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STRUKTUR DAN FUNGSI TUBUH TUMBUHAN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF PLANT BODY. by: IDA RIANAWATY. Akar , batang dan daun merupakan alat tubuh pokok (organ pokok ) pada tumbuhan , sedangkan Bunga , buah , dan biji merupakan organ khusus pada tumbuhan .
Akar, batangdandaunmerupakanalattubuhpokok (organ pokok) padatumbuhan, sedangkanBunga, buah, danbijimerupakan organ khususpadatumbuhan. Root, stem, and leaf are main body organs in plant, meanwhile The flower, fruit, and seed are special organs in plant.
A k a r (R o o t) • Strukturakartersusunatasstrukturluar (morfologi) danstrukturdalam (anatomi). Secaramorfologi, akartersusunatasrambutakardantudungakar, sedangkansecaraanatomiakartersusunatas epidermis, korteks, endodermis, dansilinderpusat. • The structure of root is composed of outer structure (morphology) and inner structure (anatomy). Morpologically, root is composed of root hairs and root cap, while anatomically root is composed epidermis, cortex, endodermis, and central core.
Penampang lintang Penampang bujur
Tiga sistem jaringan pada sayatan melintang akar tumbuhan dikotil (a) dan monokotil (b).
FungsiAkarThe Function of Root a. Menyerap air dan garam mineral b. Melekatkan dan menopang tubuh c. Sebagai penyimpan cadangan makanan d. Membantu pernapasan a. Absorbing water and mineral salt b. cking and supporting body c. storage of food reservation d. Helping respiration
b. Aerating root A .Storage root c. Clinging root Fungsi khusus akar: Special function of root: d. Haustorial root a).akar penimbun pati, b).akar nafas, c). akar pembelit, d). akar isap Gambar 3. Beberapa modifikasi akar.
BATANG (STEAM) • Batangtumbuhanherbaumumnyamempunyaiciri-ciri: lunak, berwarnahijau,jaringankayunyasedikitatautidakadasamasekali, ukuranbatangkecil,danberumurpendek. • The stem of herbaceous plant commonly has characteristics: soft, has green colour, its woody tissue is a little amount or not existing at all,the size of stem is small,and has short age. • Batangtumbuhanberkayuumumnyamempunyaiciri-ciri: berbatangkeras, tebal, berwarnacokelat, danberumurpanjang. • The stem of woody plant commonly has characteristics: it has hard stem, thick,has chocolate colour, and has along age.
BATANG (STEAM) Lenti Sel Batang tumbuhan herba The stem of herbaceous plant http://images.google.co.id Batangtumbuhanberkayu The stem of woody plant http://images.google.co.id
Gambar 7.5 Struktur Anatomi BatangAnatomycal Structure of steamSumber: http://www.britannica.com
FungsiBatangFunction of stem Batangpadatumbuhanmempunyaibeberapafungsi, antara lain: 1. Menyalurkan air dangaram mineral dariakarmenujudaundanmenyalurkanzatmakananhasilfotosintesisdaridaunkeseluruhbagiantubuhtumbuhan yang lainya. Steam in plant has several functions, those are as follows: 1. To distribute water and mineral salt from root to leaves and distributing food substances of photosynthesis products from leaves to entire parts of plant.
2. Sebagaitempatmelekatnyadaun,bunga,danbiji agar mudahterkenacahayamataharidanmudahterjadipenyerbukansertapenyebaranbuahdanbiji. 3. Batangdapatberfungsiuntukmembantupernapasan, karenaoksigendapatmasukmelaluilentisel 2. As the place of sticking of leaves,flower,and seed so easily to struct by sunlight and it is easily happens pollination as well as spreading of fruit and seed. 3. Steam can fuction to help respiration, because oxygen can enter through lentisel.
References • http://www.biotopics.co.uk/newgcse/biomassenergyloss.html diambil tanggal 8 maret 2008 • Suyitno & Sukirman. 2009. Biology 2 for Junior High School. Penerbit Yudistira. Jakarta. • Nunung N. 2008. IPA Biologi Bilingual untuk SMP kelas VIII. Penerbit Yrama Widya. Bandung.