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April 11, 2012 Shannon Housson Ester Regalado Division of Performance Reporting

State and Federal Accountability Update 2012 Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas (ACET) Conference. April 11, 2012 Shannon Housson Ester Regalado Division of Performance Reporting Texas Education Agency. 2012 Accountability. 2012 Accountability.

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April 11, 2012 Shannon Housson Ester Regalado Division of Performance Reporting

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  1. State and Federal Accountability Update 2012 Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas (ACET) Conference April 11, 2012 Shannon Housson Ester Regalado Division of Performance Reporting Texas Education Agency

  2. 2012 Accountability

  3. 2012 Accountability • No State Accountability Ratings • 2012 AYP evaluations and 2012-13 SIP statuses will be released in early August 2012.

  4. 2012 AYP

  5. 2012 AYP

  6. 2012 AYP

  7. 2012 AYP • 2012 AYP Performance Standards increase: • 87% in Reading/English language arts • 83% in Mathematics • Federal regulations require 2012 AYP graduation rate evaluations of All Students and every student group. • Participation Rate and Attendance Rate Indicator standards remain unchanged.

  8. 2012 AYP Summary of Texas Amendment Requests • AYP Texas Workbook for 2012 AYP was submitted on February, 15, 2012. • 2012 references to Graduation Rate Goals and Targets (Sections 1.2 and 7.1) • Graduation Rate Goals and Targets will show constant targets for 2011 and 2012 AYP.

  9. 2012 AYP Summary of Texas Amendment Requests • Evaluate 2012 AYP and School Improvement Program (SIP) statuses based on: • 2011-12 TAKS results for grade 10, and • 2011-12 STAAR results for grade 3-8 at the TAKS proficiency standard.

  10. 2012 AYP Summary of the Texas Amendment Requests • In order to provide 2012 AYP results on a timely basis, Texas will use bridge studies that identify the existing TAKS performance standards on the new STAAR assessments for tests of grade 3–8 on which STAAR performance standards will not yet be available. • The STAAR Bridge Study for AYPwas approved by the USDE on February 17, 2012. The complete study is posted online at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/reports

  11. 2012 AYP Summary of the Texas Amendment Requests • See Summary of Possible 2012 AYP Componentsfor detailed listing of TAKS and STAAR assessment results that will be evaluated for 2012 AYP at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=2147503684

  12. Overview of Accountability System for 2013 and Beyond

  13. House Bill (HB) 3 Accountability Provisions • Focus of district and campus performance is postsecondary readiness standards • Rigorous standards ensure that Texas performs among top ten states by 2020 • Higher ratings are distinctions based on higher levels of student performance

  14. House Bill (HB) 3 Accountability Provisions • Campuses earn distinctions for student growth and closing achievement gaps • Campuses earn distinctions for excellence in areas other than state assessment results • Reports are relevant, meaningful, and easily accessible • State and federal accountability requirements are aligned to the extent possible

  15. Accountability System for 2013 and Beyond • Legislation provides new flexibility as well as constraints • Every aspect of accountability system will be reevaluated • New system may look very different from current system, not just variation on former systems used in Texas • Seamless system of ratings – reporting – monitoring – interventions

  16. New Accountability Indicators Considered • End-of-Course (EOC) cumulative scores for cohorts of graduates • Four-, five-, and six-year graduation rates • Three-year average performance

  17. New Frameworks Considered Performance Index • Allows more indicators without more hurdles • Rating based on overall performance rather than lowest performing area • Interventions focus on specific problem areas

  18. New Frameworks Considered Alignment of State/Federal Systems • Broad goals in common • postsecondary readiness, • student progress, • closing performance gaps • Range of options • Develop state system that meets federal requirements – replace Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) with new state system • Separate AYP as component of state system

  19. New Rating Labels • Statutory labels removed • Separate district ratings from elementary, middle, and high schools are possible • Multiple degrees of acceptable/unacceptable statuses possible • Higher ratings based on postsecondary ready • Separate ratings for status and growth possible

  20. New Progress Measures Developed • Multiple measures developed for reporting • Accountability indicators that do not count failing students as passing • Required Improvement based on student growth measure possible • Campus distinction designations for growth to postsecondary ready • Closing performance gaps can be measured across achievement spectrum (scale scores or percentiles)

