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World History. Week of Dec.2 to Dec.6. Agenda: Monday, Dec. 2. Editing Journals Mon – Thur Chap 4.3 notes in notebook pg. 38 Cut and paste 4.3 NoteTaking Chart pg. 39 HW - BIOBOARD, 10 terms on pg. 155 on a separate piece of paper, both due FRIDAY LIBRARY TOMORROW – except Per. 6 .
World History Week of Dec.2 to Dec.6
Agenda: Monday, Dec. 2 • Editing Journals Mon – Thur • Chap 4.3 notes in notebook pg. 38 • Cut and paste 4.3 NoteTaking Chart pg. 39 • HW - BIOBOARD, 10 terms on pg. 155 on a separate piece of paper, both due FRIDAY • LIBRARY TOMORROW – except Per. 6
December 2 – Write CORRECt sentence on a separate piece of paper – This will be due Thursday • the first reindeer in the us was purchased from russia it arrive in alaska on december 2 1892 • the first permanent artificial heart was implanted on december 2 1982 • The first reindeer in the U.S. was purchased from Russia. It arrived in Alaska on December 2, 1892. • The first permanent artificial heart was implanted on December 2, 1982.
Chap 4.3 notebook pg. 38 • Peninsulares – highest social class • Creoles – European descent but had second class status • Mestizos – Native Amer and European descent • Mulattoes – African and European descent • In Caribbean enslaved Africans wanted freedom • What was social structure in Latin America? • The Mestizos and Mulattoes were denied status and wealth.
Chap 4.3 Revolts in Latin America • Creoles got revolutionary ideas from Enlightenment thinkers and observing the Amer and French revolutions • In 1808, Napoleon invades Spain and makes his brother Joseph king. Latin Amer. leaders see this as opportunity to demand independence from colonial rule • Where did creoles get most of their revolutionary ideas? • What eventually sparks the revolutions in Latin America?
Chap 4.3 Revolts in Latin America • Who was Toussaint L’Overture? • How were slaves instrumental in Haiti’s independence? • Self-educated former slave. Led slaves of french colony of Hispaniola (Haiti) to revolt in 1791. France, Spain and Britain sent troops to fight. • The army of former slaves that revolted in 1791 fought until 1798 when slavery was abolished, and Toussaint’s forces controlled most of the island.
Cut and paste notebook pg. 39 • Peninsulares – highest social class • Creoles – European descent but had second class status • Mestizos – Native Amer and Europena descent • Mulattoes – African and European descent • In Caribbean enslaved Africans wanted freedom • What was social structure in Latin America? • The Mestizos and Mulattoes were denied status and wealth.
Agenda: tuesday, Dec. 3 • Editing Journal, Mon – Thur, due Thursday • Cut and Paste 4.3 map BACK of pg. 39 • Library Per. 1,2 and 5 – work on completing Biography for BIOBOARD • HW - BIOBOARD, 10 terms on pg. 155 on a separate piece of paper, both due FRIDAY
Agenda: tuesday, Dec. 3Youth and LAw • Read Chap 7 • Pg. 75 Problem 7.1 Break up into groups of 4 or 5 • HW – edmodo activity “Argument Wars?” Print score or upload to edmodo and turn in MONDAY!
December 3 – Write CORRECt sentence on a separate piece of paper • illinoisbecomed the twenty one state on december 3 1818 • ellenhenriettarichards founder of the home economics movement was born on december 3 1842 • Illinois became the twenty-first state on December 3, 1818. • Ellen Henrietta Richards, founder of the home economics movement, was born on December 3, 1842.
Agenda: wednesday, Dec. 4 • Editing Journal, Mon – Thur, due Thursday • Chap 4.3 notes notebook pg. 40 • HW - BIOBOARD, 10 terms on pg. 155 on a separate piece of paper, both due FRIDAY
December 4 – Write CORRECt sentence on aseparate piece of paper • the amsterdam news the largest weakly community newspaper in the united states was founded on this date in 1909 • the first agricultural society of importance in the us was founded on december 4 1867 it was called the grange • The Amsterdam News, the largest weekly community newspaper in the United States, was founded on this date in 1909. • The first agricultural society of importance in the U.S. was founded on December 4, 1867. It was called the Grange.
Chap 4.3 Revolts in Latin America • Who was Father Miguel Hildago? • Who was Father Jose Morales? • Creole priest of Mexico. His speech “el Grito de Dolores” was a cry for Mexico’s independence. Mestizos fought but Hidalgo was executed less than a year later. • Continued Hidalgo’s fight to improve social conditions of Mexico, abolish slavery, allow all men to vote. He also was captured and shot foru years later in 1815.
Chap 4.3 Revolts in Latin America • How does Mexico finally gain independence? • Whst led to idependence in South America? • In 1821 revolutionaries led by Iturbide overthrew Spanish rule and declare independence. • Discontent among creles as Sion Bolivar lead an uprising in Venezuela, then moved south to free Ecuador, Preu, and Bolivia.
Agenda: Thursday, Dec. 5, • Editing Journal, Mon – Thur, due TODAY • Cut and Paste 4.3 Summary notebook BACK of pg. 39 • Chap 4.3 Notes pg. 42, • Notebook check pg. 41 due MONDAY • HW - BIOBOARD, 10 terms on pg. 155 on a separate piece of paper, both due TOMORROW
December 5 – Write CORRECt sentence on a separate piece of paper • waltdisney producer of animated cartoons was born on december 5 1901 • the montgomery bus boycott led by martin luther king jr began on this date in 1955 • Walt Disney, producer of animated cartoons, was born on December 5, 1901. • The Montgomery Bus Boycott led by Martin Luther King Jr. began on this date in 1955.
Chap 4.3 Revolts in Latin America • Who was Dom Pedro? • How were the goals of the South American revolutions different from their results? • Napoleon’s army invaded Portugal, royal family fled to Brazil. When they returned king left son Dom Pedro as emperor of Brazil. • The revolutions won independence but failed to unite the lands or win social or democratic reform.
Agenda: Friday, Dec. 6 • Collect - BIOBOARD • 4.3 Quiz on Back of HW 10 terms from pg. 155 in textbook • Coloring page/ Christmas Tree – Writing prompt on back • You are given $500 but you can’t spend it on yourself and you must spend ALL of it. How do you spend it? • HW - Notebook check pg. 41 due MONDAY
Agenda: Friday, Dec. 6 – Youth and law • Current Event due • Socratic Seminar/ LAPD or other current event • HW – • 1. Bring CARD for Secret Santa • 2. Bring jar for Christmas • – Last Current Event due next FRIDAY!