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Design, Development and Implementation of a Just Health care System in a Frontier Market. Thompson & Grace Medical University, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Macharia Waruingi, Susan Peiffer, Isaac Amos IIDEX Health Care, Toronto, Canada September 25, 2013. The unprecedented rapid economic growth
Design, Development and Implementation of a Just Health care System in a Frontier Market Thompson & Grace Medical University, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Macharia Waruingi, Susan Peiffer, Isaac Amos IIDEX Health Care, Toronto, Canada September 25, 2013
The unprecedented rapid economic growth from traditional notion of 3rd World to a new notion of frontier market. • The unpreparedness of the practitioners of global health unique problem in which the globalization of health care lags behind the general globalization of industrial manufacturing and consumer services. frontier market
How can we facilitate globalization of affordable and accessible, high quality health care to a frontier market? • Reverse question: How can we create conditions for emergence of affordable and accessible, high quality care in traditionally marginalized market? research questions
Globalization Globalization Health Care Consumers of care health professionals organization (Craig & Beichl, 2009; Reading, 2010; Schroth & Khawaja, 2007) • A central principle for business theory and practice (F. G. Adams, 2008; de Sousa Santos, 2006; John, 2009; Peter, 1999) background
Production and delivery of high quality health services that ensure the critical elements of structural equity in frontier markets. • Globalization of healthcare provides a major opportunity for increasing access to high quality affordable healthcare in frontier markets. • The process for creating conditions for economically viable high-quality care services in traditionally marginalized geopolitical locations in the frontier market is not clear. the problem
To discover elements critical to production and delivery of high quality health services in frontier market. • To engage the community in an inductive dialogue. purpose
Core Fringe Adversarial, divergent, non-legitimate, the poor, the weak, the illiterate, the disinterested such as rural folks of countries characterized as emerging or frontier markets. Non-humans such as plant, animals, etc., occupying the frontier regions as their natural habitats, are fringe stakeholders of globalization of health care. Non-humans suffer from the likely disruption of their natural habitat by increased human activity in new lands needed for development projects. (Hart & Sharma, 2004) • Leaders of health care organizations, designers of health systems, health care planners, architects, engineers, hospital builders, governmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations. • Manufacturers and suppliers of equipment used in healthcare organizations, community leaders in developed and frontier markets, other businesses, employees, and investors. (Hart & Sharma, 2004) significance
Co-creating Putting the Last First Sit down, listen, watch and learn Use your own best judgments at all times Unlearn Be optimally unprepared Embrace error Relax Hand-over the stick Ask them Be nice to people (Chambers, 1997) • Telling • Selling • Testing • Consulting • Co-creating (Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Ross, & Smith, 1994) theoretical underpinnings
Qualitative Method Grounded Theory to explore shared concepts to formulate a theoretical model • To obtain inductive data method
Geographic Location Participants Akwa Ibom state Rivers state Cross-Rivers state Lagos state • Nigeria method
No Access Seek Care in Other Countries People do not seek care No Seeking • People do not access care • People seek care in other countries findings
Deliberative justice • Distributive justice • Social justice discussion
A just WCHS is a comprehensive entity with three sub-entities of (a) community engagement, (b) services delivery, and (c) a payment ascertainment. • The three elements are the subsystems of a world-class health system in a frontier market. • The subsystems co-operate under an overarching umbrella organization providing business governance and oversight to ascertain complete justice of a sustainable design for a WCHS of a frontier market in a rapidly globalizing planet. • And answers the questions How can we facilitate globalization of affordable and accessible, high quality health care to a frontier market? And the Reverse question: How can we create conditions for emergence of affordable and accessible, high quality care in traditionally marginalized market? conclusion
Macharia Waruingi Susan Peiffer A. ShilaWaritu Isaac Amos UwemedimbukEkanem ToluAdemodi SegunAgunbiade Kerrie Downing Charon Blaney Alice Lester Ashley Ammerman Janine Cummings EdidiongUdom Nene Adem EkeminiUsanga IbangaEkong ZelalemLome people
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