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Intergrid KoM Santander 22 june, 2006. E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America. www.eela-grid.org. EELA. José Manuel Gutiérrez manuel.gutierrez@unican.es. Applied Meteorology Group. http://www.meteo.unican.es.
Intergrid KoM Santander 22 june, 2006 E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America www.eela-grid.org EELA José Manuel Gutiérrez manuel.gutierrez@unican.es Applied Meteorology Group http://www.meteo.unican.es EELA is project funded by the European Union under contract 026409
Goal and Objectives E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America • Goal: To build a bridge between consolidated e-Infrastructure initiatives in Europe and emerging ones in Latin America. • Objectives: • Establish a human collaboration network between Europe and Latin America • Setting a pilot e-infrastructure in Latin America • Identifying and promoting a sustainable framework for e-Science in Latin America
Partners International: • CLARA • CERN • Spain: CIEMAT, CSIC, UPV, RED.ES, UC • Italy: INFN • Portugal: LIP EU E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America Latin America • Venezuela: ULA • Cuba: CUBAENERGIA • Chile: UTFSM, REUNA, UDEC • Peru: SENAMHI • Mexico: UNAM • Argentina: UNLP • Brazil: UFRJ, CNEN, CECIERJ/CEDERJ, RNP, UFF
Structure E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America WP3. Identification and support of Grid-Enhanced applications WP4. Dissemination activities WP1. Project administrative and technical management WP2. Pilot testbed operation and support GEANT, RedCLARA and European and Latin American NRENs will provide the network infrastructure. The grid infrastructure will be based on the EGEE middleware framework .
WP3. Applications Task 3.1. Biomed Applications Deliverable D3 .1 .1. Selection Report Biomedicine and HEP Applications E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America Task 3.2. HEP Applications Task 3.3. Additional Applications: E-Learning Climate: Activities included in climate prediction can be roughly classified into data access/exchange-analysis (data mining) and numerical model simulation. - Deployment of data access applications oriented to the Latin-America area (Peru, Chile) and, mainly, the El Niño phenomena impact. Migration of common meteorological formats (netCDF and GRIB) trough grid catalog. - Deployment of data mining algorithm for clustering (self-organizing map) in order to run clustering meteorological fields in common patterns. - Run numerical climate models on the grid.
360x180x32 x nvar Climate Models Conservación de energía, masa, momento, vapor de agua, ecuación de estado de gases. E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America v= (u, v, w), T, p, r= 1/ay q
Climate Data Access Using the experience from Earth System Grid Team E-Infraestructure shared between Europe and Latin America • ANL • Ian Foster (PI) • Veronika Nefedova • (John Bresenhan) • (Bill Allcock) • LBNL • ORNL • LLNL/PCMDI • USC/ISI • NCAR • David Brown • Luca Cinquini • Peter Fox • Jose Garcia • Don Middleton (PI) • Gary Strand
The ESG Collaboration LBNL: Climate storage facility ANL: Computational grids, & grid-based applications LLNL: Model diagnostics & inter-comparison USC/ISI: Computational grids, & grid-based applications LANL: High-resolution ocean models & computing NCAR: Climate change predication and scenarios ORNL: Climate storage & computational resources
Grid + OpenDAP • Transparency • Performance • Security • Resource Mgmt • Analysis functions ESG. Distributed Data Access Protocols Typical Application Distributed Application Application Application Application netCDF lib OpenDAP Client ESG client OpenDAP Via http OpenDAP Via Grid ESG Grid + DODS data OpenDAP Server ESG Server Data (local) Data (remote) Big Data (remote)
The Earth System Grid LBNL HPSS High Performance Storage System disk ANL openDAPg server CAS Community Authorization Services CAS-enabled Striped-gridFTP server gridFTP Striped gridFTP client CAS-enabled Striped-gridFTP server SRM Storage Resource Management gridFTP gridFTP server gridFTP openDAPg server MyProxy server NCAR disk CAS-enabled Striped-gridFTP server GRAM gatekeeper MyProxy client openDAPg server CAS client TOMCAT Servlet engine MCS client LLNL RLS client ORNL SRM Storage Resource Management gridFTP server gridFTP server gridFTP server gridFTP gridFTP LAS Live Access Server SRM Storage Resource Management ISI SRM Storage Resource Management MCS Metadata Cataloguing Services SOAP HPSS High Performance Storage System RLS Replica Location Services RMI MSS Mass Storage System disk disk