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Nothingness Or Singularity?. From Wikipedia. No! he did not loose the plot. As we can see, he is searching for the origin of everything or theory of everything! He is a great scientist! A true scientist not only having marvelous logic thinking
Nothingness Or Singularity? From Wikipedia No! he did not loose the plot. As we can see, he is searching for the origin of everything or theory of everything! He is a great scientist! A true scientist not only having marvelous logic thinking but is also a great thinker. Which eventually will lead to spirituality. Sad to say that there is no meditation methods to lead him to cross over the barrier imposed by logical thinking. Logical thinking only able to explain how the things in our surrounding work but couldn’t give you an real inner peace and truly understand the meaning of life and universe. Through deep meditation, We believe that we will achieve ‘singularity’ state in our mind and not only writing singularity (we are talking about theoretical physics here) equations in papers. 本体论 Well, this might be the ‘god’ that Leibniz is looking for. However, we need more careful and in-depth discussions to confirm the correctness. Now things started to get interesting! Refer to the following slides!
Just treat white as protons, black as electrons and some combination of black and white as neutrons. We will understand that these are the basic constituent of materials such as switches ,circuits, materials and appliances etc.The black and white can be also thought as abstract concepts in our mind. There are billions of these in our mind. ? Will we be able to attain such a state in our mind when all the complementary concepts in our mind vanished? Is that means the loss of memory? Oh no…you might say that.. No fear. We will discuss this at the end of this chapter.
Having seen all these explanations, we are still not satisfy. How to prove scientifically that living beings and non-living beings are consist of ‘Ying and ‘Yang’ ? Please refer to next following slides. These are extracted from the book : ‘A new kind of science’ By Professor Stephen Wolfram also CEO of software company which produce ‘MATHEMATICA’. Based on his methodologies, he was able to produce amazing new scientific prove that all beings can be made up of simple rules. Cellular automata is the simple rules. Basically are consist of black and white dots arrangement in different combinations. We observed that these rules might have strong relation with the eight states of ‘Ba Gua’. Please refer to the next slide.
Page 24 of the book “A new kind of Science” by Professor Stephen Wolfram, also the Chief Executive Officer of “MATHEMATICA” software company. He was able to simulate the living and non living beings in nature by using these rules.
In the later part of part 1 of this work, we have found a mathematical structure from ‘Luo Pan’ which also contain the concepts of ‘Ying and ‘Yang’. We believe that it will resemble almost the same conclusions as drawn by Professor Stephen Wolfram.
Let us begin our discussion… Nothingness or singularity
Dimension started to exist after Bing Bang? We don’t know why Ying and Yang emerge from nothingness. Might be due to the consciousness of human being that will in turn collapse the wave functions and thus exist of material world. (viewpoint from quantum mechanics) Let us assume that 1-dimension(X-axis) does related to Ying(Low) and Yang(High). 1 dimension X-axis Dark/LOW Bright/High
2 dimensions started to form Y-axis Bright/High Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
We have brought in the concept of fractal in physics where there is still a smaller Tai Ji symbol in each of the half of the bigger Tai Ji symbol. Y Bright/High 2 dimensions Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
Y Bright/High 2 dimensions Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
An alternative way to represent the Ying and Yang symbols or binary sequences. Y Bright/High 2 dimensions Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
Y Bright/High 2 dimensions Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
Y Bright/High 2 dimensions Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
Y Bright/High 2 dimensions Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
This arrangement is Gray sequences. Widely in digital electronics for simplification of logic circuits. Y We have turned the Tai Ji Symbol! Bright/High Do you notice something different here compare with the one in the previous slide? If we arrange the Ying and Yang in this manner, dimensions will start to vanish. We suspect that this is the arrangement that needed to return to the ‘god’ where there is no time and dimensions. More of these in part 3. 2 dimensions Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
A’ A B B B’ B’ A A’ B’ B B Y A’B AB B’ being merged! B B’ X-axis shorten! X A’ A
A’ A B B B’ B’ A A’ B’ B B Y A’B AB Let us use Boolean algebra to aid our explanation. B AB + AB’ + A’B’ + A’B = AB + B’[A+A’] + A’B = AB + B’[1] + A’B = AB + B’ + A’B B’ B’ X A’ A
A’ A B B B’ B’ A A’ B’ B B Y B AB + AB’ + A’B’ + A’B = AB + B’[A+A’] + A’B =AB + B’[1] + A’B =AB +A’B + B’ =B[A+A’] + B’ B being merged! Most of the A and A’ diminished. B’ B’ A’ A X A’ A X-axis shorten further ! B
A’ A B B B’ B’ A A’ B’ B B Y B AB + AB’ + A’B’ + A’B = AB + B’[A+A’] + A’B =AB + B’[1] + A’B =AB +A’B + B’ =B[A+A’] + B’ =B[1] + B’ =B + B’ B’ B’ B’ A’ A X-axis vanished ! B B
A’ A B B B’ B’ A A’ B’ B B No dimension/ Nothingness/ singularity AB + AB’ + A’B’ + A’B = AB + B’[A+A’] + A’B =AB + B’[1] + A’B =AB +A’B + B’ =B[A+A’] + B’ =B[1] + B’ =B + B’ =1 Y-axis aslo vanished ! B’ B’ A’ A B B
3 dimensions Z Let us continue to use the concept of fractal physics to further our discussion. Bright /High We have enlarge the symbol for the clarity purpose. Y Bright/High Dark/Low Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
Z Bright /High Y Dark/Low Bright/High Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
Z Bright /High Y Bright/High Dark/Low Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
Z Bright /High Y Dark/Low Bright/High Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
Z 3 dimensions Bright /High Bright /High Bright /High Bright /High Y Dark/ Low Dark/ Low Bright/High Dark/ Low Dark/Low Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
3 dimensions Z Bright /High Y Bright/High Dark/Low Dark/Low X Dark/LOW Bright/High
Now we understand if we include the fractal concept to the Tai Ji symbol, we can generate binary sequences. These sequences signify the 3-dimensions and also even a higher dimensions. That is the reason why the 64 symbols of I-Ching (as shown below) are arranged in Binary sequences and not in Gray Sequence or other sequences so that it is able to explain our nature macroscopically.
