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Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009

Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009. GENERAL DATA. Programme: Lifelong Learning, Transversal Programme, Key Activity 3 - ICT Period: 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2009. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009.

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Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009

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  1. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 GENERAL DATA Programme: Lifelong Learning, Transversal Programme, Key Activity 3 - ICT Period: 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2009

  2. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 THE PROJECT AIMS 1. promote e-Learning 2.0 and raise the competence and confidence of teachers by developing e-courses for these teachers, 2. enhance and develop the courses further through trialling with teachers and other staff of higher and vocational education, 3. develop a framework for action research by the participants 4. identify the success factors and obstacles of the courses and e-Learning 2.0, 5. establish sustainable networks of teachers of higher and vocational education, 6. publish the outcomes of action research in the form of reports in order to share practice and experiences in the use of e-Learning 2.0, 7. share the results and resources of the project with wider community through the development of a database in which all the metadata and modules of the e-courses will be included.

  3. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 THE PROCESS Three e-coursesabouttheapplication of Web 2.0 tools in teaching and learningcontexts New Technologies of E-Learning New AssessmentMethods Design, Implementation and Evaluation Piloting of thecourseswith120 participants from East and West Europe, Central Asia, the Far East and China. November 2008 to March 2009 Parallel module: ACTION RESEARCH PLANNING In orderto prepare participantstoconduct a smallsize AR cycleontheir Web 2.0 basedlearning modules. ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT Conductedbytheparticipants. March 2008 toMay 2009.

  4. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 A GLIMPSE ON THE COURSES NEW TECHNOLOGIES OF E-LEARNING (Umeå University, Sweden) My Learning: Introduiction to the philosophy of portfolio. Scrapblog. Collaborative Learning: Online Office suites, Social Tagging, Wikis Mobile Learning: Several Readings. Activities in the social network ELGG. Multimodal Learning: Movie editing and presentations proposing several OS-tools

  5. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 NEW TECHNOLOGIES OF E-LEARNING (Umeå University, Sweden) The major part of the course took place in a MOODLE environment.

  6. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 NEW TECHNOLOGIES OF E-LEARNING (Umeå University, Sweden) Some parts of the course took place in the social network ELGG.

  7. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 A GLIMPSE ON THE COURSES NEW ASSESSMENT METHODS (University of Turku, Finland)

  8. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 A GLIMPSE ON THE COURSES NEW ASSESSMENT METHODS (University of Turku, Finland) The course took place on WIKIVERSITY, MOODLE and via netmeeting tools.

  9. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 DESIGN. IMPLEMENTATION & EVALUATION (UOC) Design and implementation of courses or learning units based on the use of virtual tools and environments offered through Web 2.0 tools and applications. Identification of quality indicators and design of an evaluation tool with Web. 2.0 applications. .

  10. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 • Usedenvironments • Coursematerials, resources and activities: MOODLE • Figures: • 67 participants • Inactive for more • than 4 weeks: 20 • Never accessed : 22 • Communication: • General comm.: • 11 threads, 51 posts • 1st module: • 9 threads, 130 posts • 2nd module (recently started): • 7 threads, 17 posts

  11. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 • Usedenvironments • Explorationactivities and creation of output: • WEB2.0 tools

  12. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 • The modules • Module 1 (Dec. 1st toDec. 15th) • Goals: • a) Learnaboutdifferentfield of e-learning intervention. • Identifypossibilities and constraints, alsoregarding • use of Web 2.0 tools. • Resources and activities: Reading and questionsforreflection • Goalsachieved: Livelydiscussionontheproposedquestions • WIKI: Firstcontactwith Web 2.0 tools, DAFO gridonaffordances and constraints • b) Case Study: Active reflectiononpossibilities of implementation of Web 2.0 tools • in a real environment (TourismSchool UIB). • Resources: Case description • Goalsachieved: 4 CS-Reportsproducedby 4 groups, 16 participants in total. WIKI: Co-evaluation

  13. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 • The modules • Module 2 (Jan. 12th to Feb. 2nd) • Goals: • a) LearnaboutdifferentID-approachesin ordertobeable • toapplythisknowledgeonanowndesignprojectbased • onthe use of Web 2.0 tools • b) Reflectonneed and possibilities of • studentsupportsystems • c) Develop a courseor module designadaptedtoown • teachingcontextusing Web 2.0 and includinganelement of • studentsupport. • d) Creation of a Social Bookmarkspacefor more resourceson • ID, studentsupport and evaluation. • Resources and activities: 2 Readings and questions • forreflection, debate. Collaborativedesigndevelopment in • a chosen Web 2.0 environment. Students are askedtodevelop a coursedesign in accordancewiththeir AR-planning, ifthey are engaged in one.