  21. New Student Groups • New race/ethnicity student group definitions produce seven groups • Economically disadvantaged and non-economically disadvantaged in statute • Limited English proficient (LEP) and special education in AYP blueprint • Gap measures to evaluate student group performance

  22. New Accountability Standards – New Issues • Phase-in of State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) assessments • Phase-in of student passing standard • Phase-in of graduation requirements • Percentiles or rankings versus accountability standards

  23. 2013 Accountability

  24. Ratings Based on: • STAAR Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance (not Level III: Advanced Academic Performance) student passing standard • TAKS grade 11 Met Standard

  25. Ratings • Rating labels will be acceptable/satisfactory and unacceptable/unsatisfactory only • Recognized and Exemplary ratings will not be awarded in 2013

  26. Data • Growth measures not available for 2013 ratings • Multiple growth measures being developed for reporting • Accountability indicators that incorporate growth will be developed after 2013 results

  27. Graduation/Dropout Rate Indicators • Class of 2012 graduation/completion/dropout rates and 2011-2012 annual dropout rates released June 2013 • The first cohort to graduate under EOC are the grade 10 students in the 2012-13 school year (most have not taken English III, Algebra II, Physics, U.S. History)

  28. Distinction Designations Campus Academic Distinctions • Developed via committees • Reading/ELA and mathematics awarded in 2013 likely based on: • Grades 3-8 STAAR advanced performance • High school measures of college-readiness other than EOC • Science and Social Studies will be phased in

  29. Distinction Designations New Areas for Recognition • Developed via committees • 21st Century Workforce Development Program scheduled to be awarded in 2013 • Additional areas that will be phased in: • fine arts, • physical education, and • second language acquisition program

  30. Distinction Designations • Additional distinctions for campuses based on top 25% in growth and closing performance gaps will not be awarded in 2013 • These distinctions will likely be based on growth measures and the Level III: Advanced Academic Performance student passing standard that will not be evaluated until 2014.

  31. Alternative Education Accountability (AEA) Options • No separate system • Same system for all in 2013, separate AEA procedures in 2014 • Same system, different standards and/or growth measures

  32. 2013 and 2014 Accountability – Summary * Labels to be determined.

  33. 2013 and 2014 Accountability – Summary

  34. Accountability Development Process

  35. Development Calendar • Beginning of 18-month accountability system development process • First advisory committee meeting March 5 - 6, 2012 • Advisory committees meet about every three months through February/March 2013 • Final decisions will be released by the commissioner in March/April 2013

  36. Website for Accountability Development • Post status reports, issue documents, presentations, and advisory group recommendations. • Opportunity for structured input from broad constituency • New web pages and FAQ added to Division of Performance Reporting website at: http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/perfreport/account/2013/index.html

  37. Advisory Groups • Accountability Technical Advisory Committee (ATAC) • Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (APAC)

  38. Advisory Groups – ATAC • Duties • Consider complex, technical issues • Work with TEA staff and national experts to develop recommendations including: • overall framework, • integration of state and federal systems, • assessment indicators, • progress measures, • completion indicators, • student groups, • minimum size criteria, • alternative education accountability (AEA), and • distinction designations.

  39. Advisory Groups – ATAC • Expectations • Attend up to five meetings at TEA offices in Austin between March 2012 and spring 2013; • Actively and constructively participate during meetings; • Solicit input from peers within their geographic region; • Participate in at least one small work group that will meet between the ATAC meetings with TEA staff.

  40. Advisory Groups – ATAC and APAC • Process • The smaller work groups will present their proposals at the main ATAC meetings. • The ATAC committee’s final proposals will be reviewed by the Accountability Policy Advisory Committee (APAC). • The APAC will provide feedback on the ATAC proposals to the commissioner of education. The commissioner will make final accountability decisions in spring 2013.

  41. AYP Resources • For more information on AYP, see the 2011 AYP Guide, accessible at http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/ayp • Texas AYP Workbook, as of October 12, 2011, is located athttp://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=2147497077 • FAQs about AYP are located at http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/ayp/faq/faq.html • USDE information is available at www.ed.gov/nclb/ • Contact the Division of Performance Reporting by email at performance.reporting@tea.state.tx.us or phone at (512) 463-9704.

  42. Accountability Resources • Division of Performance Reporting email performance.reporting@tea.state.tx.us • Division of Performance Reporting telephone number (512) 463-9704 • ESC Accountability Contacts • Online at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/perfreport/

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