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Topics of Discussion. Last FD Conference Issues UpdateNDP-1 ReissueOfficial/Unofficial Visitor PolicyCUI PolicyDIDO. Update on Past Policy Issues. FD Training Course at Ft. HuachucaFORDTIS System Update/ImprovementsAR380-10 Rewrite
1. Policy Issues and Updates MAJ Laura Gross
Plans/Policy Division
Foreign Disclosure Directorate
703-601-1530; DSN: 329
FAX: 703-601-0730/2
2. Topics of Discussion Last FD Conference Issues Update
NDP-1 Reissue
Official/Unofficial Visitor Policy
CUI Policy
DIDO Will cover the listed topics.
Policy memos and documentation pertinent to the topics are in your conference books.
For classified issuance please contact me later.Will cover the listed topics.
Policy memos and documentation pertinent to the topics are in your conference books.
For classified issuance please contact me later.
3. Update on Past Policy Issues FD Training Course at Ft. Huachuca
FORDTIS System Update/Improvements
AR380-10 Rewrite #1
Critical Technology Working Group 4 Day Course at Ft. Huachuca. FY02 becomes a TRADOC School. So go now on ODCSINT Funding.
FORDTIS is being improved and expanded. Going to a windows based environment. Becoming more encompassing as requirements in the field increase. Briefing later this week. Particularly important for new official/unofficial visitor requirements.
AR380-10 at the publishers now. We estimate that it will come out in Dec or Jan.Plans are in the works to begin the next rewrite as soon as it is issued.
Answers multinational involvement at milestone 0
CSA requested working group to ensure that technology protection goes hand in hand with the Army Transformation. That technology protection is considered at all phases of the transformation, that it aids the process, and does not become the show stopper.
Also an FCS IESWG run by DUSA-IA4 Day Course at Ft. Huachuca. FY02 becomes a TRADOC School. So go now on ODCSINT Funding.
FORDTIS is being improved and expanded. Going to a windows based environment. Becoming more encompassing as requirements in the field increase. Briefing later this week. Particularly important for new official/unofficial visitor requirements.
AR380-10 at the publishers now. We estimate that it will come out in Dec or Jan.Plans are in the works to begin the next rewrite as soon as it is issued.
Answers multinational involvement at milestone 0
CSA requested working group to ensure that technology protection goes hand in hand with the Army Transformation. That technology protection is considered at all phases of the transformation, that it aids the process, and does not become the show stopper.
Also an FCS IESWG run by DUSA-IA
4. NDP-1 Reissue Distributed to Army on 1 Nov 00
Plan - Disseminate widely
A Reference Document
ENDP Reminders
Submit through proponent of CMI or the program
Answer these questions:
What/Why do you want to disclose
Why is it in the Army’s interest
Why is it in the USG’s interest
AR380-10 App. B The latest issuance is due out 1 Nov, if funding comes through.
My plan - disseminate as widely as possible given the distribution limitations marked on the document, if any. Only in Hardcopy.
Possibility for policy section on-line.
NDP-1 is a reference document that points you in the right direction for CMI disclosure. It offers guidance as you structure your request or plan your disclosure. It is not your sole authority to disclose/not to disclose. You still must look at the applicable DOD and Army policies, directives, and regulations
Reminders - All ENDPs do not come directly to HQDA. Must go through the proponent of the CMI or the program to be disclosed first. AR380-10
Answer the questions first. ENDPs require the support of the Army before we ask for DoD/USG concurrence. We can work on format later.
The latest issuance is due out 1 Nov, if funding comes through.
My plan - disseminate as widely as possible given the distribution limitations marked on the document, if any. Only in Hardcopy.
Possibility for policy section on-line.
NDP-1 is a reference document that points you in the right direction for CMI disclosure. It offers guidance as you structure your request or plan your disclosure. It is not your sole authority to disclose/not to disclose. You still must look at the applicable DOD and Army policies, directives, and regulations
Reminders - All ENDPs do not come directly to HQDA. Must go through the proponent of the CMI or the program to be disclosed first. AR380-10
Answer the questions first. ENDPs require the support of the Army before we ask for DoD/USG concurrence. We can work on format later.
5. Official/Unofficial Visitors Policy Decision made to:
Track official/unofficial visitors
Record disclosures made to the visitors
No visitor is exempt
Impact on Army:
Increased reporting requirements
SIPRNET Army-wide Flurry of memos in Feb 00. They are in your conference book.
Particularly at Labs, official and unofficial visitors must be tracked. Originally this was front-loaded - visit approved/denied. Now reporting requirements once the visit is concluded. What was disclosed/discussed. Input any other information of a counter-intelligence value
Potentially DODDir 5230.20 para2 Applicability and Scope sub-para 2.3 This Directive does not apply to….
Foreign students on ITOs and foreign visits that do not involve CMI or CUI on ITOs are no longer exempt. This will require a change to DOD 5230.20.
OSD still in the process of defining ITOs that are exempt and non-exempt.
Earlier this summer we queried you about your SIPRNET requirements. Eventually you will get SIPRNET and the responsibility for increased visitor reporting. We will publish Army policy in concert with AR380-10 to help you implement this duty.Flurry of memos in Feb 00. They are in your conference book.
