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Putting the Mathematical Practices Into Action. Fall 2013. Norms. Listen as an Ally Value Differences Maintain Professionalism Participate Actively . Session Outcome. Understand the Standards for Mathematical Practice Explore strategies for implementing the Standards effectively.
Norms • Listen as an Ally • Value Differences • Maintain Professionalism • Participate Actively
Session Outcome • Understand the Standards for Mathematical Practice • Explore strategies for implementing the Standards effectively
What has been your biggest challenge with the implementation of The Standards for Mathematical Practice?
Overarching habits of mind of a productive Mathematical Thinker
Exploring Standard 1 Make Sense of Problems and Persevere in Solving them.
Understanding the Standard • What do we do each day in our classroom to build mathematical thinkers? • What do we do to keep our students actively engaged in solving problems? • How do we help our students develop positive attitudes and demonstrate perseverance during problem solving?
What questions could you ask? Shipley Aquarium Admission Cost Adults - $8.00 Children (ages 3 and over) - $6.50 Children (ages 2 and under) – Free
Traditional Problems vs. Rich Problems • We can ask questions that stifle learning by prompting a quick number response. • What is the answer to number 3 on your worksheet? • What is 5 x 4? • We can ask questions that promote discussion, thinking, and perseverance.
Sort the math questions. Check your arrangement on page 22
Exploring Standard 6 Attend to precision.
Understanding the Standard • Why is precision important in mathematics? • What does it mean to be precise? • What can we do in the classroom to promote precise communication in mathematics?
Estimate and Exact • Buying bags of candy to put in party treat bags • Measuring the dimensions of the doorway to install a screen door • Buying pizzas for a class party • Buying carpeting for a living room floor
Estimation Skills 5 x 8/9 1 5 10 7
Exploring Standard 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Understanding the Standard • What can we do in our classrooms each day to help students build a strong understanding of numbers (quantities)? • How do we help students convert problems to abstract representations? • What can we do to help students understand what numbers stand for in a given situation?
How Do We Get There? • Translate the Symbol • Expression Webs • Pinch Cards
Expression Webs A > B
Translate the Symbol • 4 dollars and 10 cents is greater than 4 dollars and 5 cents • One-fourth of 16 is 4 • Doubling a number then adding six more
Translate the Symbol • 12 = 7 + 5 • 4 + x = 6 • 3 x 4 > 2 x 5
Which Is More Challenging? • 4 dollars and 10 cents is greater than 4 dollars and 5 cents • One-fourth of 16 is 4 • Doubling a number then adding six more • 12 = 7 + 5 • 4 + x = 6 • 3 x 4 > 2 x 5
Pinch Cards Pinch cards are an all-pupil response technique. There were 6 soccer teams in the league and 12 players on each team. How many players were in the league? The 4 members of the High Rollers Bowling Team scored 120, 136, 128, and 162. What was the team’s mean score? page 41
Pinch It There were 6 soccer teams in the league and 12 players on each team. How many players were in the league? The 4 members of the High Rollers Bowling Team scored 120, 136, 128, and 162. What was the team’s mean score?
Avoiding Key Words • Key words are misleading. • Many problems have no key words. • The key word strategy sends a terribly wrong message about doing mathematics. A sense making strategy will always work.Van de Walle & Lovin (2006)
Exploring Standard 3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
How Do We Get There? • Eliminate It • Agree or Disagree?
Eliminate It! • As a group, decide on the concept that should be eliminated with reasoning or math data to back up your decision. • There may be more than one way to eliminate an item! • Create your own.
Agree or Disagree? • 75% is more than 2/3. • Tell why you agree or disagree.
Assertion vs. Argument • Assertion: a statement of what students want us to believe without support or reasoning. • The answer is correct “because it is,” “because I know it,” or “because I followed the steps.” • Argument: a statement that is backed up with facts, data, or mathematical reasons • Constructing viable arguments is not possible for students who lack an understanding of math skills and concepts.
Is this true? 19+6 = 20+5
Exploring Standard 4 Model with mathematics.
Assessment Tips • Tell me what your model represents. • Why did you choose this model? • Did creating a model help you any way? If so, how? • Did you get any insights by looking at your model? • Is there another way you might model this problem or idea? How? Page 75
Exploring Standard 5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
Which tool is more efficient? There is often more than one tool that will work for a task, but some tools are more efficient than others. • Paper & Pencil • Mental Math • Calculator
Solve using your assigned tool! • 5 x 6 • 23 x 15 • Estimate the cost of 2 pies @ $3.75 each Cereal @ $3.20 each Milk @ $1.79 gal Bananas @ 59 cents/lb • 236 x 0 x 341 • What comes next 3, 7, 15, 31, ___ • A local TV store had a sale on TV’s. They sold 7 for $1,699.95 each. They made a profit of $169.00 on each TV. What did the store pay for the 7 TVs? • $1,183.00 C. $13,082.65 • $10,716.65 D. $11,899.65
In My Head? (Mental Math) Do I use paper & pencil or do it in my head? • 734 x 82 • 63 x 4 • 1/4 + 2/8 • 930 ÷ 3 Students need to identify tools that increase their efficiency with math tasks.
What questions do you have?