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Warm-up, Monday, 1/13. progenitor prō je' nə tər Noun a person or thing from which a person, animal, or plant is descended or originates W ild cats were the progenitors of the house cat. parity par ' ə tē Noun equality of rank or value
Warm-up, Monday, 1/13 progenitor prō je' nətərNoun a person or thing from which a person, animal, or plant is descended or originates Wild cats were the progenitors of the house cat.
parity par' ətēNoun equality of rankorvalue Theexchange rate establishestheparitybetweentwodifferentcurrencies: dollarsforEuros Warm-up, Monday, 1/13
Warm-up, Monday, 1/13 filial fi' lēəlAdjective relatingto a son ordaughter Thefilialrespectshownbychildrentoparents is an importantpart of manycultures.
Warm-up, Tuesday, 1/14 genealogy jēnē ä' ləje Noun 1) a familytree, 2) the studyoffamilytrees, or 3) one'slineage George tracedhisgenealogy back toWilliam Shakespeare.
Warm-up, Tuesday, 1/15 ancillary an' səlerēAdjective Of lesserimportanceorsuppliesadditionalsupport. Thetravelagenciesprovideancillaryservicestotravelers.
consanguinity con san gwi' nətēaNoun relationship derived from a common ancestor DNA testing, which allows people to determine consanguinity, can be used to establish paternity. Warm-up, Tuesday 1/14
Warm-up, Wednesday 1/15 nuptials nəp' shəlsNoun a wedding ceremony Bill and Sarah, who will be married in August, will hold their nuptials in the church.
Warm-up, Thursday 1/16 minion min' yənNoun a submissive follower or dependent The boss surrounded himself with minions who uncritically praised all of his ideas.
Warm-up, Thursday 1/16 conjugal con' jigəlAdjective having to do with marriage During the honeymoon, newlyweds are supposed to enjoy a state of conjugal bliss
Warm-up, Thursday 1/16 nemesis ne' məsəsNoun an unbeatable opponent or 2) one who inflicts punishment In the early 1980s, Björn Borg was John McEnroe's nemesis on the tennis court.