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Collaborating for Success with the Common Core

Collaborating for Success with the Common Core. Shannon Baker Dr. Lila Wills Bronson Dr. Al Clegg 2.21.14. Outcomes of Presentation. Describe the NLMUSD Common Core/SBAC Implementation Plan Demonstrate Ways to Build Capacity of Various Stakeholders Administrators Teachers Classified

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Collaborating for Success with the Common Core

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  1. Collaborating for Success with the Common Core Shannon Baker Dr. Lila Wills Bronson Dr. Al Clegg 2.21.14

  2. Outcomes of Presentation • Describe the NLMUSD Common Core/SBAC Implementation Plan • Demonstrate Ways to Build Capacity of Various Stakeholders • Administrators • Teachers • Classified • Parents/Community • Learn Strategies for Training, Support and “Buy In” • Explore Strategies for SBAC preparation

  3. Taken From: Http://www.edresults.org

  4. District-wide Focus

  5. District Key Strategies • District-wide culture =Professional Learning Communitiesembedded in our Work • Focus on using data to inform our decisions • Focus oncollaborative implementationof Common Core Plansat Site and District level • Focus on implementation of academic and behavioral interventionswith frequent progress monitoring • Focus oninstructional quality through rigorous teaching and learningof the CCSS in all classrooms • Focus on building the capacityof teachers and administratorsand parents to continuously improve teaching and learning and support the instructional shifts needed for Common Core

  6. Margaret Wheatley’s 6 Circle Model Taken From http://www.stevezuieback.com/blog/january-2013-overview-of-the-6-circle-model-below-the-green-line/#sthash.lhk8PpOG.dpuf

  7. Our CCSS Framework and Implementation Process

  8. NLMUSD Common Core Implementation Plan Stage 4- FULL IMPLEMENTATION- Continue CCSS training, support, tech training; New EL Assessment- New EL standards aligned materials; Continue stakeholder groups; Continue refining curriculum Units; Continue close reading and evidence-based writing in all core subjects & Next Gen Science Standards in Science: SBAC assessments Stage 3- EXTENSIVE IMPLEMENTATION- Adopt new Math materials & implement Integrated Math program in High schools; ELA classes all common core units and evidence based writing; SBAC baseline test; Close reading in Social Science and Science classes; SBAC Interim Assessments; EL standards-stakeholders groups; Train Parents Stage 2-STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION- Common Core Coaches support District & site teams; Continue developing Units of Study; Site based Common Core Implementation teams; All ELA & Math teachers expected to teach at least 3 CCSS Units; Pilot materials; Develop SBAC like Benchmark assessments & Report Cards & field test; Train Parents Stage 1- AWARENESS- Understanding the CCSS and SBAC- Engaging Stakeholders-District Common Core Implementation and Curriculum Teams Wireless Infrastructure and Site Technology Upgrades begun; Professional Development Modules; Write CCSS Units of Study and Purchase CCSS Materials, K Unit pilot; Intro Lesson Study

  9. NLMUSD Implementation Plan- Timeline

  10. Collaborative Stakeholder Process

  11. Common Core Curriculum Teams

  12. Implementation: Training And Support

  13. NLMUSD CCSS Transformation Plan • Common Core Goal #1 : Awareness and Dissemination of Information- Awareness and Dissemination of Information • Common Core Goal #2 – Provide Support for Administrators and Teachers: Hire District Common Core Coaches and Intervention TOSAS • Common Core Goal #3: Train, Support and Empower Site Level Team • Common Core Goal # 4: Provide Professional Development Support for Site Administrators and Common Core Lead Teachers • Teaching and Learning Goal CCSS Implementation Goal #5: Provide Embedded Professional Development at the Site Level

  14. Common Core Goal #1 : Awareness and Dissemination of Information Step 1– Ensure Stakeholder Ownership - Form Teams to give input about implementation • Form teams using an application process that includes members from all stakeholder groups to assist with planning for implementation of the Common Core Standards and the dissemination of information. Step 2– Support Site Administrators and Teachers: Design Professional Development- Principal Leadership Academy- 2012-13 • Develop professional development modules for site administrators. Administrators experience the PD as participants and then present the information to staff members. Topics are presented to principals monthly: • October- Common Core Standards Overview and Introduction to the Depth of Knowledge Chart • December – Smarter Balanced Assessment Overview of Item Types, Focus on Text Complexity • January – Common Core “Crosswalks” and Standards Deconstruction • April – Common Core School Teams, Summer Institute, Phase 2 Implementation • June – Common Core Materials and Units of Study

  15. Common Core Goal #2 – Provide Support for Administrators and Teachers: Hire District Common Core Coaches and Intervention TOSAS

