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ISTF Partnership Presentation. 1997-2005 Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) Program. ISTF Partnership Presentation. To the Citrus County Teachers
ISTF Partnership Presentation 1997-2005 Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) Program
ISTF Partnership Presentation To the Citrus County Teachers I apologize for not being able to meet with you this day, but am committed to supporting any teacher interested in participating in this year’s competition. Bruce Furino
Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) “It (the ISTF) truly represented doing and learning through inquiry. The parameters of the investigation narrowed while at the same time great depth of understanding emerged about technology, engineering, science concepts, and research.” (9th grade science teacher)
Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) A problem-based, on-line science and technology competition that challenges elementary, middle and high school students to learn how to : • work as a team to research solutions to problems, • locate, maintain and analyze information using IT tools, • adhere to content guidelines based on AAAS standards, • communicate via e-mail to request technical information and guidance from scientists and engineers, and • present research findings using web-based applications.
Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) The ISTF Competition is entirely web based. • Students must use the Internet as their primary means to locate appropriate data, tables, graphs and images. • They document information obtained using hyperlinks. • E-mail is the primary means of communication between students, teachers, parents, technical advisors and judges. • Teachers, technical advisors and judges create “My ISTF Accounts” to track student teams, conduct their activities and evaluate the program.
Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) * The Goals of the ISTF are to: • inspire students to consider science and engineering careers and better understand the innovation process, • help students develop critical thinking skills and learn to use information technology tools, • provide teachers with a tool to incorporate science and engineering into their classroom, and • provide practicing professionals at corporations and federal/state agencies with the means to volunteer their time and talents on-line.
Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) The ISTF program schedule is: • From September until November, students identify local and/or national problems of interest, form teams to develop their problem and research solution statements (based on National Critical Technologies) and are officially enrolled by their teachers. • From December through February, students locate and begin communicating with a team technical advisor, conduct research while adhering to ISTF content guidelines, file “Mid-term” progress reports and their teacher submits their final project url for judging. • From March through April, all team members complete final process evaluations, project websites are judged and awards are made by the National Medal of Technology at UC Commerce.
Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) National Critical Technology Categories Energy Environmental Quality Information & Communications Living Systems Manufacturing Materials Transportation
ISTF: National Critical Technology Categories * Sample NCT Categories and sub-categories: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Student topics will focus on environmental monitoring sensors, biomarkers, waste elimination, soil washing, composting, recovery of spilled oil (or other hazardous substances) or nuclear waste storage or treatment. MATERIALS:Student topics will focus on light weight structural alloys, ceramic coatings, polymer composites, thin-film materials, semiconductor lasers, road paving, radar-absorbing materials and coatings or high temperature semi-conductors.. LIVING SYSTEMS:Student topics will focus on drug development, mineral extraction, protein sequencing, molecular electronics, bimolecular materials, gene mapping/sequencing, agricultural species modification, AIDS vaccine or tissue engineering.
ISTF Content and Format Guidelines Content Guidelines have been developed for elementary (grades 3-5), middle (grades 6-9) and high (grades 10-12) school teams using national science content standards. Below is the second of three components from the middle school content guidelines.
ISTF Content and Format Guidelines Format Guidelines have been developed for all student teams.
ISTF Content and Format Guidelines This is the second year for our ISTF Design Requirement.
ISTF - Sample Student Team Project Descriptions • Research if a skin cancer vaccine could be incorporated in sunscreen products. • Explore the design of an electric aircraft that does not use conventional fuel products. • Research the potential of a two-chamber engine for helicopters to enable them to reach higher altitudes. • Explore development of a textile composite using carbon fibers that bullets would not penetrate. • Research the possible development of a diabetic patch that might replace low dose insulin injections. • Explore if a underwater turbine could be developed as an alternative energy source.
Internet Science and Technology Fair (ISTF) Sample ISTF Final Project Each final project is presented in a web site format with facts, figures, graphs and pictures. All content sources used are documented by hyperlinks to the original sources.
Critical Thinking Skills Developed by Students(Per their teachers’ evaluations)
ISTF – HS Final Projects & Skills Developed The HS student teams analyze significant amounts of data pertaining to the history, research and scientific impact of a technology. They use hyperlinks to document data obtained from web sources. They synthesize data and publish their finding for technical review.
ISTF – Middle Final Projects & Skills Developed The MS student teams use data from multiple web sources to develop a history of the technical application, significant discoveries and milestones. They too use hyperlinks to document data obtained from web sources. They use maps, graphs, pictures and illustrations to present their findings.
ISTF – Elementary Final Projects & Skills Developed Elementary student teams incorporate quotes, data and pictures from news articles, governmental web sites and from communication with their technical advisors. In the last component, elementary teams are required to communicate with another expert to evaluate the research they have completed. They too use hyperlinks to document data obtained from web sources.
Teacher Thank You to the ISTF I thought you would like to know that today our ISTF team is riding in a caravan of seven vehicles to the state capitol to be honored by the governor! In the caravan will be our eight student participants, our principal, our Board of Education president, and our superintendent of schools. The governor is reading a proclamation at 4:30 PM honoring our team. Tonight at 7:30PM the eight fifth graders will present their ISTF entry to the Haddonfield community at our Board of Education meeting. Thank you for creating such a wonderful science-engineering-technology experience and celebration for my students. They are being given the glory that usually only is given to sports teams! (Elementary Teacher)
ISTF: Partnership Contact Info Contact Info Internet Science and Technology Fair (http://istf.ucf.edu) Mr. Bruce Furino – (407) 249-7141 bfurino@mail.ucf.edu Office of Special Programs University of Central Florida College of Engineering & Computer Science