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Why did war break out in 1914?. Starter. How can you improve the following to make a paragraph that P.E.E’s? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkGc-0bYJEU The shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked the war. Austria declared war on Serbia but they were allies of Russia.
Starter • How can you improve the following to make a paragraph that P.E.E’s? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkGc-0bYJEU • The shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked the war. Austria declared war on Serbia but they were allies of Russia.
By the end of the lesson........ • All – be able to describe the main causes of the war (Level 4) • Most - You write in paragraphs and link some of your ideas together with connectives (Level 5) • Some - Your written work has an introduction, a conclusion and clear paragraphs linked together with connectives. (level 6) - You can compare/contrast reasons why events happened (Level 7)
Can you identify the connectives? • The shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked the war. He was assassinated by the Serbian GavriloPrincip who was a member of the Black Hand Gang. They wanted Austria Hungary out of the Balkans so that they could join with Serbia, as an independent nation. The Emperor of Austria Hungary Franz Josef suspected that the Serbian government was responsible for the death of the Archduke and his wife and had been worried about Serbia’s growing power in the region. Therefore, Austria declared war on Serbia, but as they were allies of Russia this led to the Tsar mobilising his army. Then, Germany responded by supported Austria-Hungary’s attack on Serbia.
What did Russian Mobilisation lead to ......... ? • The shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinand sparked the war. He was assassinated by the Serbian GavriloPrincip who was a member of the Black Hand Gang. They wanted Austria Hungary out of the Balkans so that Bosnia could join with Serbia, as an independent nation. The Emperor of Austria Hungary Franz Josef suspected that the Serbian government was responsible for the death of the Archduke and his wife and had been worried about Serbia’s growing power in the region. Therefore, Austria declared war on Serbia, but as they were allies of Russia this led to the Tsar mobilising his army. Then, Germany responded by supported Austria-Hungary’s attack on Serbia.
In pairs.......... • Review the Long Term and Short Term causes of the war 10 mins • Now share your ideas in your group . Can you add any more points to the causes? • Now see if you can link any causes together eg “This resulted in........ This led to ........... “ 10 mins
Class Assignment • You will need to write an essay answering the question, “Why did War break out in 1914?” Remember to identify the following: • Long Term and Short Term causes • The event that sparked the war • What you think was the most important reason with your explanation • PEE in every paragraph