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2012 Nomination of Elder. Elder : Care Dept. 李永旭 Stephen Lee. 1 980年來到洛福,熱心參與洛福及台福總會的 服事。曾任洛福執事及長老19年,5任總會 議長,2任法規部部長,傳播中心理事長…等 (90-97),現任台福神學院董事會主席。對於 台福運動的參與極為深入頗有貢獻。此次再度 提名候選,期望將來配合牧師及小會的異象,在教會邁入新轉型 期間朝平衡及穩健的方向發展,完成神所託付給台福教會之使命。
Elder : Care Dept. 李永旭Stephen Lee 1980年來到洛福,熱心參與洛福及台福總會的服事。曾任洛福執事及長老19年,5任總會 議長,2任法規部部長,傳播中心理事長…等 (90-97),現任台福神學院董事會主席。對於台福運動的參與極為深入頗有貢獻。此次再度 提名候選,期望將來配合牧師及小會的異象,在教會邁入新轉型 期間朝平衡及穩健的方向發展,完成神所託付給台福教會之使命。 I 1980 joint EFC movement, serving the Lord zealously, 1983-2003 served as deacon and elder in EFCLA. At this period, also served in General Assembly, such as EFCGA’s Moderator for 5 years, the Head of By-Law department for 2 years, the chairperson of the trustee of EFCCC for 7 years…etc. in the coming year, I would like to help to develop the vision of Senior pastor and elder board into a more balanced and healthy direction, so the EFCLA will be able to accomplish God’s given mission for EFCLA.
林至清 Chris Lin 自1999洛福會員;細胞小組長; 敬拜團同工; 自2007年擔任敬拜執事 Member of EFCLA since 1999. Cell-group leader. Worship Team. Worship Deacon since 2007.
倪伯亮 Michael Ni 1996年在洛福受洗。曾任雅歌團契主席詩班班長及行政支援部門執事。曾參與教會主堂改建及樓梯之工程設計願以榮耀主的心與教會其他同工配合,並以主所賜之恩賜及專長來服事主。 現任敬拜部執事. I was baptized in 1996 in EFCLA. I have served as chairman of young couple fellowship & church choir. Also served as deacon in support department. I have been in charge of the engineering of the sanctuary & staircase reconstruction with a heart to Glorify out lord, I would like to contribute my professional training and to work with the church staff. Currently serving as worship department deacon.
Henry Wang 幼兒主日學老師, 主日音控師, 敬拜團, 退修會策劃, 大專輔導, 敬拜部執事Pre-Kinder & Kindergarten Sunday School Teacher, Worship Soundman, Worship Team, Winter Retreat Planning, College Advisor. Currently serving as Worship department Deacon.
吳祚裕JamesWu 參與週六晚崇拜敬拜團及值星的服事 目前擔任小組長/敬拜部執事 Sat. night service : Worship team member; Small Group Leader.Currently serving as Worship department Deacon.
Deacon : Worship Dept. Jonathan Yee 在長老教會受洗。參加洛福聚會已有6年。目前服事於兒童部及擔任英文堂招待。 Baptized at a Presbyterian church and has been attending EFCLA forsix years. Currently serving in Children‘s Ministry and as an usher forthe English service.
柯逸鴻 Blanton Keh 1987年於本教會受洗,曾任團契主席、青少年團契輔導、執事、華語堂敬拜、主日學同工。現服事於週六青年崇拜、恩光團契輔導, 裝備部執事。 Photo Here I was baptized in 1987 in the Taiwanese Congregation. I have served as fellowship chairperson, youth advisor, deacon, worship leader and Sunday school teacher within the Mandarin Congregation. I now serve as the advisor for LIGHT fellowship and support the Saturday night Youth Worship. Currently serving as Equip department Deacon.
吳宏資 Leo Wu 1989年於Arcadia基督徒之家受 洗,2004年加入洛杉磯台福教 會。現服事於彩虹團契小組長、主日華語堂敬拜同工。現任裝備部執事。 I was baptized in 1989 at the Home of Christians Church in Arcadia. I joined EFCLA in 2004 and have been serving as a small group leader at the Rainbow Fellowship and Sunday Mandarin Service worship co-worker. Currently serving as Equip department Deacon.