Particularly at Labs, official and unofficial visitors must be tracked. Originally this was front-loaded - visit approved/denied. Now reporting requirements once the visit is concluded. What was disclosed/discussed. Input any other information of a counter-intelligence value
Potentially DODDir 5230.20 para2 Applicability and Scope sub-para 2.3 This Directive does not apply to….
Foreign students on ITOs and foreign visits that do not involve CMI or CUI on ITOs are no longer exempt. This will require a change to DOD 5230.20.
OSD still in the process of defining ITOs that are exempt and non-exempt.
Earlier this summer we queried you about your SIPRNET requirements. Eventually you will get SIPRNET and the responsibility for increased visitor reporting. We will publish Army policy in concert with AR380-10 to help you implement this duty.
6. CUI Policy ODCSINT still maintains oversight
MACOM allowed to delegate to lowest level of proponent/ originator of CUI
Disclosure still administered through FDO channels
Still have the requirement to:
Get Approval from proponent/originator of CUI
Consider security of USG ASAALT Memo when taken with the DAMI-FD memo implements the CUI guidance in the new version of AR 380-10. Once the AR is published all of these memos become moot.
ODCSINT Oversight - It’s still a good idea to tell us who is disclosing and what is being disclosed. Maintain good records.
Delegation of CUI disclosure is allowed to the lowest level of proponency/origination of CUI. Not a requirement - MACOM policy driven. It is up to you at the MACOMs to decide how you will do this.
FDOs are still required to administer the disclosures through proper staffing and documentation.
Regardless of delegation, you must still fulfill the two requirements. The OASD AT&L Memo has an enclosure with criteria to consider before disclosing.ASAALT Memo when taken with the DAMI-FD memo implements the CUI guidance in the new version of AR 380-10. Once the AR is published all of these memos become moot.
ODCSINT Oversight - It’s still a good idea to tell us who is disclosing and what is being disclosed. Maintain good records.
Delegation of CUI disclosure is allowed to the lowest level of proponency/origination of CUI. Not a requirement - MACOM policy driven. It is up to you at the MACOMs to decide how you will do this.
FDOs are still required to administer the disclosures through proper staffing and documentation.
Regardless of delegation, you must still fulfill the two requirements. The OASD AT&L Memo has an enclosure with criteria to consider before disclosing.
7. Designated Intelligence Disclosure OfficialDIDO LTG Noonan is the Army’s DIDO
Focal Point Officials
ODCSINT - Mr. Dillon
NGIC - Mr. Sweitzer
INSCOM - Mr. Grady
DCID 5/6 Intelligence Disclosure Policy
Army Policy Memo, dtd 7 Sep 99 Only one Designated Intelligence Disclosure Official for the US Army. Only LTG Noonan can make the decision to disclose intelligence information produced by the Army Intelligence Community , not covered by other intelligence sharing arrangements.
Lots of Focal Point Officials allowed. If you think you produce Cat 8, then you need to see me.
DCID5/6 governs the disclosure of intelligence to foreign governments. Generally Category 8, but not exclusively.
Our policy memo - in your booksOnly one Designated Intelligence Disclosure Official for the US Army. Only LTG Noonan can make the decision to disclose intelligence information produced by the Army Intelligence Community , not covered by other intelligence sharing arrangements.
Lots of Focal Point Officials allowed. If you think you produce Cat 8, then you need to see me.
DCID5/6 governs the disclosure of intelligence to foreign governments. Generally Category 8, but not exclusively.
Our policy memo - in your books
8. DIDO Continued... Staff request to DAMI-FD ASAP
What do you want to disclose
What is benefit to US Army, USG
Consistency w/Foreign Policy Objectives
Request staffed at HQDA
Recommendation to LTG Noonan
Document disclosure to Collection Requirements & Evaluation Staff (CRES) Tips
Send it up ASAP to me. Answer the questions. I will staff it to HQDA elements and national level agencies, as necessary.
Recommendation to LTG Noonan - Yes/No
I will enter the disclosure into the Collection Requirements and Evaluation Staff, database. You must also maintain an inspectable record of disclosures made.
Anne from the CRES will immediately follow me with a short brief on the DIDO program.
Send it up ASAP to me. Answer the questions. I will staff it to HQDA elements and national level agencies, as necessary.
Recommendation to LTG Noonan - Yes/No
I will enter the disclosure into the Collection Requirements and Evaluation Staff, database. You must also maintain an inspectable record of disclosures made.
Anne from the CRES will immediately follow me with a short brief on the DIDO program.
9. Good Web Sites NIPRNET
http://www.cms.cia.sgov.gov/capco/ 1. For publications DOD Directives, etc.
2. DUSA-IA page for lots of good links for US policy on Arms Sales, Exports, Transfers, and Law
3. DSCA page for DTSI and other DoD level initiatives that will impact you eventually.
4. CAPCO Document markings and DCIDs.1. For publications DOD Directives, etc.
2. DUSA-IA page for lots of good links for US policy on Arms Sales, Exports, Transfers, and Law
3. DSCA page for DTSI and other DoD level initiatives that will impact you eventually.
4. CAPCO Document markings and DCIDs.
10. Questions? NIPRNET
If you need to contact me…
Any further questions?
I will now be followed by Anne from CRESIf you need to contact me…
Any further questions?
I will now be followed by Anne from CRES