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« Quasar » VLBI-Network - Present and Future: 2010-2015

« Quasar » VLBI-Network - Present and Future: 2010-2015. A ndrey Finkelstein Institute of Applied Astronomy Russian Academy of Sciences. « Quasar » VLBI-Network - 20 1 0. Svetloe (Sv). St. Petersburg. 2 0 1 4 .7 km. 4281.7 km. 6185.1 km. 6521 . 3 km. Zelenchukskaya (Zc).

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« Quasar » VLBI-Network - Present and Future: 2010-2015

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  1. «Quasar» VLBI-Network - Present and Future: 2010-2015 Andrey Finkelstein Institute of Applied Astronomy Russian Academy of Sciences

  2. «Quasar» VLBI-Network - 2010 Svetloe (Sv) St. Petersburg 2014.7 km 4281.7 km 6185.1 km 6521.3 km Zelenchukskaya (Zc) 4404.9 km 2337.0 km Badary (Bd) Ussurijsk 2

  3. Observatory «Badary» (Bd) Observatory «Svetloe» (Sv) Observatory «Zelenchukskaya» (Zc) Login: guest, Password: guest 3

  4. Low Noise Receivers with Dual Polarization Channels G -, C - and Kq- band receivers L - band receiver S/X - band receivers 4

  5. Receivers and Antenna Parameters of the VLBI-Network «Quasar» 5

  6. H-maser 6

  7. VLBI Data Acquisition System and Recording Terminals in «Svetloe»Observatory I - Mark5B Recording Terminal Rack, II – MarkIV DAS, III – Time-Frequency Output Units Rack, IV – Four Channel Radiometer Output Units Rack 7

  8. Central Control Room of «Svetloe» Observatory 8

  9. Correlator Center of RAS(IAA, Sankt-Petersburg) Computer on the basis of workstation Sun Fire X4600 6-sites correlator 9

  10. Integration of «Quasar» VLBI-Network with Radio TelescopeRT-70 (Ussurijsk, Far East) S/X - receiver R1002 Data Acquisition System Recording terminal Mark5B H-maser GPS/GLONASS receiver RT-70 Phase CalibrationSystem (P-cal) Main computer 10

  11. Main International Programswith IVS IVS-R1, IVS-R4 – sessions carried out twice per week on Monday and Thursday for obtaining EOP; IVS-T2 ‑ sessions carried out once per two or three months for monitoring stations coordinates of the global VLBI-Network; IVS-Intensive ‑ sessions carried out twice per month for obtaining the Universal Time; EURO – sessions organized not rare than once per year; the purpose of this experiment is to determine station coordinates and their evolution in the European geodetic VLBI Network; VLBI-RDV – few sessions during a year for the aim of geodetic source mapping in collaboration with VLBA-Network; CONT – one session every four years for interdaily EOP effects determination http://www.ipa.nw.ru/PAGE/rusipa.htm 11

  12. Contribution of «Quasar» VLBI-Network in IVS Programs 2008-2009 50 session per year 50 intensive session per year less then 10 session per year 12

  13. Main Domestic Space Geodesy Programs RU-E – 24-hour sessions carried out once per 2 weeks for determining all EOPs (Universal Time, pole coordinates, Celestial pole coordinates) using three observatories of the VLBI-Network «Quasar» RU-U – 1-hour sessions once per 1 week for determining Universal Time using «Badary»–«Svetloe» or «Badary» - «Zelenchukskaya» baselines http://www.ipa.nw.ru/PAGE/rusipa.htm 13

  14. EOP Differences of IAA (RU-E) and IERS 05 C04 60 sessions xp yp UT1-UTC xc yc Red ― S2 recording system, green ― Mark 5B recording system rms: Xp, Yp – 1.1 mas, UT1-UTC – 45 μs, Xc, Yc – 0.6 mas 14

  15. Baseline Length Time Series and Velocities «Badary»–«Svetloe», L ― 4281660.537 m (94 sessions) L = 4281660.537 ± 0.001 m (2007.98) V = 0.005 ± 0.001 m/year «Svetloe»–«Zelenchukskaya», L ―2014661.045 m (120 sessions) L = 2014661.045± 0.002 m (2007.98) V = 0.002 ± 0.001 m/year «Badary»–«Zelenchukskaya», L ―4404836.203 (95 sessions) L = 4404836.203 ± 0.002 m (2007.73) V = 0.004 ± 0.001 m/year 15

  16. Optical Fiber Lines of «Quasar» VLBI-Networkfor e-VLBI Mode - 2011 32 km100 Мbs 5kм1 Gbs Network channel equipment1Gbs “Svetloe” Маrk5B Terminals Sankt-Petersburg, IAACorrelator Center Маrk5B Backbone 10 Gbs 8 km100 Мbs Маrk5B 19 км100 Мbs Маrk5B Network channel equipment1Gbs “Zelenchukskaya” Network channel equipment1Gbs “Badary” 16

  17. UT1-UTC Differences of IAA (RU-U) and IERS 05 C04 66 Sessions of e-VLBI Mode (Mark5B, 1 hour) UT1-UTC rms (UT1-UTC) = 60 μs 17

  18. Satellite Laser Ranging System «Sazhen’-TM» of «Quasar» VLBI-Netrwork: 2011 Satellites orbits – 400 – 23 000 km Normal points accuracy – 1 cm Angular measurements accuracy– 1-2” Mirror diameter – 25 cm Frequency– 300 Hz Pulses energy– 2.5 mJ Mass– 120 kg 18

  19. Main Domestic Astrophysical Programs (single dishes) Multifrequency monitoring of close double systems; Observation of micro quasars and variable extragalactic radio sources; Research of flux variability of geodetic radio sources; Research of inter-diurnal flux variations of extragalactic radio sources; Multifrequency monitoring of relativistic objects including γ-bursts; Calibration of radio sources for radio astronomy flux scale. http://www.ipa.nw.ru/PAGE/rusipa.htm 19

  20. European VLBI-Network 20

  21. Main Astrophysical Programs (VLBI) Mapping of extragalactic and galactic radio sources («Quasar»+EVN) Mapping of geodetic radio sources («Quasar» +EVN) Ground-based Support of RADIOASTRON Mission («Quasar»+others radio telescopes ) 21

  22. «Quasar» VLBI Network Development: 2013-2015 Equipment of Ussurijsk 70-meter radio telescope with L-, C-, G-, Kq-band recievers 2011 Installation of 2 new 12-meter diameter radio telescopes at «Zelenchukskaya» and «Badary» observatories 2013-2014 Installation of 3 absolute gravimeters at «Quasar» observatories 2014-2015 Equipment of «Quasar» VLBI-Network with transportable collocated station (VLBI, SLR, GNSS, AG) 2015 22

  23. «Quasar» VLBI-Network - 2015 Svetloe St. Petersburg Transportablecolocated station 2014.7km 4281.7 km 6185.1 km Zelenchukskaya 6521.3 km 4404.9 km 2337.0км Badary Ussurijsk 23

  24. Thank You for Your Attention

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