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Once Saved, Always Saved? John 10:22-30. Introduction-1. The teaching of “once saved, always saved’ is a common one in denominationalism It is one of the tenants of Calvinism It is also called the “perseverance of the saints”
Introduction-1 • The teaching of “once saved, always saved’ is a common one in denominationalism • It is one of the tenants of Calvinism • It is also called the “perseverance of the saints” • It states that once a person has really been saved he/she can never sin so as to be eternally lost • Those saved can never fall from grace
Introduction-2 • There are a few scriptures that are used to support this doctrine • Like the passage that was just read • These are used without considering surrounding verses • And overlooking numerous other scriptures that teach to the contrary • It is an appealing teaching to many because it removes accountability for their sins • Let us examine this dangerous doctrine
It Is A Very Old Teaching • It is as old as the Devil • Who in the form of a serpent used it to deceive Eve into eating the forbidden fruit • He said, “ You shall not surely die”- Gen. 3:4 • She did not die physically immediately • But she was separated from God and died spiritually • She knew the guilt sin for the first time and began to experience the misery that sin brings • The wages of sin is still (spiritual) death to all- Rom. 6:23
Once Saved, Always Saved and the Human Will-1 • God created man with a free will • The ability to choose to obey Him or disobey Him • Adam and Eve exercised their free will when they ate the forbidden fruit • He wants people to choose to obey Him out of love for Him and trust in His word- Jn. 14:15 • This brings honor to man and glory to God
Once Saved, Always Saved and the Human Will-2 • This teaching suggests that God will overrule the free will of those that are saved • Some would say that they no longer desire to sin • It also teaches that the saved can’t go to Hell even if they should want to • God does not convert christians into robots who can only do His will • Why not make us “holy robots” to begin with and spare us all the troubles and sorrow that sin causes?
It Makes God Approve of Sin-1 • Christians who have been saved do sin • John was writing to those who had been saved from their sins • He said that they sinned- I Jn. 1:8 • Many who believe “once saved, always saved” do not deny this fact • They simply don’t believe that God will hold their sins against them if they do not repent of them
It Makes God Approve of Sin-2 • Some have even claimed that they could commit adultery and murder without any danger of being lost • This teaching says that God will approve His children in their sins • The scriptures teach that the sons of disobedience are the sons of wrath- Eph. 5:6 • God is a holy God who cannot look upon sin- Hab.1:13 • Any doctrine that says that God will approve sin is a false doctrine
What About All those Warnings? • There are numerous warnings in the New Testament against apostasy • They indicate that christians who continue in sin will suffer eternal punishment • Hebrews 10:28-29 was written to christians in danger of apostasy • The writer says it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of God as an apostate- Heb. 10:31 • God did not waste all these words to warn of an impossibility
Plain Teachings about Apostasy • The Hebrew writer said it is impossible to renew some christians to repentance- Heb. 6:4-6 • That they are like thorns whose end is to be burned- V8 • He also wrote that those who draw back, draw back to perdition- Heb. 10:39 • Peter wrote that the condition of an apostate is worse than before he was saved- II Pet. 2:20
Examples of Apostasy-1 • Christians can fall from grace- Gal. 5:4 • But the scriptures give us examples of saved people who were lost or in danger of being lost without repentance 1. The Israelites were saved from Egypt but perished in the wilderness because of their unbelief- Jude 5 2. Simon the sorcerer- Acts 8:5-25 • He heard Philip’s preaching like the others in Samaria
Examples of Apostasy-2 • Simon believed, was baptized and saved like the others • But he tried to buy the power of the Holy Spirit • Peter said he was bound by iniquity and perishing- V23 & V20 • Peter commanded Simon to repent and pray to be forgiven 3. The sexually immoral member in Corinth- I Cor. 5 • Was to be delivered to Satan that his spirit might be saved- V5 • Though a christian, he was obviously lost in his sinful condition
The Effects of “Once Saved, Always Saved” 1. It has caused some to be bold in sin- Jude 4 2. It has caused others to live carelessly and without dedication to the Lord • No wonder denominational churches must provide social activities to attract members 3. It has given a false sense of security to many • Who may continue in sin without repentance and be eternally lost
In Conclusion • The Lord has given us many assurances of eternal salvation- Heb. 7:25 • But these are conditioned on continued faithfulness to Him- Rev. 2:10 • He will not overrule one’s will or approve sin in anyone • “Once saved, always saved” is a dangerous false doctrine • We must be sure that we are not deceived by it , and help our neighbors who are now relying on it to see that it is false