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Generation-IV Overview. FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools. G.Glinatsis ENEA, via Martiri di Monte Sole 4 - 40129 Bologna, Italy NEWLANCER 1 st Regional Meeting. KFKI, Budapest, 02-04 Apr. 2012 georgios.glinatsis@enea.it. Generation-IV Overview
Generation-IV Overview. FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools • G.Glinatsis ENEA, via Martiri di Monte Sole 4 - 40129 Bologna, Italy NEWLANCER 1st Regional Meeting. KFKI, Budapest, 02-04 Apr. 2012 georgios.glinatsis@enea.it
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Background : The use of the nuclear energy, able to substitute fossil fuels at acceptable costs, is strongly related to two critical aspects of nuclear power production: potential (catastrophic) risks & amount of radioactive wastes; minimization of the risks and management optimisation of the wastes requires enhanced safety performancesand implies Partitioning & Transmutation (P&T) techniques for both minor actinides (MA) and long-lived fission products (LLFP); Generation-IV studies “confirm” the physics: In long term advanced fast reactors are needed to meet both enhanced safety behaviour and improved environmental impact ! slide 3, slide 5slide 6, slide 8 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 2/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVBasicConcepts: While the current II and III (III+) – Generations NPP designs provide electricity in many markets, advances in the physics and design of the nuclear energy systems can increases the opportunities for further expansion of the use of the nuclear energy; Gen-IV nuclear reactors are designed having in mind to meet the following goals: Sustainability; slide 4, Economic Competitiveness; slide 5, Safety & Reliability; slide 6, Security against Nuclear Weapons Proliferation. slide 7 Gen-IV nuclear reactors are expected to start being deployed between 2025 - 2030 (for commercial use from 2040 onwards). slide 8, slide 13, slide 14 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVBasicConcepts: Sustainability: Generate energy sustainably, promoting long-term availability of nuclear fuel, and Minimize nuclear waste reducing the long term stewardship burden ; Concerns: resources preservation (improved fuel utilisation: breeding) and nuclear waste management "restrictions“ : recycling Nuclear Waste management: one of the main concerns of any FC concept: - Once through FC: limited availability of repositories; - Pu bred partial recycling FC: limited part of the SF is reused; - Pu bred full recycling FC: “idem”; - Closed FC recycling TRU: efficient whether (LW & FN) Rs are operating in a coupled mode. Increasing (LW & Gas)Rs fuel BU can improve waste management burning actinides in situ. Resources Preservation: by better exploiting the energy potential of the natural Uranium resources, through better neutron economy FR slide 3 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVBasicConcepts: Economics: Have a life cycle cost advantage over other energy sources, and a level of financial risk comparable to other energy projects ; Concerns: new reactors competitive in a changing market place of energy demand. To achieves commercial availability by 2040 , reduction of plant and technology costs is necessary; Associated fuel cycle, from the fabrication to the SF management and disposal, also should be competitive; Economic Competitiveness requires also Modularity of the plants and/or standard technical specifications, to reduce initial investment costs. Remark: Nuclear business, in my understanding, has to be considered not an usual /conventional industrial activity; as Fukushima events have shown there is a kind of incompatibility between the nuclear business and free market economy. slide 2, slide 3, slide 8 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 5/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVBasicConcepts: Safety & Reliability: Excel in safety and reliability by a very low likelihood and degree of reactor core damage and Eliminate the need for offsite emergency response; Concerns: improved safety (safety standards at least comparable to Gen III standards), in terms of neutronics, risks associated with liquid metal, robustness against severe damage in the core and passive systems. Neutronics: by improving reactivity coefficients: thermal expansion, Doppler - & coolant void- effects, kinetic parameters, etc; Liquid metal risk: controlling air and/or water chemical reactions, corrosion/erosion reactions, coolant vs. structural materials compatibility; Robustness against accidents: active and passive safeguards features, against accidents and natural disasters, are to be carefully considered; Human – Plant interaction: emphasis of the fundamental role of the Human–Plant interaction in prevention of accidents and reduction of accident initiator events. slide 2, slide 3, slide 8, slide 34 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 6/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVBasicConcepts: PR&PP Features: “Generation IV nuclear energy systems will increase the assurance that they are a very unattractive and the least desirable route for diversion or theft of weapons-usable materials, and provide increased physical protection against acts of terrorism.” Proliferation Resistance: response of the system, determining its