Equality and Diversity Over seven in ten employees (71%) feel that diversity, difference and equality are valued within the Council, a positive shift of 9% points. A similar proportion (68%) feel able to be themselves at work without fear of discrimination. However, only half (50%) believe that every member of staff is treated with fairness and respect (the same proportion as in 2007), and employees are less likely than in 2007 to feel that support and advice about equality issues are readily available (-5% points). Whilst 68% know how to make a formal complaint about discrimination/bullying/harassment, almost two in five (39%) would feel uncomfortable doing so. The proportions of employees who have felt disadvantaged or unfairly treated remains similar to 2007, and in line with our overall and local authority norms. One possible area of concern is that 8% of staff feel that they have been disadvantaged or unfairly treated on account of their ethnicity/race, which although down from 11% in 2007, is still 3% points above the local authority norm. Employees are most likely to have received unfair treatment at the hands of another colleague or their line manager (34% and 27% respectively). Furthermore, only 27% of employees who had felt disadvantaged or unfairly treated reported the incident – although this is an improvement from 20% in 2007. A reluctance to report incidents of this nature may be down to a perception that the Council will not take sufficient corrective action. Of those who had reported an incident, over two fifths (44%) say that the situation was not fully resolved.
Equality and Diversity % Positive To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Strongly agree % Tend to agree % Neither agree nor disagree % Tend to disagree % Strongly disagree % Don't know/ no opinion/ not stated
Equality and Diversity To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: % Positive % Strongly agree % Tend to agree % Neither agree nor disagree % Tend to disagree % Strongly disagree % Don't know/ no opinion/ not stated * Negatively worded questions – disagreement is the positive response
Equality and Diversity To what extent have you felt disadvantaged or unfairly treated on account of your… % A great deal/fair amount % Not applicable % Not at all % Not very much % A fair amount % A great deal % Don't know/ no opinion/ not stated
Equality and Diversity Thinking about the most recent incident of unfair treatment you experienced at work, please tick below the type of incident you experienced:* *Base: Employees who have felt disadvantaged or unfairly treated
Equality and Diversity Thinking about the most recent incident of unfair treatment you experienced at work, who was this by?* *Base: Employees who have felt disadvantaged or unfairly treated
Equality and Diversity Thinking about the most recent incident of unfair treatment you experienced, did you or someone else report the incident?* Once reported, was the situation resolved?** % Yes, completely % Yes, partially % Yes % No % No % Don’t know/can’t remember/not stated % Don’t know/can’t remember/not stated *Base: Employees who have felt disadvantaged or unfairly treated **Base: Employees who have felt disadvantaged or unfairly treated and reported an incident