  14. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 • The modules • Module 3 (Feb. 9th to Mar. 13th) • Goals: • Implementationof theprototype

  15. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 • The modules • Module 4 (Apr.. 20th toMay 25th) This module belongs to the AR-dimension of the project and is only going to be carried out by the participants who will have presented an acceptable AR-plan by march.

  16. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 Action Research Project  Main Activities and Milestones Start: Mon 9th March End: Fri 29th May Best papers will be selected for further refinement and publication in e-Jump 2.0 Compendium of Research (2009)

  17. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 Action Research Project 14 AR-reports submitted. Examples: “New Methods of Assessment for Universities in Azerbaijan” “A personal learning environment for teaching statistics.” (Vigo) “ACTION RESEARCH AND WEB 2.0 TOOLS TO SUPPORT THE EVALUATION PROCESS OF AN HOME MADE ELEARNING PLATFORM AT UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO” “Lesson Studies In a Postgraduate Course : Rethinking Our Practice” (Málaga)

  18. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 Use of a social networking environment • Reasons for using a social networking environment in general • Focus of the project on developing the use of Web 2.0 • Wish to provide participants with own Web 2.0 Personalised Learning Environment/Digital Portfolio • Wish for a technical infrastructure that supported our aims for developing social infrastructure and promoting social presence

  19. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 Use of the ELGG social networking environment • Reasons for using the ELGG social networking environment in particular • We evaluated several possible applications including ELGG & including community@Brighton • We judged that it could work well as a Web 2.0 Personalised Learning Environment/Digital Portfolio • We judged that it could provide the technical infrastructure to complement the aims we had for developing our social infrastructure

  20. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009

  21. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 Success factors and obstacles of the courses and e-Learning 2.0 •  PROPOSED ENVIRONMENTS (MOODLE, ELGG, others) • Possibilities • Individual and group communication and collaboration is supported through social networking and group forums • Social infrastructure provides opportunities for developing social presence • Technical infrastructure provides opportunities for participants to present learning outcomes through a range of personalised ICT tools and media • Problems • Moodle + ELGG = orientation challenges • Moodle versus ELGG functionality = major differences • Managing summative assessment is difficult in ELGG e.g. Grade book functionality of Moodle not available (so far) in ELGG • Differing understandings of teaching and learning in virtual environments (teacher centredness, openness, control) and the subsequent affordances of the proposed tools. • Dissorientation due to scattered environments

  22. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 Success factors and obstacles of the courses and e-Learning 2.0 Specific observations within the DIE-course • Previous knowledge of Web 2.0 tools • Sufficient. In addition to the given list, more tools were proposed and described • 2. Use of Web 2.0 tools for assignments • Insignificant; preference for already given MOODLE spaces and tools • Expressed lack of comfort using several different spaces • 3. Proposal of Web 2.0 tools for course design • - Significant valid proposals BUT constant allusion on convenience to avoid scattered spaces and lack of control using a central base

  23. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 Success factors and obstacles of the courses and e-Learning 2.0 Specific observations within the DIE-course - reflections • DIE-course as an attempt of confronting Web 2.0 affordances with a context of comprehensive e-course design • Identification of several drawbacks when analysing tools in combination with the need of overall course planning and design • * How to assure effective communication and collaboration in several different Web-spaces? • * How to avoid disorientation in scattered environments? • * How to justify the replication of functions that are already given in a “closed” and controllable LMS? • * How to justify the increased technological variety and the subsequent need of technology-learning? • * How to justify the supposed need for openness in a determined pedagogical context?

  24. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 Success factors and obstacles of the courses and e-Learning 2.0 Specific observations within the DIE-course - reflections

  25. Presentation of the project eJump 2.0 on the FLUID visit September 16th 2009 FORMATIVE EVALUATION OF THE 3 eJUMP COURSES Conclusions • Strengths: – first‐hand experience on eLearning 2.0 (incl. chaos) – useful learning resources – innova&ve pedagogical design • Weaknesses: – environment was confusing: easy to get lost, overlaps (Moodle & Elgg), scaffolding is needed – insufficient social presence, social infrastructure – integra&on between courses

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