resistance against proliferation threats and robustness against sabotage and terrorism threats. Physical Protection: characteristics that impedes the theft of materials suitable for nuclear explosives or radiation dispersal devices and the sabotage of facilities and transportation by …. Physical Protection requires also institutional (national and international rules or constraints) characteristics, while Proliferation Resistance depends from reactor characteristics, as fuel matrices and vectors, conversion ratio, discharged burn up, fuel cycle length, etc. slide 3 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 7/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Six systems were selected: Supercritical-Water Reactor (SCWR); Very-High-Temperature Reactor (VHTR) ; Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) ; Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor (SFR); Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR) ; Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) . slide 3, slide 9, slide 10, slide 11, slide 12, slide 13, slide 14 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 8/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Overview of the Generation IV Systems Gen-IV goal/System: SCWRVHTR GFR SFR LFR MSR Sustainability: - Creation of Fissile Material:LM/L HHHM/L - Transmutation of waste: LM vHvHvHH Potential for “passive” safety:vLHvL M/L MM Current technical feasibility: M/L HM/L H ML Efficient electricity generation: HvHHHHH Flexibility: availability of High-Temperature process heat: LvHH L LL slide 8 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 9/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Overview of the Generation IV Systems System: Spectrum FuelCycleSize (MWe) Applications R&D Needed SCWR: T/F Open/Closed 1500 Electricity Mat.s,T/H VHTR: T Open 250 Electricity,H2, Fuels, Mat.s, Process Heat H2 production GFR: F Closed 200-1200 Electricity, H2, Fuel,Mat.s,T/H Actin. Management SFR: F Closed 300-1500 Electricity, Fuels, AFC opt. Actin. Management LFR: F Closed 50-150 Electricity, Fuels, Materials 300-600 H2 production compatibility, 1200Actin. Management AFC options MSR: Epi-Th Closed 1000 Electricity, Fuel treatment, H2 Production, Mat.s,ReliabilityActin. Management slide 8 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 10/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IV LMFR Concepts: Sodium/Lead- Cooled Fast Reactors (S/L- FR) slide 3, slide 8, NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 11/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IV LMFR Concepts: slide 3, slide 8 Overview on Sodium/Lead- Cooled Fast Reactors (S/L- FR) System: SFR LFR Physics Issues Data for Actinides Data for Actinides, Pb (&Bi) Advanced Fuel cycles Advanced Fuel cycles Industrially mature ManyyearsofoperationDoesn't exist of FR-, RU-, JP- SFRs BreedingperformancesGoodLowerthan SFR Coolant and Safety Chemical interractionno-chemical interaction with water;with water; Coolant Boiling & severeCorrosion/Errosion Problems accidents CoolanttechnologyProven on industrial scale only in militaryreactors “intermadiate” spectrum CostsforPreventionof Na-H2O Corrosioncontrol; Oxygen interaction; Na-leakscontrol; surfaceprotection. NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 12/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Core Physics to meet Gen-IV Goals 1/2 slide 3, slide 8, slide 15 Sustainability: - Resources preservation: increase of CR/BR by fast spectrum, reducing neutrons capture and leakage; - Waste management: MA fission by fast spectrum (P&T needs) and use of Fertile-free fuels ; Economic Competitiveness : - Fuel Cycle Costs: increase power density; increase burn up; reduce enrichment by capture and leakage reduction; - Refuelling Strategy: increase fuel cycle length by burn up increase and / or power density decrease; on-line refuelling to reduce shutdowns number; NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 13/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Core Physics to meet Gen-IV Goals 2/2 slide 3, slide 8, slide 16 Safety & Reliability : - Mitigation of reactivity transients & accidents: enhance negative reactivity feedbacks: increase Doppler; reduce coolant density effect by Tcool reduction; reduce coolant void effect by (R,H)- dimensions optimisation; increase fuel heat capacity by low absorption diluents; improve natural circulation by pressure drop reduction; enhanced DHRS (& other components) reliability; PR&PP Features: - PR: reduce Pu amount & quality increasing n-captures T spectrum; Use TRU instead HEU; avoid fertiles (232Th or 238U) blanket ; increase burn up; - PP: minimise ex-core fuel inventory, maximising refuelling intervals length (long-lived core) NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 14/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Core Physics Challenges to meet Gen-IV Goals 1/2 slide 3, slide 8, slide 13 Sustainability: - Resources preservation: neutrons capture reduction leads to a spectrum hardening, reducing the negative Doppler feedback; leakage reduction “favors“ an increase of coolant void effect; - Waste management: MA fission requires significant improvement of nuclear data, supplementary effort in the Core design improving optimisation of the core performances; P&T techniques are required; Economic Competitiveness: - Fuel Cycle Costs: dominated by ex-core components (enrichment, fabrication, reprocessing and disposal) costs, weakly “controlled” by the core designers; - Refuelling Strategy: optimisation of BU increase and/or power density decrease; minimise reactivity BU swing; NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 15/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Core Physics Challenges to meet Gen-IV Goals 2/2 slide 3, slide 8, slide 14 Safety & Reliability : - Mitigation of reactivity transients & accidents: heat transfer by conduction and natural convection, requiring an increase of coolant volume fraction, that means larger positive coolant void effect; “pancake” solutions leads to increasing reactivity BU swing, that requires high excess of initial reactivity , i.e. high-worth C.Rs; enhanced DHRS reliability; PR&PP Features: R&D needs for new inert materials to substitute breeding blankets ,to avoid high purity 239Pu concentrations; R&D on new “exotic” fuels for the same result, by spectrum hardening; penalisation: increasing positive coolant void effect; reactivity compensation by core breeding ratio; NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 16/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Nuclear Data Challenges to meet Gen-IV Goals 1/2 slide 3, slide 38, slide 39 • Sustainability: • - Resources preservation: MA nuclear data improvement by: • Integral (or other) olds & new Experiments, • nuclear structure (models) data; • - Waste management: by: SF – DH & n-source accurate evaluation; • Fission Products data improvement for • BU credit & SF –DH accurate evaluation ; • nuclear data improvement for DHRS enhanced reliability; Economic Competitiveness : - Fuel Cycle Costs: nuclear data improvement allow reduction of the uncertainties on the materials, leading to a significant FC costs reduction; - Refuelling Strategy: uncertainties reduction allow better definition of refuelling strategy & materials inventory; NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 17/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Nuclear Data Challenges to meet Gen-IV Goals 2/2 slide 3, slide 38, slide 39 Safety & Reliability: nuclear data improvement allows uncertainties reduction and better evaluation of: criticality states (keff), design and operative constrains fulfilment, power distribution, reactivity coefficients and kinetics parameters; PR&PP Features: uncertainties reduction by nuclear data improvement allows better evaluation of: FC characterisation, SF inventory, isotopic breakdown, Decay Heat and n-source evaluations. NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 18/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Core Physics to meet Gen-IV Goals: “Agenda of Concerns” 1/3 For each of the: BoL, BoC, EoC (if burnable poison/high-worth CRs then: MoC) Steady State Evaluations: criticality ( enrichment): k eff at Cold, Hot P=0, Hot P=Pnom states; spatial flux distribution: peak, average; spatial power distribution: peak, average and peak fuel assembly; g-Heating & transport: FAs, Coolant & Reflector; spectrum integral data: Eaver, a, n, BR, reaction rates, react.worth,... CRs reactivity worth: max and min, sub-system, whole system; Refuelling strategy: cycle length, batches, loading pattern; BU reactivity swing: Dkeff/ k eff & isotopic breakdown/batch; n-damage: (En0.1 MeV): cladding, in-vessel fixed components & reactor vessel; fuel for long-lived cores; NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 19/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Core Physics to meet Gen-IV Goals: “Agenda of Concerns” 2/3 For each of the: BoL, BoC, EoC (if burnable poison/high-worth CRs then: MoC) Steady State Evaluations: - reactivity coefficients: spatial distribution of Doppler coeff. (normal & voided) conditions, uniform (R&H) thermal expansion coefficients, materials density coefficients, materials reactivity worth, spatial distribution of the coolant void effect reactivity coefficients, - kinetics parameters: prompt neutron life-time, total & effective delayed neutron fractions, delayed neutron fractions distribution per precursor families; NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 20/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Core Physics to meet Gen-IV Goals: “Agenda of Concerns” 3/3 For each of the: BoL, BoC, EoC (if burnable poison/high-worth CRs then: MoC) Steady State Evaluations: - “additional “ reactivity: differential dilation reactivity coefficients: - core – control rods, - core – vessel, CR (most efficient) ejection & insertion, CRs bank withdrawal & scram, fuel compaction & FAs pads effect, FA bowing, refuelling accidents; differential dilation reactivity coefficients - spallation target-core (in ADS-case). NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 21/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: 1/ Typical core design objectives: - maximize core power density; - maximize attainable fuel burn up; - minimize Cost of Electricity; Typical core design constraints: - maintain criticality; - negative reactivity coeff.s; - CRs reactivity worth enough for safe shutdown; • Typical core design variables: • - Fuel enrichment; • - fuel pin/clad outer diameters; • - lattice pitch; • - core: diameter/active height; • - coolant inlet temperature; • - fission gas plenum volume; • - CRs number & location; • - fuel management strategy; • - excess reactivity control strategy; • Do not exceed