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Learning Objectives. Use of the Imperfect Tense How to say “I was doing/ I used to do”. You MUST recognise the imperfect Tense You SHOULD be able to form it You COULD use it in every day work in class. The Imperfect Tense We use this tense….
Learning Objectives Use of the Imperfect Tense How to say “I was doing/ I used to do” You MUST recognise the imperfect Tense You SHOULD be able to form it You COULD use it in every day work in class
The Imperfect TenseWe use this tense… • to describe what something or someone was like in the past. E.g. Quand elle était petite, elle avait les cheveux blonds When she was little, she used to have fair hair la maison où j’habitais était grande et moderne The house where I used to live was large and modern
The Imperfect TenseWe use this tense… • To describe continuous actions or interrupted actions in the past. e.g. Il était assis et il écoutait la radio He was sitting down and he was listening to the radio Mon frère faisait ses devoirs quand je suis arrivée My brother was doing his homework when I arrived
The Imperfect TenseWe use this tense… • To describe something that happened frequently in the past e.g. je commençais à 8h tous les matins I used to start at 8 o’clock every morning On allait voir ma grandmère le dimanche We used to go and visit my grandma on Sundays
The Imperfect TenseWe use this tense… • After si in suggestions and in conditional sentences e.g. si on allait à la piscine? How about going to the swimming pool? si tu travaillais plus, tu aurais de meilleurs résultats If you worked harder, you’d get better results
How to form the Imperfect TenseSTEP 1 – Find the stem • Take the nous form of the present tense and remove the – ons ending Nous travaillons XX travaill regard Nous regardons XX XX Nous allons all
Je Tu Il Elle On Nous vous Ils elles ais ais ait ait ait ions iez aient aient STEP 2- add the endings, according to who is doing the action travaill travaill travaill travaill travaill travaill travaill travaill travaill je travaillais - I was working/ I used to work
Exception! • être ( nous sommes) ét- • j’étais nous étions • tu étais vous étiez • il était ils étaient • elle était elles étaient • on était
I was walking (marcher) you used to live (habiter) he was watching tv she used to finish before me we used to sell apples you (pl) were talking they (m) were leaving elles (f) used to play tennis Je marchais tu habitais il regardait la télé elle finissait avant moi on vendait des pommes vous parliez ils partaient elles jouaient au tennis Try these…
Try making 10 sentences of your own in the Imperfect Tense Give them to your partner to translate
You MUST recognise the imperfect Tense You SHOULD be able to form it You COULD use it in every day work in class The Imperfect Tense – what is it? Homework Learn for Next Lesson – TEST!