formally & Informally Observe, and Growth Plan for Teachers • Principals • Assistant Principals (Designated by the Principal) • Administrative Dean of Students (Designated by the Principal) • Dean of Students [academic functions] (Designated by the Principal) • Evaluatee’s Respective Supervisory Level Designee (Designated by the Principal)

  22. p. 16 Teacher Formal & Informal Observations (Designed by Principal) • Instructional Specialists • Instructional Coaches • Immediate Supervisors with administration & supervision credentials and certification • Central Office with administration & supervision credentials and certification

  23. p. 16 Informal Observation for Teachers • Magnet Lead Teachers • Gifted Lead Teachers

  24. p. 16 Evaluate, Formally & Informally Observe, and Growth Planning for Central Office • Evaluatee’s Respective Supervisory Level Central Office and Other Appropriate Designees • Superintendents • Chief Academic Officers

  25. pp. 17-22 Accountability Relationships Register • Classified employees are not required in Personnel Accountability Plan Sample p. 22 • EVALUATEE/OBSERVER EVALUATEE Principal Assis. Princ.

  26. p. 22 Sec 313: Professional Development Professional Development should: • Be Job-embedded • Be based on observations & evaluation • Include follow-up, monitoring, feedback, and support • Include measurable objectives NOTE: Failure by an LEA to provide regular professional development to teachers and administrators shall not invalidate any results of the evaluation process

  27. p. 23 Sec 315: Intensive Assistance • The Early Intervention Plan (EIP) process is no longer required in the EBRPSS; however, specific activities/suggestions/intervention plans for improvement should be made during post-observation and feedback conferences. • Any evaluatee deemed “ineffective” on at least one informal or formal observation may be placed on Intensive Assistance Plan (IAP) or who is rated “ineffective” on the overall rating is automatically placed on an IAP

  28. p. 23 Intensive Assistance Plan (IAP) • An IAP shall be developed collaboratively by evaluators and evaluatees when an evaluatee has received an overall “ineffective” rating OR has consistently demonstrated “ineffective” performance, as determined by the evaluator, prior to receiving such as rating • An IAP shall be collaboratively developed within 30 working days of evaluation resulting in the initiation of the IAP • Evaluatee must be formally re-evaluated within one calendar year of start of IAP • If evaluatee is “Ineffective” after formal evaluation conducted immediately upon completion of the IAP or if the IAP is not completed in conformity with its provisions, the EBRPSS shall initiate termination proceedings within six months following such unsatisfactory performance

  29. pp. 23-24 Elements of IAP • Objectives, activities, and expected performance levels • Support and resources to be provided • Start and ending dates • Signatures • Timeline (up to 1 year) and procedures for monitoring • Provision of multiple opportunities for support • Actions if no improvement or compliance • Documents to go in personnel file

  30. pp. 24-27 Intensive Assistance Plans • There is no one path or resource • Activities should not cause unreasonable burden of time or money • Areas of improvement should be prioritized (recommended three) • Timelines to follow to discuss with evaluatee • No guarantee of more than one level

  31. p. 27 Sec 317: Due Process & Grievance Procedures • Copies provided within 15 working days • Evaluatee can provide a rebuttal within 15 working days (may warrant removal, voidance, or amendment) • Evaluatee can request a meeting to discuss results • Evaluatee can grieve • Evaluatee may request new evaluator (granted on a case by case basis) • Copies are in personnel file, can be obtained only by EBR, BESE, LDOE, and others (confidential)

  32. p. 28 Grievance Procedures • Definition of Grievance • Complaints or grievances about a job action taken against an employee is excluded • An employee filing a grievance must be free from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal • Intent of grievance procedures is quick, equitable solution

  33. pp. 28-30 Steps One-Four • Steps One Through Four are outlined • Employees are entitled to representation after Step One • Anyone recommended for termination shall be handled in accordance with procedures and applicable laws or policies

  34. pp. 30-31 Staff Development • Continuous training for staff: • Attitudes and dispositions • Laws, policies, grievances, and process • Standards for the position • Growth measures and rating process • Data collection, reporting, analysis, conferencing skills, and growth planning