David Tseng David Tseng 大約七年前還在UCLA讀書時, 就在洛福英文堂聚會, 他擔任過高中生團契的輔導, 也曾是基督徒教育的老師. David 弟兄,有服事主的心志, 他也樂意幫助人, 與英文堂的會友們有和諧美好的關係.現任裝備部執事。 David Tseng attended our church when he was a UCLA student about 7 years ago. He served both as high school advisor and Christian education teacher. He has a serving heart and is willing to help where there is need. Brother Tseng also has very good relationship with brothers and sisters within the English congregation. Currently serving as Equip department Deacon.
Deacon : Equip Dept. 目前服事於華語成人主日學及彩虹團契。 Currently serving in Mandarin Sunday School and Rainbow fellowship. 劉榮文 Robert Liu
劉柏成 Alfred Liu 我是劉柏成,畢業於輔仁大學法學院,1992年移民美國。1994年完成MBA碩士學位,目前在 3 G Capital擔任副總裁職位。感謝神我於1992年與畢兒結婚 ,婚後育有1女1兒。2003年我被聖靈觸摸並接受聖靈的洗禮,雖然神允許我太太的眼睛將近失明,但我相信神要就祂的旨意在我們身上。現任宣道部執事。 My name is Alfred Liu. I graduated from Fu-Jen University(law school) and I immigrated to USA in 1992. In 1994 I got my master degree(MBA). I currently work for 3 G Capital as Vice President. Thanks God I am married to Isabelle Pi-Erh Liu in 1992. We do have two lovely children: Jocelyne & Nicholas, ages of 12 & 11. Although my wife is legally blind, “ God gives a hand to those down on their luck, gives a fresh start to those ready to quit.” Psalm 145:14 msg. Therefore, “when we believe God, and are patient, we will receive what he has promised us.” Hebrews 6:12. She is deeply in love with God. I was touched by Holly Spirit in 2003 and then baptized in Easter(2003). May God lead us to fulfill his plan. Amen.Currently serving as Evangelize department Deacon. .
Deacon : Evangelize Dept. 盧碧蓉 Virginia Lu 2003年受洗,2004年開始在洛福教會聚會,2007年自正道神學院信徒傳道科畢業。2006年起參與敬拜團隊服事在2009-2011參與Alpha事工,擔任 2009-2011主日學老師,並從2008-2010年任慕主團契小組長,2011起擔任慕主團契輔導迄今。盧姐妹對宣教和傳福音有極大的熱忱和呼召。 Virginia Lu was baptized in 2003, joined EFCLA in 2004, and completed Lay Minister program at Logos Evangelical Seminary in 2007. She has been serving in Mu Zhu fellowship since 2006, as a small group leader of the fellowship from 2008 to 2010 and advisor from 2011, small group leader in The Alpha Program from 2009 to 2011, and a Sunday School teacher from 2009 to 2011. Virginia has a calling and passion on sharing the Gospel, not only in church but also on the mission field.
Deacon : Evangelize Dept. 張碧利出生於台灣台南,1978年畢業。於1980年與王兆元结婚,定居美國。1987年由劉富理牧師帶领信主,在教會成長。現在洛福擔任小組長(大衛之家),帶領敬拜,關懷及建造同工,帶领門徒。對傳福音及宣教(鄉福短宣)、 (中國教會培訓)長期参與。 Angel Wang was born in Tainan, Taiwan,graduate from college in 1978. In 1980 married David Wang. And relocate in U.S. In 1987 through Pastor Liu she was baptized as Christine and attended EFCLA. Angel have received all spiritual inspiration by attending church and became a leader of small group, lead worship team since than. To care and to help all disciples for evangelist Taiwanese and Chinese church.Angel have devoted all her life to serve the Lord. 張碧利 Angel Wang
盧達偉Michael Lu 從小於基督徒家庭成長。 曾任:聖安教會帶領敬拜。 現任:活水團契輔導/團契部執事 展望:推廣1.5代年輕人事工與 青年崇拜。 Raised up in a Christian family. Had served 10 years as worship leader in EFC Arcadia. Now serving as Living Water fellowship advisor, currently serving as fellowship department Deacon. My vision for the coming years are to expand 1.5generation of young adults and promote mandarinyouth fellowship.