  16. Common Core Goal #3: Train, Support and Empower Site Level TeamsCommon Core Site Teams School teams attended a five-day institute in the summer that centered around two instructional shifts in literacy and mathematics and technology integration. On the fifth day teams met to create an implementation plan for their site.Leads also attend training for four days throughout the year and school teams meet to plan professional development for teachers. Instructional shifts for literacy (all ELA, Social Studies, and Science Classes): • Close reading of complex texts and developing higher level questions • Citing evidence and developing arguments through reading and writing • Instructional shifts for math • Problem solving and developing perseverance in mathematics • Constructing viable arguments and explaining mathematical reasoning

  17. Common Core Goal # 4: Provide Professional Development Support for Site Administrators and Common Core Lead TeachersTrain Teachers Using ProfessionalDevelopment Modules • Roll out instructional shifts from Summer Institute to teachers through site and District developed professional development modules • Common Core School Teams meet monthly and share knowledge with staff members using district and site developed PD modules • Teachers put learning from professional development into their instructional practice with support from School Common Core Leads, District Common Core Coaches, and site administrators • Teachers plan collaboratively in grade level or content teams to plan lessons that incorporate instructional shifts using the Lesson Study process

  18. Teaching and LearningGoal CCSS Implementation Goal #5: Provide Embedded Professional Development at the Site Level Implement the Lesson Study Process

  19. Common Core Training 2013-14 • Every Site has a Common Core Implementation Team that help lead site training • Summer Institute and 4 Leads release days through out the year- • Elementary Leads- ELA, Math, ELD, Tech • Secondary Leads-ELA, Math, ELD, Tech, CTE. Science/Social Studies, Special Ed • Curriculum Overview Training that includes standards deconstruction and unit of study planning for grade level representatives from each site • Administer Common Core Benchmark Online Assessment- All 2-8 and 9-10 ELA and Math teachers participate in scoring training and receive team planningtime • SIOP/ELD training • Lesson Study- All Schools- Teachers and Administrators • Coach Support for site based PD, Lesson Demonstrations and Lesson Planning Support, ELD and LTEL support • After school workshops focused on curriculum implementation and technology integration

  20. Curriculum Materials

  21. Common Core Materials List *Trade books for the units of study were chosen based on the criteria found in Appendix A in the Common Core Standards. Each unit of study is accompanied by 5-10 texts in elementary school. Novels were purchased for each middle school student.

  22. Elementary ELA • Three pilot Common Core Units units for each grade level with incorporated performance tasks • Support materials: • Trade books accompany each unit of study (in-house units of study, curriculum modules from Engage NY) • Ready Common Core Instruction Books • Lucy Calkins Writing Kits

  23. Secondary ELA • Middle School Units of Study – Written in-house by instructional coaches using texts found in Appendix A of the Common Core Standards • Four short units focused on Common Core instructional shifts for grades 6-12 • Reading Closely for Textual Details • Making Evidence-Based Claims • Researching to Deepen Understanding • Building Evidence Based Arguments

  24. Elementary Math • Bridge materials – Ready Common Core Books • Pilots of math materials – Engage NY Modules, Publisher Adoptions

  25. Secondary Math • Common Core Bridge Materials – Explorations in Core Math are being used in the following courses: • Math 6, Math 7, Math 8, Algebra, Geometry

  26. Math Textbook Adoption Process

  27. Discussion • Talk to a partner about ways to promote collaborative leadership to support the transition to the common core • Share out


  29. Data and Assessments • Developing Benchmarks in ELA and Math • ELA and Math Common Core Curriculum Teams selected Benchmark test items - 2 constructed response type questions and the rest are selected response- 10-15 questions per grade level • Administer it online – every teacher in grades 2-10 will review data, score the constructed response and calibrate their scoring using rubrics through District release day

  30. Benchmark Scoring Days Teachers engage in the following during their training day: • Scoring Calibration Training – Teachers works in school teams and analyze sample student answers to constructed response questions using SBAC rubrics. Teachers calibrate their thinking as a team and come to consensus about the attributes that contributed to each student’s score. (90 minutes) • Teachers Score Student Responses - Teachers log in to EADMS and score their students’ responses to the constructed response questions. (Up to 90 minutes) • Team Planning Time – Teachers work in grade level teams to plan using ELA Common Core Units of Study or Math Modules. (Up to three hours)

  31. Common Core Report Cards • Data Action team reviewed samples of CCSS report cards for elementary schools • One sample was selected and modified • SIS Coordinator is setting it up in PowerSchool • Data Action Team will review and then send it out to teachers for feedback • Report card will be online for use in Fall 2014 • The Data Action Team decided to use GLOs (General Learner Outcomes) to assess students’ 21st Century Skills in addition to the Common Core Standards • Self-Directed Learner • Community Contributor • Complex Thinker • Quality Producer • Effective Communicator • Effective and Ethical User of Technology