  35. pp. 31-32 Evaluation Records • EBR retains copies of all evaluation and results/documents • All files are confidential, not public record, are not released to anyone unauthorized under policy and law • The State Superintendent shall make public the data useful for statistical analysis and evaluations (not individual)

  36. pp. 32-33 Sec 323: Job Descriptions • Includes standards of performance • Include basic job tasks • Reviewed regularly • Distributed prior to employment or upon job changes

  37. p. 34 Sec 325: Extenuating Circumstances • EBR may request to invalidate VAM data if school closes due to unexpected events or disasters • Evaluation results are invalidated for educators with sixty or more excused absences in a year due to approved leave

  38. p. 34 and p. 54 Sec 327: Statement of Assurance • Signed by Superintendent and Board President yearly • Includes statement that the plan will be implemented as written NOTE: Sec 328 addresses charter schools

  39. p. 35 Chapter 7: Monitoring and Reporting Sec 701: Annual Summary Reporting • By July 15th, a yearly report must show: • Teacher evaluation results • # rated ineffective • # terminated because of no improvement • # who improved • # of formal grievances • # on Intensive Assistance Plans

  40. Appendices pp. 35-53 • Appendix A (p. 35): Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching (LCET) Teacher Standards Using Danielson Framework • Appendix B (pp. 36-47): Performance Expectations and Indicators for Educational Leaders (Adopted in 2008) 1) Vision, Mission, & Goals 2) Teaching & Learning 3) Managing Organizational Systems & Safety 4) Collaborating with Families & Stakeholders 5) Ethics & Integrity 6) The Education System • Appendix C (48-53): Definitions (Some are unique to EBPSS)

  41. Post-Assessment • Which of the following domains is not a requirement in the Louisiana Components of Effective Teaching under the Charlotte Danielson rubric? (A) planning (B) management (C) instruction (D) professional responsibilities

  42. Post Assessment • Which of the following would follow the Educational Leader Performance Expectations and Indicators? • School Counselor (B) Assistant Principal (C) Librarian (D) Special Education Teacher

  43. Post Assessment • At least how many years prior achievement data must a student have to predict growth for a value added measure? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 • T or F, teachers who will receive a Value Added score must also develop two Student Learning Targets (SLTs).

  44. Post Assessment 5. Which acronym means the newest state curriculum standards? • COMPASS • CVR (C) NTGS (D) HCIS (E) CCSS

  45. Post Assessment • At least how many students must a teacher have to receive value added scores? (A) 7 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 20 • T or F, to receive a qualitative score, a teacher and administrator must have at least one informal observation and at least one formal observation.

  46. Post Assessment • T or F, any teacher or administrator with either a qualitative or quantitative score between 0 and 1.49 or an overall composite score between 0 and 1.49 is considered to be “Ineffective.” • T or F, new teachers starting 2012-13, must receive 5 out of 6 consecutive “Highly Effective” ratings in order to obtain tenure.

  47. Post Assessment • T or F, Job descriptions can be emailed to evaluatees by October 1st or within thirty working days of late hire, promotion, or job change, as long as there is a sign off on a job description roster. 11. T or F, Professional Growth Plans (PGPs) must be collaboratively developed by evaluatee and evaluator by October 1st or within thirty working days of late hire, promotion, or job change.

  48. Post Assessment • T or F, a pre-conference is not necessary for a formal observation in that an evaluator/observer can go in unannounced. • T or F, an evaluator/observer must remain in a block schedule teacher’s classroom to observe the entire 90 minute block.

  49. Post Assessment • T or F, a post-observation conference must be held within five working days of a formal observation. • T or F, a teacher or administrator is allowed only one opportunity to receive feedback and to reflect on practice. • T or F, Board approved observers can conduct additional informal observations to help inform evaluators of the assessment of teacher performance.

  50. Post Assessment • Evaluators must certify yearly through the Louisiana Department of Education to ensure inter-rater reliability & scoring accuracy. • The Accountability Relationships Register shows who reports to whom for purposes of evaluation.

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