王偉中Wade Wang 1982在中壢浸信會受洗 參與詩班、團契及小組的服事 現任福音團契主席/團契部執事 Baptized in 1982 at 中壢浸信會. Served in Choir, Fellowship and small groups. Now chairperson of Gospel Fellowship. Currently serving as fellowship department Deacon.
董明花Ming-Hwa 1967於台南市看西街教會受洗 。 曾任: 主日學教師,聖歌隊事奉,琴瑟團契同工,將於今年年底第二任執事期滿。 現任:社區關懷執事 展望:協助關懷/社區事工。 Baptized in 1967 in Westward Street Church in Tainan, Taiwan, I have held the responsibilities of a Sunday school teacher, choir member, and co-worker of Harp and Lyre Fellowship. Currently serving as care department Deacon. My goals for this year are to serve in the ministry of care and assistance and to stimulate a revival for EFCLA.
Elaine Lee 李廖玉秀 1995年在洛福受洗 1996-1998年 Taiwan Mission 台東禱告站負責人 2006年起- 洛福新生團契第三小組長 2006年起- 加入國際聖經研讀團契 (BSF International ) 現任關懷部門執事 Baptized at EFC in 1995 1996-1998 Taiwan Mission prayer leader in Tai Dong 2006 New Living cell group leader 2006 attend BSF Currently serving as a deacon for Care/Community dept.
Deacon : Care Dept. 姜仁剛 Kevin Jiang 1962年9月出生在中國的瀋陽。1998年6月2日在洛杉磯台福教會受洗。受洗之後就固定在教會聚會, 接受裝備, 並參與團契的服事。 神赐给我一個愛神的妻子,和3個可愛的孩子,主耶稣在我的生命中所做的奇妙之事,激勵我,願我能成為分享福音大能的見證人。 I am Kevin Jiang. Since I baptized on 6.2.1998 at EFCLA, I attended the meeting regularly and being edified by God’s truth and love. I also have participated the service in the Eagle fellowship. God graciously gave me a wonderful family,and has been kept us in His love. I am willing to serve God as the witness of His salvation.
HEADLINE TEXT HERE 王雪峯 Frank Wang 7/17/1957台灣出生 2005/03/26 在洛杉磯台福教會受洗 故鄉情團契 A組 小組長 讚美操種子老師 2005年因著參加洛福教會的alpha生命啟發課程 認識主成為主的兒女 也因著黃寶儀牧師的幫助及帶領下 漸漸進入台福大家庭 / 參與週六晚崇拜 值星及音控的服事 / 在姜明磊牧師的協助下參與Alpha總務職務的服事 / 個人對於能參與教會的服事 深感重要 / 從Alpha VIP一路走來 台福像母親 有家的感覺 / 願自己的服事也能同樣表達出台福那份簡單真心與熱情 Cell leader of “A” group of Homeland Fellowship Teacher of Praise of Dance Due to attend Alpha program of EFCLA on 1995, baptized become God’s family. Also for Rev. Huang’s assistance & leading, enter EFC great family step by step. Serving Asher & Sound control at Saturday Night worship For Rev. Jien’s help, joining the Alpha ministry. It’s important for me for joining church serving. Through Alpha’ VIP that I feel EFC like mother & warm home. I wish that I could express to EFC’s true love & passion.
Eric Lee 李煥彬 1995於洛福教會受洗 現任執事 Baptized at EFC in 1995 Currently serving as Deacon.
Daniel Chan 我出生於巴西,在基督徒的家庭成長,11歲信主 得救,幼小時嬰兒洗禮,16歲堅信禮。1989- 1997 於柑縣台福教會聚會,曾任多年的主日學 老師,1997年起到洛福聚會,與妻子一同參與英 語團契及擔任主日學老師,感謝神的恩典,2000 年神賜我們女兒 (Stephanie),現於喜瑞都上班。現任兒童部執事。 I was born in Brazil and came to know Christ as my personal Savior at the age of 11 at a Youth Retreat. I was baptized as a baby and received my confirmation of Faith at the age of 16. From 1989 to 1997, I attended EFC of Garden Grove where I served as a Sunday school teacher for many years while attending the Brazilian Fellowship as well as the English Fellowship. From 1997, my wife and I started attending EFCLA where both of us served as Sunday school teachers while attending the English Fellowship. . Currently serving as Children department Deacon.