Again, if we arrange the binary sequences into Gray sequences or a new sequences which will explain in part 3, We will diminish the 3 dimensions into nothingness. This indicate that if we rearrangement millions of complementary concepts in our mind in right manner, we will reach the same state of enlightenment as Buddha. We will see or felt a very sudden ‘enlargement of surrounding’. This is the state where there are no boundaries or dimensions being imposed to us which occur in our mind, not physical body. Of course we will still be able to return to normal state of consciousness as we are. Other people look at you are a normal person but your inner state has already changed. Only when a person who perform a very deep concentration to a particular art, he or she will reach this state. Through practice, they can enter this state as they wish. What so special about reaching this state? Well, you will not afraid of death and the deterioration of our physical body or sickness. When you have switch to that state, there will be no pain or suffering. For example, you will be able to stop the cancer cells from spreading if you suffer from cancerous disease. We believe that that is how Hai Yun master able to survive until today. He suffered from serious cancer like ten years ago. For me, I have experience such a feeling once when I was lecturing seriously and writing equations in a very concentrate mood on the board. The black board suddenly turned very wide and large and spread in a very fast speed towards my face. In another words, I have ‘melted’ myself and there are no more difference between me and the materials in my surrounding. I was frighten and ‘jump’; the feeling gone.I felt that this is the diminish of dimensions and no boundaries between ‘me’ and surrounding. Only once, no such a feeling until present day. Meaning that I have polluted myself with too many desires and rubbish information in my mindset. Sad to say that. (:( Binary sequences A A’ B’ B B B’ C’ C C’ C C C’ C C’ Gray code or sequences
The book by Hai Yun master: ‘The essence of philosophy of Hua Yan Buddhism’. Please refer to the next slide for a passage extract from this book. This passage describe the condition of ‘nothingness’.
Let us again use Boolean algebra to explain the vanish of 3 dimensions. A A’ B’ B B B’ C’ C C’ C C C’ C C’ Gray code or sequences Let C= 1 and C’=0 ABC + ABC’ = AB[C+C’] = AB [1] = AB A A’ B’ B B B’ C C’ C C’ C C’ AB’C’ + AB’C = AB’[C+C’] = AB’ [1] = AB’ A A’ B’ B B B’ C’ C C C’
A A’ B’ B B B’ C’ C C C’ A’B’C + A’B’C’ = A’B’[C+C’] = A’B’ [1] = A’B’ A A’ B’ B B B’ C C’ A A’ B’ B B B’ C C’ A’BC’ + A’BC = A’B[C+C’] = A’B [1] = A’B A A’ B’ B B B’
Z Bright /High Y Dark/Low Bright/High Dark/Low X Bright/High Dark/LOW
Z Bright /High Y Bright/High Dark/Low Dark/Low X Bright/High Dark/LOW
Z Bright /High Y Bright/High Dark/Low Dark/Low X Bright/High Dark/LOW
Z Bright /High Y Dark/Low Bright/High Dark/Low X Bright/High Dark/LOW
Z Bright /High Y Bright/High Dark/Low Dark/Low X Bright/High Dark/LOW
Z Bright /High Y Dark/Low Bright/High Dark/Low X Bright/High Dark/LOW
Z Bright /High Y Dark/Low Bright/High Dark/Low X Bright/High Dark/LOW
Y Bright/High Dark/Low X Bright/High Dark/LOW
We can also use A to represent Bright/High, A’ to represent dark/low and so on. A’ A B B B’ B’ Y B B’ X A A’