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Equality and Diversity. THE CONTEXT. Race Equality. Age and discrimination. AREAS OF INEQUALITY. Religion and Belief. Disability. Gender Equality. Sexual Orientation. DIFFERENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRANDS. RACE RELATIONS (AMENDMENT ACT) 2000.
THE CONTEXT Race Equality Age and discrimination AREAS OF INEQUALITY Religion and Belief Disability Gender Equality Sexual Orientation DIFFERENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRANDS
RACE RELATIONS (AMENDMENT ACT) 2000 • The Race Relations Amendment Actgives public authorities a statutory general duty to promote race equality. The aim of the general duty is to make promoting race equality central to the way public authorities work; and this includes schools. The general duty says that the body must have 'due regard' to the need to: eliminate unlawful racial discrimination; and promote equality of opportunity and good relations between people of different racial groups.
SPECIFIC DUTIES FOR SCHOOLS/COLLEGES • To prepare a written statement of the school's policy for promoting race equality, and to act upon it; • To assess the impact of school policies on pupils, staff and parents of different racial groups, including, in particular, the impact of attainment levels of these pupils; • To monitor the operation of all the school's policies, including, in particular their impact on the attainment levels of pupils from different racial groups; and • To take reasonable steps to make available the results of its monitoring.
SURVEY Take time to complete the True/False statements. Reflect on your own personal attitudes to issues of race and supporting BME students; your own knowledge and information. Now reflect on the other dimensions
‘CRITICAL INCIDENTS’? From your experience what would you consider to be a ‘Critical Incident’?
The following list of actions may be considered to be critical incidents.
STUDENTS V STUDENTS Bullying Name calling Abuse of property Excluding Teasing/harassment Labelling Insults Physical abuse/fights Overheard racist jokes Accents and name mocked Looked at in a different way Racist threats via mobile phones STUDENTS V TEACHERS Rudeness Unwillingness to cooperate Name calling Whispering insults/sarcasm Answering back as if they are superior Getting parent to complain Mocking accents Questioning heritage over and over Complaining about accents/mocked Ignoring INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR IN COLLEGES
QUOTE The first principled motive is to equip all young people with an appropriate education to free them from the shackles of uncritical acceptance of racist myths and enable them to relate to people and groups positively and not fearfully or resentfully. The second is to provide a safe and affirming educational experience for minority pupils Chris Gaine 2005
WHAT ARE THE CHALLEGES? • What are the challenges facing you in the promoting of equality and diversity in the classroom?
“Racism in higher education is mostly hidden and deeply denied. Only when lecturers open up discussions about racism and students begin to give their points of view do problematic outlooks and preconditioned mindsets emerge. Once they emerge they can be dealt with” Student comment University of Scotland
ROLE PLAY-RACISM Discuss the following scenarios and share ideas/opinions for dealing with them
Racism is learnt, and it can be unlearnt. Providing opportunities for students to critically consider how racism is woven into everyday text, practice and thinking helps them to unpack a concept that is complex and constantly evolving. It can also assist students to understand how discrimination affects the lives of those who experience it. This may be particularly important for those whose own life experiences will not generally bring them into contact with such issues, but who may need to understand them in response to the impact of an increasingly diverse society on their studies and on their own future employment requirements. http://www.universities-scotland.ac.uk/raceequalitytoolkit/concepts.htm
EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE How might one incorporate race awareness in the following subjects?
EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE How might one incorporate race awareness in the following subjects?
EXAMPLES OF GOOD PRACTICE Useful resources: http://www.multiverse.ac.uk/ http://www.universities-scotland.ac.uk/raceequalitytoolkit/curriculum_design.htm http://www.teachers.tv/videos/embedding-policy
STRATEGIES • Have a sound personal philosophy • Avoid ‘It does not apply here’ mindset • Be knowledgeable about current trends • Identify areas of equality and diversity in schemes of work • Address lesson plans and aim to imbed concepts within them • Use a variety of teaching styles which will involve all student participation and interaction. • Use media and technology to break down stereotypes • Promote structured discussions • Create resources that include culture from different backgrounds • Share good practice
The issues of equality and diversity and race awareness in education is multifaceted. There is no one solution to the problems which arise. This does not mean that it is to be avoided, or painted over with a broad brush. On the contrary it is to be addresses over and over again until it becomes a soul conviction. Then and only then will transformation become a reality. Wendy Sterling-Mannings
What did I know before? What do I know now? What is my philosophy? How can I share good practice? CONCLUSION