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Do you want to be outstanding (in your field)?. Learning Intention. WALT (we are Learning to): Share strategies for outstanding lessons in SRS. WILF together…. What I am looking for (success criteria):. 8 . Working together, engagement, application and concentration. 7. Questioning.
Learning Intention WALT (we are Learning to): Share strategies for outstanding lessons in SRS
WILF together… What I am looking for (success criteria):
8. Working together, engagement, application and concentration. 7. Questioning 9. Support for learning 10 .Feedback 6.Talk for learning Strategies for Outstanding Lessons 11. Targets 5. Learning objectives and success criteria WALT WILF By Year 1 1. Progress 4. Prior Learning 2. Planning 3. Conditions for learning.
Planning: Challenge set out from start of lesson. Challenge boxes maths. Learning checks/ mini plenaries throughout lesson. (WALT & WILF) 1 to ask open/ closed questions. 2 show examples of good work. (ICT visualiser). Differentiation will allow children to reach their potential. Questioning should allow pupils to progress to next steps in curriculum, targets, learning. Progress If a group are struggling regroup quickly- take them back to discuss something. Make sure learning support know what to do. Questions for EAL mentors and assistants. Link and make new learning explicit in planning and lesson. E.g in Science we already knew about materials but we made predictions which was a new concept- voiced it to the class. WALT & WILF should be differentiated (WILF: All, most, some will, some will even) relevant and specific to each groups needs.
Openers and plenary evident. (relevant to lesson). Planning linked to curriculum objectives. (Year 1 Maths Plans) WALT & WILF (WILF differentiated) on plans. Check throughout lesson- link to next lesson at the end. Active strategies Annotated before lessons to suit your class. Annotated afterwards to evaluate. Planning Differentiation in tasks: AEN, H, M, L, G&T Cross Curricular links. Assessment evident Mini plenaries throughout. Formative: include use of tools like English fans. Summative: questioning Open and closed Questioning annotation for key groups or individuals. Challenge set out from start of lesson.
SRS Values: Pupil profile wheel talked about during lesson. Intro & Plenary- What skill have you used or will you use in this lesson? Strategies for behaviour management: Timers, counting to 10, classroom jobs (badges/ signs). Well established routines. Displays are relevant, 3D, interactive, colourful. Photographs and captions. Use in learning. Conditions for learning: SRS Values,Attitudes, Learning Environment, Routines & behaviours. Classes are in Maths, English groups according to ability. Display in class (ASAP!) Classroom responsibilities: Line/ group leaders. Top teachers deployed from high ability groups and within Behaviour chart used to reinforce positive behaviour. Merit system also used. Routine: allow children the chance to manage their own work. PDR, continuous provision- resources for supporting learning.
Cross curricular- it’s maths but what are we doing in IPC? 1. Before they help you write WALT & WILF What did we do in last lesson? Wall displays- e.g’s of what you did on last lesson (could have been already shown in a plenary or might be on the wall.) 2. As you write WALT/ WILF Prior learning Use prior lesson to pin point what ch need help in certain areas and question and support them at start and throughout lesson. Openers/ intro linked to last lesson?
WILF Success criteria differentiated Compose WALT / (mostly) WILF with class input. Have teacher one ready to cut and paste as they suggest. Relevant to the rest of the lesson? Learning objectives and success criteria: WALT & WILF. Will it allow children to progress? Refer back to these during lesson. These can be linked to targets. (English: finger spaces, full stops, capitals) “Have you met your target?” Pitched at right level. Relevant to the rest of the lesson. Will the ch make progress?
Teacher pitches vocab at right level for year 1. Keywords are there in Science/ IPC. (These should be displayed in your class) Teachers use interpreters within the class. Works well for new children to the school or children with less knowledge of English. Top teachers used to model English and lead discussions and group work. Talk for learning. Children are familiar with the key vocab in the topic. They use this in the lesson to explain things and answer questions. Allow children to take the lead in mini plenaries/ plenary.
Get children to ask each other their own questions. Top teachers could be using a sheet with questions on it. Questioning? Teacher uses open and closed questions and gives children time to respond. T should give prompt questions on a sheet for EAL adults working with a group/ individual. (open & closed)
Groups help each other in ways that enable progress to occur. (sort through problems) Collaborative learning groups (speak to Lisa in year 3). All ch have something to offer the group. Op. for peer assessment of work. Star and a wish What is good about your friends work? What would you like them to do next time? (English fans) Working together, engagement, application and concentration. Experts within the class used to translate demonstrate speech and tasks (top teachers) Think pair share activities- talk partners. (Mixed anility pairs) After talk partners share weekend news- let them go off into bigger groups so all ch feel their input is valued (use top teachers to guide this).
T and additional adults in the classroom should allow children to show independence so progress can follow. Working on their own and allowing ch to make and learn from their mistakes. Additional adults should have a prompt sheet for working with groups and individuals. Additional adults should get a copy of the plan so they know what is happening in the lesson. Support for learning. Observation sheets for specific children given to additional adults- could be used in AEN file.
Marking feedback in English book should strictly follow year 1’s special marking code. T’s oral feedback within a lesson should be geared towards children’s targets and WILF. Year 1’s One star and One wish sheet stuck weekly into English books. This is for a more ‘wordy’ response for parents in contrast to the symbolic marking code. Time should be taken to allow year 1’s to answer questions in English, IPC and Maths books. This may just be HA at start of year and then all the groups by term 2. Feedback. Questions should be linked to the child’s next steps/ targets.
Targets should be evident in the back of books. T. could spend time within lessons referring to targets. Perhaps with the specific group they are working with. Get them to open the books and look at their targets. Ch. should be aware of how to get to the next step/ target so discuss it with them. In year 1 child specific targets are in orange reading records, maths folders and English writing books. Targets. Targets should be updated every week with the children. Easier if you do it with your focus group on a particular day. Targets for your own class should be referred to in planning- make reference to groups or individuals. It’s ok to hand write them into weekly plans. Type onto KHDA lesson plans.