  32. PC MAC • Mac OS X 10.4.4 • Intel x86 or PowerPC G3 (300 MHz) processor • 256 MB RAM • 200 MB hard drive free space • Windows XP (service pack 3) • Pentium 233 MHz processor • 128 MB RAM • 52 MB hard drive free space SBAC Readiness Goals Provide ACCESS to Technology Tools and Training SBAC Minimum SpecificationMachines-Current Machines Tablets • iOS: iPads 2 and 3 running iOS6 • Android: Android based tablets running Android 4.0+ • Chrome OS: Chromebooks running Chrome OS (v19)+ • 490 New computers purchased and installed 2012-13; 1640 iPads purchased in 2013-14; All labs upgraded and 5 new HS and MS labs built in 2012-13; 11 more new labs 2014; 28 New Servers at sites


  34. THE REVISED RATIO... • 3 students per 1 device • 4 students per 1 device Elementary Secondary

  35. THE OPTIONS • Mac Mini Lab • PC Lab • Chromebook Cart • iPad Cart Wired Lab Options Mobile Lab Options

  36. TECH LEAD TRAINING • Identify required technology skills embedded in Common Core Standards • Discuss a student technology skills matrix and identify site and district needs • Compare SBAC and CST • Review technology skills and hardware for SBAC • Participate as a learner in a Blended Learning Classroom • Explore how Blended Learning strategies can be used to personalize learning

  37. Next Steps • Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) • Evaluation of PD Programs • Evidence of Common Core Shifts in Practice- http://www.engageny.org/resource/tools-to-guide-the-collection-of-evidence-of-shifts-in-practice • Planning for Summer Institutes • Implementation plan for ELD Standards • Develop Multi-grade Units for Special Ed Classrooms • Develop Blended Learning Tech Units • Training, Training, Training

  38. Summary • Develop your Plan with Lots of stakeholder input, “by in” and support • Create teams of leaders- promote teacher and principal leadership • Define your challenges • Technologicalas well as educational • Set realistic expectations • Mastery of the CCSS cannot be achieved overnight • Mentorship, Coaching, Collaboration and Site-based CCSS implementation and training is critical • Keep your eye on the goal- it’s all of our kids that win!

  39. Questions?

  40. TABLE OF CONTENTS Part One: Setting the Stage Chapter 1: Understanding the Common Core State Standards Chapter 2: Supporting Change to Facilitate Shifts to the CCSS Part Two: Getting on the Same Page Chapter 3: Powering the CCSS Chapter 4: Unwrapping the CCSS Chapter 5: Scaling Learning Targets to Define Proficiency Part Three: Planning for Learning Chapter 6: Determining Pacing and Unit Design Chapter 7: Defining Rigor and Assessment Practices Chapter 8: Using Rubrics to Provide Feedback Part Four: Working on the Work Chapter 9: Using Quality Instructional Practices Chapter 10: Responding When Students Need More Time and Support Chapter 11: Responding When Students Are Proficient Final Thoughts Appendix: Reproducibles Available from Solution-Tree.com

  41. Resources for Professional Development, Curriculum and Lessons • The Teaching Channel-http://www,teachingchannel.org -Teaching Channel is a video showcase -- on the Internet and TV -- of innovative and effective teaching practices in America's schools. • Brokers of Expertisehttp://myboe.org/portal/CA Department of Ed’s Professional Development Modules for the Common Core State Standards with webinars, sample units and recommendations for PD • NCSC Wiki- https://wiki.ncscpartners.org/mediawiki/index.php/Main_PageThe National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) is a project led by five centers and 26 states (15 core states and 11 Tier II states) to build an alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The goal of the NCSC project is to ensure that students with the most significant cognitive disabilities achieve increasingly higher academic outcomes and leave high school ready for post-secondary options. • CCSO Website- http://www.ccsso.org/Resources/Publications/Common_Core_State_Standards_Implementation_Tools_and_Resources.htmlCCSSO produces a number of resources and video series intended to increase the capacity of state education agencies. This is where the ELDP Framework for English Learners that was in your handouts is located as well as videos and position papers on a variety of topics. • Engage New York- http://www.engageny.org-; Curriculum Modules for ELA & Math; PD Kits for Teacher Training; PD Kits for Principal TrainingNewLanguage Arts Progressions & Home Language Arts Progressions; Evidence Collection Tools

  42. Resources (Continued) • Understanding Language- http://ell.stanford.edu Teacher resources and webinars to help heighten the awareness of language and literacy in the CCSS. Great resource for the ELD standards and understanding how to support ELL students • Readingworks- http://readingworks.org Sample reading materials and webinars to support reading instruction and professional development. Excellent free resources including downloadable texts to use in classrooms. • Inside Mathematics- http://insidemathematics.org/ A professional resource for educators passionate about improving students' mathematics learning and performance. This site features classroom examples of innovative teaching methods and insights into student learning, tools for mathematics instruction that teachers can use immediately, and video tours of the ideas and materials on the site. • Achieve the Core -http://achievethecore.org/ This website has lesson plans, curriculum units, videos and so much more- designed for coaches, teachers, administrators etc. to help with implementation of the Common Core Standards in ELA and Math.

  43. Contact Us

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