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Fall 2013 MEAP. What’s New. MEAP-ACCESS Calendar. Who is tested?. 3 rd Grade. Students use a consumable, combination test booklet and answer booklet All 3 rd grade materials are considered secure materials Students have only 3 answer choices for each test question. Reading.
3rd Grade Students use a consumable, combination test booklet and answer booklet All 3rd grade materials are considered secure materials Students have only 3 answer choices for each test question
Reading Combination of multiple-choice items and constructed-response items. Students will read and respond to reading selections in multiple genres and in “Independent Reading” and “Paired Reading” formats. Administered over 2 days using 2 separate test booklets. All of DAY 1 must be completed in the same day. All of DAY 2 must be completed in the same day.
Writing Combination of multiple-choice items and constructed response items. Students will respond to both narrative and informational writing prompts. Students will read and respond to “Student Writing Samples”. Administered over 2 days using 2 separate test booklets. All of DAY 1 must be completed in the same day. A break between Parts 1 and 2 are permitted, but there may NO break between Parts 2 and 3. All of DAY 2 must be completed in the same day.
Mathematics 3rd-8th Students respond to multiple-choice items. The test consists of multiple parts administered in ONE day using a single test booklet. Calculators are permitted in grades 4th-8th ONLY on PART 2 of the test. Breaks are allowed between Parts.
Science 5th and 8th Students will respond to multiple-choice items. The test consists of multiple parts administered on one day using a single booklet. Breaks are allowed between parts.
Social Studies 6th and 9th Students will respond to multiple-choice items. The test consists of multiple parts administered on one day using a single booklet. Breaks are allowed between parts.
MEAP-Access S.S. and Science Social Studies test is NOT available, so students must take MEAP or follow instructions found in the User Manual from the secure site to provide participation data for MI-Access for accountability purposes. Science test is NOT available, so students need to tested with MEAP or MI-Access in grades 5 & 8.
Test Administration Manuals - MEAP MEAP Test Administration Manual: Section 1 • The first section of the TAM focuses on information for coordinators and school/district administrators Section 2 • The second section focuses on information for test administrators and accommodation providers Section 3 • The third section contains the actual grade and subject specific directions for test administration.
Completing Answer Documents ONLY complete: Student Name Teacher Name School District Birth Date Assessment Date Form
General Information Administration Order of MEAP Test Parts • Test parts for reading, mathematics (calculator exception), writing, science, and social studies must be administered in the specified order.
Scheduling Tests Avoid field trips and activities that interfere with the test. Begin testing early in the school day. Allow breaks between parts of each test. Students MUST complete an entire part before being given a break.
Scheduling Test Parts Tests are designed with more than one part. Parts must be administered in order. Students must complete a part of the test before leaving a test session. This includes breaks for recess, lunch, and specials classes.
Students Who Need More Time To Complete The Tests Arrangements must be made to allow additional time during the same continuous session/part on the test date for students who require more time to complete a test. Students who move from one testing location to another must be accompanied by a staff member who transports the materials.
Make-up Testing We must meet a minimum 95% participation rate required for accountability. There are specific subject area make-up dates for students who are absent or are new to the school. Make-up tests can only be given according to the schedule. Justin will facilitate all make-up tests.
Scheduling Scenario A student is absent on the first day of Reading – Day 1. If the student returns on Reading – Day 2, he/she must take Reading – Day 2 first with their classmates. Then complete the missed Day session on a make-up day.
Tardy Students Students who arrive late may not enter classrooms after the teacher(s) have read the test direction to students and students have started working. Late students will need to be placed in a separate location where they may start a test after the test directions are read individually to them. Late students can also be included in a make-up session.
Test Security Schools are accountable for every secure item provided on the materials list. Any answer document with a barcode should be considered secure. All test materials are locked. Tests must be collected by the end of each test day and returned to the secure location. No test material that contain test questions or student responses may be copied at anytime or retained in the schools.
Materials Notify Dave ASAP if any student is missing required testing materials.
Calculators 3rd grade may NOT use calculators. Calculators are not required for 4th-8th grades, but they may be provided during PART 2 of the Mathematics test only. Students may not share calculators. Calculators should not be seen during PART 1. Calculators with QWERTY keyboard are not allowed. Cell phone calculators are not permitted.
#2 Pencils Students are required to use No. 2 pencils on all multiple choice and constructed responses when answering test questions.
Additional Paper Students are provided with ample space within all answer documents for extended written responses. Blank space in test booklets may be used for calculators and planning. NO additional paper, including scrap paper, may be used with any MEAP test unless prescribed by an accommodation. 3rd grade test booklets are also answer documents so student notes should not interfere with the answer grid area. Keep notes away from circles.
Critical Reminders Highlighters • Proceed with Caution-Highlighters and other non- # 2 pencil marks on answer documents (or 3rd grade tests) continue to create problems
Critical Reminders FORM NUMBERS • Schools are assigned form numbers (1-5 MEAP) (1-2 MEAP-Access) • Students must take all tests with the same form • Form 1 is also used for MEAP Accommodated Tests • Form 1 or 2 may be used for MEAP-Access
Critical Reminders All test materials must be kept in one secure location within the school Test materials must be returned to this location daily
Critical Reminders Make sure students complete the information at the top of their answer document. Make sure every answer document has a bar code label that matches the student information at the top of the answer document.
Critical Reminders Double check to be sure special education students take the correct tests and use the correct accommodations based on their IEPs. Students taking MEAP-Access must be flagged as Special Ed to be valid If an IEP team determines that MEAP online is not appropriate please document.
Critical Reminders Attention to test security benefits everyone. Observations are done for security and test administration.
Examples of Testing Irregularities Copying test materials such as the test books, reader scripts, or completed answer documents. Not allowing a student to complete a test. Failing to keep test materials secure. Allowing students to be unsupervised during the test.
Testing Irregularities Irregularities in testing practices MUST be reported to Dave immediately.
Additional Material Orders September 24 – October 22, 2013 Inventory initial materials as soon as they are received • Identify additional materials needed • Contact district coordinator for additional materials Only a district level user can place order for additional materials
Barcode Labels All answer documents must have a barcode label, including home schooled students • Must be the correct student • Must be correct test cycle
Before Testing Review manuals Stress SECURITY 37
During Testing Make sure all answer documents have barcodes labels applied with the correct Pre-Id information Handle with care! 38
Return of Materials Follow instructions in manuals. Return MEAP and MEAP-Access materials no later than October 30 to avoid possible late fees. 39
Returning Scorable Materials Sort answer docs into stacks by subject, grade, and form. No sticky notes! No paper clips! Really, Really Important! 40
School/Grade Header Sheet Place a completed School/Grade Header Sheet on top of each stack of answer documents. 41
Returning Scorable Materials No sticky notes! Really. No white out transcribe onto new answer document. Poor erasures transcribe onto new answer document. 42
A MEAP FACT: 26 million pages of answer documents printed! 43
Test Administrator Manual MEAP BIBLE!