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Why Brazil and How

Why Brazil and How.

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Why Brazil and How

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  1. Why Brazil and How (Rystad Energy/OED) Brasil er det klart viktigste markedet for rigg og boretjenester Den store etterspørselen etter borerigger i Brasil er en konsekvens av at landet har et omfattende leteprogram, og i tillegg har store ressurser som venter på å bli satt i produksjon. I tillegg er mange av feltene i Brasil på dypt vann, og det stilles høye tekniske krav til dypvannsrigger. Norske riggselskaper er sterke i dette markedssegmentet . Investeringsviljen har vært stor blant norske riggeiere, selv i tyngre tider som på slutten av 2000-tallet. Dette gjør at norske aktører er i god posisjon til å konkurrere i dette voksende markedet. Ernst & Young. CapturingBrazil’smomentum • Global marked, where to be located • Norway, England • Indonesia Bantan/Bintan,Malaysia KL, Australia • Brazil, Angola • Topside and process • Rig • Transport and logistics • Subsea equipment and installation • Subsea North AS takes a leading position as a cluster for the establishment and operation of service companies with operation in Brazil based on technology from the North Sea. • The value proposition is higher quality and lower cost for the value chain. • Close link to companies as DOF, Norskan, Solstad, Odfjell, Kongsberg, Aker, TTS Energy/Cameron, STX and Statoil, etc. • Network, 3rd parts services, business development with focus on: • Logistics, Supply chain Management, Track and Trace, Virtual Warehouse / Spare parts • Equipment, commissioning, test, repair • Nomination of Newcomers and How to improve supply chain • Training

  2. Equipment, commissioning, test, repair • Nominated, wantedcompanies AAk Subsea Add Energy Advantec Bitmap Alustar AS Anlegg & Marine Autronica BeerenbergCorp. BIS Industrier Brunvoll CAN Dahl Oilfield Services Depro DestecEngineering Ltd Eide Marine Services AS Eide Marine Tech as Eidesvik Offshore Emerson Roxar ESCO MPV Eureka Pumps • EurotechnologyIncon • Gabricon • Fishbones • Frigstad • Oilfield Drilling Ser. • Hareid Group • HitecProducts • IKM Subsea • Inocean • Karsten Moholt • Mento as • MIRMORAX • Miros • NorOcean Offshore • NorSea Group • Norwegian Electric Systems • NorwegianSeals • Novenco • Oceaneering • Oiltools • PG PumpSolutionsPolycrest

  3. Network, Nominations and How to improve supply chain • Network • Key industry people involved with contact information. • Google map for locations • 3 party service providers within legal, tax, transfer pricing, localization, financing, accounting, logistics, IT & telecom, etc. • Technical , IT and web support from Knowit, 300 specialists who work at the intersection between strategy, creativity and technology. • How to Nominate newcomers • The value chain needs god performers • Anyone may nominate newcomers • Subsea North will contact and forward the request on behalf of Subsea North • Members are informed about the nominees • How to improve supply chain / measure customers satisfaction • Both suppliers and customers are encouraged to take the initiatives to measure performance • The customer put down the five most important deliverables before delivery. • After delivery or every 6th month the customer will rate performance from 1 to 5 (best score). • The measure and score system is net-based and Subsea North will presents all scores to members with rating above level 3. Rating below will only be informed customer and supplier involved

  4. Measure Customer Satisfaction Nominate someone (Subsea North will contact and forward the request on behalf of Subsea North)

  5. Logistics, industrial areas • Supply chain management SR Transport / Nicomex • Trace and Trace, virtual warehouse / spare parts Smart Management • Bases / industrial areas • Vitoria with ports north of Macae,  • Vitoria, industrial company Uniao • AcuSuperport under construction by LLX,  • Macae, OSEP base • Rio de Janeiro NBIO , incubator office offered by Innovation Norway • Rio de Janeiro, Kongsberg Maritime do Brasilspace for rent. • Rio de Janeiro, industrial park Guaxindiba  , new factory Frank Mohn • Rio de Janeiro close to the airport an industrial park Itaipuaçu, new factory Joyun • Santos coastal city close to Sao Paulo, office and factory to AcelForus • Manaus Free Trade Zone with more then 600 companies.

  6. Technical training – TBNHow to reuse knowledge and best practices between Brazil and Norway • Maritime sectors and offshore drilling and services are becoming more integrated. Technical training and exchange of knowledge is needed. CapturingBrazil’smomentum and improve skills Ernst & Young. • TBN AS takes a leading position for knowledge and training exchange between Brazil and the North Sea. • Strategy • Take the position, it is unique and open. The target group is students and then companies, both those who need skills and those who offer training - how to fill the gap between current and desired level for those seeking training / education. An independent player, owned by founders. Make use of web, social media, Google search and web marketing.  • From 2014 to 2019. Add more training units, new subjects/courses and locations including environment, safety and security. Visualize how professionals / students can get more skills. Include Angola and West Africa. Facilitating bachelor and master studies, and start to include the research and PhD studies. • 2020. Establish TBN as a global centre of expertise in maritime operations for oil production and other subsea operations. • Business Model /Funding • Market channel for technical training, teaching units in Brazil and Norway as customers. • Share knowledge, locations, facilities and equipment between customers based on agreements. • TBNs revenue in the first phase will be a combination of subscription, revenue per student / course and margins on facilities and equipment used. DOF / Norskan Solstad Kongsberg Aker TTS Energy/Cameron Statoil Petrobras Maritimt forum, SNMK MO- Maritimt opplæringskontor OOF – Opplæringskontoret for oljerelaterte fag MARKOM 2020 UiS ONIP CIAGA, AEPM CAPES. MEC,SIU PRONAP, INCT FAETEC, UFRJ, UFF, SENAI Petrobras/CENPES, SINTEF/MARINTEK KONKRAFT OED / DU INTSOK NCE, NCE Subsea Business region Bergen Greater Stavanger Norges Rederiforbund Sjøfartsdirektoratet InnovationNorway IFO /OFU projects ONIP / Petrobras 1% means

  7. Present offerings / Training facilities in Brazil and Norway • Nominated, wantedcompanies, institutions, universities

  8. Advisory Board and Management • Hans Ellingsen, DOF,Norskan, Olympic and founder of Dream Learn Work • GeirIngeHaugeberg, Solstad Offshore • BjørnJohanTrosthoel, Kongsberg • AsbjørnAlgrøy, Business Region Bergen • Jan Soppeland, Greater Stavanger • Manager and founder ÅgeEikså • Technical , IT and web support from Knowit, 300 specialists who work at the intersection between strategy, creativity and technology. • How to join • New members must stand for • increased production and lower costs, • and represent a potential for good interaction with current members. • New member must be recommended by the Board. • ÅgeEikså Email : ae@subseanorth.no Phone: +47 918 82 029 www.subseanorth.com

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