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Cutting-Edge Ion Storage Technology at ELISA: Aarhus Research Breakthroughs

Explore the groundbreaking work at ELISA, Denmark's Electrostatic Ion Storage Ring, enabling research into heavy ions like fullerenes and biomolecules. This facility combines advanced technology like electrospray ion sources and laser pulses for innovative ion studies. Collaborations with Caen and Stockholm extend research possibilities, encompassing electron cyclotron resonance and plasma ion sources. Delve into ELISA's capabilities in spectroscopy, biomolecular ions storage, and ion-electron interactions, revolutionizing fields from biophysics to materials science. Get insights into UV light effects on biomolecules, protonated amino acids, and peptides, as well as cutting-edge photon emission cooling processes. Witness Aarhus University's pioneering projects in biophysics and materials science, shedding light on DNA, RNA, and organic conductors.

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Cutting-Edge Ion Storage Technology at ELISA: Aarhus Research Breakthroughs

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  1. New LEIF I3 Transnational access to ELISA Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Aarhus, Denmark Steen Brøndsted Nielsen

  2. ELISA = ELectrostatic Ion Storage ring Aarhus Commisioned in 1999 ENTIRELY ELECTROSTATIC Advantages: Store ions of fixed charge and energy with arbitrary mass Useful for study of heavy ions: fullerenes and biomolecules Combined with an electrospray ion source and a multipole ion trap to accumulate the ions for injection into ELISA. Another is operating in Japan

  3. ELectrostatic Ion Storage Ring Aarhus (ELISA) Laser pulse Ion bunch Laser power meter Nd:YAG Magnet Injection Micro-channel plate detector 1 m Accelerator with electrospray ion source S.P. Møller, NIM A394, 281 (1997). J.U. Andersen, J.S. Forster, P. Hvelplund, T.J.D. Jørgensen, S.P Møller, S.B. Nielsen, U.V. Pedersen, S. Tomita, and H. Wahlgreen, Rev. Sci. Instrum.73, 1284-1287 (2002).

  4. ION SOURCES FOR ELISA Electrospray ionization: biomolecules, fullerenes, metal-ligand complexes, solvated ions, etc. (Collaboration with Caen and Stockholm, Andersen et al., Eur. Phys. J. D, in press) Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR): fullerenes (Collaboration with Caen and Stockholm) Plasma ion source: fullerenes, atomic and small molecular ions Sputter ion source: metal clusters, atomic and small molecular anions

  5. ELECTROSPRAY ION SOURCE Tube lens Octapole Skimmer Lenses Acceleration tube ESI needle 4kV 10-6 mbar 10-3 mbar 10-5 mbar 1 mbar Heated capillary 22-pole ion trap

  6. LASERS AVAILABLE AT ELISA 10 Hz pulsed Nd:YAG laser: 1064 nm Harmonic generation: 532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm OPO pumped with 355 nm, 430 – 630 nm Dye laser pumped with 532 nm 10 Hz pulsed alexandrite laser: 720 – 800 nm Harmonic generation and Raman shifting: 200 nm – 2 mm

  7. Biomolecular ions stored so far in ELISA: Protonated amino acids and peptides Proteins (lysozyme, cytochrome c) Protein chromophores Nucleotides and oligonucleotides Protoporphyrin and heme ions

  8. ELISA experiments: Collisional cross sections, geometrical size of molecule Radiative cooling (emission from infrared active vibrations) Lifetimes after photon absorption: statistical decay processes excited state lifetimes, e.g. triplet states Absorption spectroscopy Ion-electron interactions: dissociative recombination anion-electron scattering

  9. AARHUS PROJECTS • BIOPHYSICS • Photophysics of DNA and RNA. • Spectroscopy of ionic biomolecules in vacuo, e.g.,the isolated chromophore from the Green Fluorescent Protein and derivatives. • Lifetimes of protonated amino acids and peptides after UV irradiation. • Cooling of protonated amino acids by emission of IR photons. • Triplet lifetime and triplet quantum yields of protoporhyrin and heme ions after laser excitation. • MATERIALS SCIENCE • Electronic structure of organic radical cations used in organic conductors.

  10. 1/t decay radiative cooling J.U. Andersen et al., Eur. Phys. J. D., in press.

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