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What does the 1 st “ A ” in N A FTA stand for?

What does the 1 st “ A ” in N A FTA stand for?. American. With what country/area do all these items refer to…. Miguel Hidalgo, Aztecs, Chihuahua, & Mariachis Spain Brazil Mexico Central America. C. Mexico. Literacy Rate. What RELIGION is practiced in MOST Latin American

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What does the 1 st “ A ” in N A FTA stand for?

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  1. What does the 1st “A” in NAFTA stand for?

  2. American

  3. With what country/area do all these items refer to…. Miguel Hidalgo, Aztecs, Chihuahua, & Mariachis • Spain • Brazil • Mexico • Central America

  4. C. Mexico

  5. Literacy Rate

  6. What RELIGION is practiced in MOST Latin American countries? • Buddhism • Roman Catholic • Judaism • Islam

  7. B. Roman Catholic

  8. What ancient Indian civilization built pyramids like these in what is now Mexico? A. Aztecs B. Incas C. Mayas D. Olmecs

  9. A. Aztecs

  10. Mexico experiences ALL of the following natural disasters EXCEPT… • Hurricanes • Volcanoes • Earthquakes • Typhoons

  11. D. Typhoons

  12. What does the “N” in NAFTA stand for?

  13. North

  14. What Does GDP Stand for?

  15. Gross Domestic Product

  16. ALL of the following countries are part of NAFTA EXCEPT…. • Mexico • Brazil • Canada • United States

  17. B. Brazil

  18. Only ONE statement about Mexico is FALSE. Which is it? • Hernando Cortes conquered the Aztec Indians. • Mexico has water on 2 sides, mountains, & a central plateau. • Mexico has an abundance of clean drinking water. • Overcrowding and unemployment plague Mexico.

  19. C. Mexico has an abundance of clean drinking water.

  20. Which European country MOST influenced the development of Brazilian culture? • Russia • Spain • Italy • Portugal

  21. Which group of Indians established their capital at Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City)? • Aztecs • Incas • Mayas • Eskimos

  22. A. Aztecs

  23. How large is Big Bad Brazil compared to the other countries of the world? A. 2nd largest B. 3rd largest C. 4th largest D. 5th largest

  24. D. 5th Largest

  25. ONLY one statement below is accurate. Which is it? • France colonized Brazil while Portugal colonized Mexico. • Mexico colonized France while Brazil colonized Portugal. • Portugal colonized Brazil while Spain colonized Mexico. • Spain colonized Brazil while Portugal colonized Mexico.

  26. C. Portugal colonized Brazil while Spain colonized Mexico.

  27. Which DEMOGRAPHIC tells the approximate age a person within a country can expect to live?

  28. Life Expectancy

  29. Which of the following statements is TRUE? • Deforestation has threatened the ecosystems of plants and animal species. • Deforestation contributes to global warming. • Deforestation has pushed people out of their homelands. • ALL of the Above

  30. D. ALL of the Above

  31. Which INTEREST GROUP has lived in the rainforests for thousands of years? • Settlers • Rubber Tappers • Environmentalists • Native Amazonians

  32. D. Native Amazonians

  33. What is the MOST common language spoken in Latin America? • French • English • Portuguese • Spanish

  34. D. Spanish

  35. What does the “T” in NAFTA stand for?

  36. Trade

  37. Other than South America, name a CONTINENT home to tropical rain forests…

  38. Africa, Asia & Australia

  39. What % of the Earth’s surface is covered by tropical rain forests? • Less than 10% • 25% • About 50% • Over 70%

  40. A. Less than 10%

  41. Rainforests are known as the “------ of the Earth.” A. Heart C. Lungs B. Brain D. Lake Titicaca

  42. C. Lungs

  43. Which statement concerning rain forests is accurate? • They change ozone into carbon dioxide. • They change oxygen into nitrous oxide. • They change carbon dioxide into oxygen. • They change oxygen into carbon dioxide.

  44. C. They change carbon dioxide into oxygen.

  45. What term refers to the cutting down of trees?

  46. Deforestation

  47. Complete the analogy…. NAFTA is to North America as ?????? is to Europe. • NATO • The European Union • The Warsaw Pact • The Soviet Union

  48. B. The European Union

  49. Which geographic region of Latin America is home to a fertile grassland where many farmers raise livestock for a living? • Patagonia • Plateau of Mexico • Amazon Basin • Pampas

  50. D. Pampas

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