Deacon : Children Dept. 陳仁豪 Jeffrey 於1998年開始在洛福聚會。2004年在洛福受洗。跟太太Pamela積極參與愛加倍夫婦團契的聚會。很感謝神給仁豪有機會來服事神及弟兄姊妹。 Jeffrey started attending EFCLA in 1998. Baptized in EFCLA in 2004. Jeffrey and his wife Pamela are active member of Agape Couples Fellowship. I am thankful for this opportunity to serve our Lord and our congregation.
Deacon : Children Dept. 鄒明德Ming Chou 1997年在洛福教會受洗,積極參與教會,小組服事,曾擔任同工、小組長、主席並主辦1998及1999台福青年靈修會,2005台福青年高峰會,熱心推動洛福青年參與教會服事。於2005-2008年任新生命團契輔導,2005年受洛福教會補助參加 Alpha Course Conference並於2004年起參與各期Alpha事工直到如今。鄒弟兄對青年牧養和傳福音有極大的熱忱和呼召。 Ming Chou was baptized at EFCLA in 1997. Since then, he has actively participated in church and fellowship ministries, including taking roles such as fellowship coworkers, small group leaders, and chairperson. Furthermore, he served as core coworker at the Annual EFC Young Adult Retreat in 1998 and 1998, and the EFC Young Adult Global Summit. Ming has been instrumental in mobilizing youths to serve. Ming also served in the capacity of advisor for the New life Fellowship during 2005-2008. And since church’s vision to begin the Alpha ministry, Ming has participated since the beginning in 2004, including attending a regional Alpha Course Conference in 2005. Ming has a calling for and is very passionate about youth ministries and sharing the gospel.
HEADLINE TEXT HERE Sung Tse is married to Deacon Wai Tse, who served faithfully in the Children‘s Dept for the past 6 years. They’ve been married for over 25 years, since they were high school sweethearts. They have 2 children Nathan(14) and Maddie(12). Sung attended EFCLA back on York Blvd, in Highland Park, moved to Korea for a couple years for Wai‘s job, came back to CA and started a family. Sung has been a Sunday School teacher, a helper for the children’s ministry, is active with Love&Respect family homegroup and HarvestLA‘s sisters fellowship.Sung Tse是執事Wai Tse太太,Wai忠心服事兒童部門有六年之久。從高中時他們就交往,至今他們結婚已經超過二十五年。有兩個孩子:Nathan十四歲,Maddie十二歲。Sung在Highland Park時就在洛福聚會,因先生Wai的職業關係,搬到韓國兩年,後來又回到加州開始他們的家庭。Sung是主日學老師,幫助於兒童事工且積極參與“愛與尊重”家庭小組和HarvestLA的姊妹團契。
Deacon : Operation Dept. 陳嘉玲 Charlene Chen 1968年出生於台灣台北, 1990年畢業於台灣大學物理治療系,又於1995年在南加大拿到物理治療碩士, 現為加州執業物理治療師,同時也是位於 Pasadena 的聖蓋博谷日間保健中心負責人。1998年有幸由月琴姊帶領進入台福教會且於2001年聖誕節前受洗成為基督徒 ,並自2006年起擔任兒童主日學同工. Born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1968, and graduated from Taiwan University in 1990, majoring in Physical Therapy. Received Masters degree from USC in 1995 and is currently a licensed Physical Therapist in California. Charlene is the director of San Gabriel Adult Day Health Center.First attended EFCLA in 1998 and was baptized in Christmas 2001. Served in Children’s ministry since 2006 as Sunday School teacher.
Deacon : Operation Dept. 姜怡如Christine Chen 我和夫婿于1993年在洛福受洗,隨即參與福音團契。育有3位女兒,曾服事兒童主日學。擔任年輕夫妻團契輔導 In 1993, my husband Don and I were baptized in EFCLA. Since then, we have been a part of Gospel Fellowship. I have three daughters and have also volunteered in the Children’s Ministry. Don and I have previously served as advisors for Young Couple Fellowship.