permissible: • - fuel temperature; • - clad (inner) temperature; • - heat flux from clad ; • - coolant outlet temperature; • - coolant pressure loss; • - coolant speed ; • and • - safely accommodate all accidents; • - fuel pin & assembly mechanical • integrity; NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 22/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: Nuclear Materials 2/ Fuel materials requirements: high density; slide 35, slide 36 high conductivity; slide 27 high stability under irradiation; high compatibility with cladding and coolant materials ; high temperature without phase transformation; simple and cheaper fabrication and reprocessing; Properties: U-20Pu-10Zr (U-20Pu) O2 (U-20Pu)N (U-20Pu)C r (g/cm3) 14.1 9.3 13.1 12.4 Th-CondWcm/°K 0.16 0.023 0.26 0.20 Heat Cap J/g°K0.17 0.34 0.26 0.26 Tc(40kW/m) 1060(0.8Tm) 2360(0.8Tm) 1000(0.3Tm) 1030(0.4Tm) Fuel-Cladding Solidus °K 1000 1675 1400 1390 T melting °K 1350 3000 3035 2575 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 23/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: Nuclear Materials 3/ Coolant materials requirements: low melting point and high boiling point; high heat capacity and high thermal exchange coefficient; high density and low chemical activity; high stability vs. temperature and neutron irradiation; low capture and activation cross sections; slide 37 low cost; Properties: sodium lead Pb/Bi r (g/cm3) 0.847 10.48 10.45 Ther_Cond W/cm2°K 0.0062 0.016 0.013 Heat Cap J/g°K1.266 0.161 0.15 T melting °C 97.8 327 124.8 T boiling °C 883 1750 1670 sscatt (barn) 3.8 8.6 xSscatt (cm-1) 2.7E-3 1.3E-4 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 24/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: Nuclear Materials 4/ Structural materials requirements: good mechanical properties, especially at high temperature; good mechanical properties under irradiation; high compatibility vs. fuel and coolant materials; good neutron properties; AISI -304 -316, HT9, T91, EM10, ODS, etc. Control materials requirements: good mechanical properties under irradiation; high compatibility vs. cladding and coolant materials; high capture cross-section; B4Cnat, B4Cenr, etc. NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 25/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: Approaches, Methods & Tools 5/ Reactivity excess behaviour w/o poison; Reactivity excess behaviour w/h burnable poison; Reactivity excess “continuously” adjusted. Multiplication Factor Multiplication Factor 1 1 (lineardim) Time (BU) crit EoC EoL The criticality is achievable if the dimensions are sufficient ! The reactivity BU swing can be “maintained”constant in time! slide 28 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 26/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: Approaches, Methods & Tools 6/ LWRs: fuel pin diameter defined from the maximum surface heat flux: q =/2Rfuel; [q] = W/cm2; [] = W/cm; FRs: fuel pin diameter does not controled from the surface heat flux: heat extracted from the pin is a function of fuel center and surface temperatures and thermal conductivity of the fuel: = 4 k(T) dT ; T [Ts, Tc] Tsurf,center; [k] = W/cm°C slide 23 minimising fissile specific inventory small pin radius, while BR decreases with decreasing pin radius: iterative optimisation process to define Rfuel; practical “guide”: guess Rfuel 2 Rfuel,LWR/3 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 27/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: Approaches, Methods & Tools 7/ Iterative process of Lattice Physics,includingfuelirradiation, evaluations: Fuel pin “criticality” dimensions; C(Pu) =Pu/(U + Pu) T/H evaluations, based on the physical properties and operative conditions,to determine the coolant flow rate: which assures that, at the maximum linear heating rate, the maximum fuel and cladding temperatures are not exceeding the design constraints; the minimum value of the ratio P/D (=Pitch/Diameter), within the constraints, has been defined ! NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 28/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: Approaches, Methods & Tools 8/ reactivityworthof the single pin << 1: keff =1 isobtainedaddingidenticalfuelpins in a givengeometry : once the criticality hasbeen achieved, the size of the core is univocally determined! Verification of the P/D with respect to the design constraints of the max fuel & cladding temperatures at the core-level achievable max linear heating rate. NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 29/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: Approaches, Methods & Tools 9/ CoreOptimisation: “target” depending process, meeting both “maximisation” of the performances and safe behaviour: neutron flux radial flattening power distribution ( coolant outlet temperatures); flow rate zoningof the core; coolant outlet temperatures; controlrods and shutdown system; corereactivitycoefficients; etc. “Conventional”core design: different radial zones at different C(Pu); NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 30/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: Approaches, Methods & Tools CoreOptimisation: Verification with respect to otherneutronparameters: 1/2 FuelThermalConductivity: which rules the fuel temperature behaviour; experimental results and "validated" models allow obtaining reasonable corrective factorsfor burn up rates up to 10 % at. of HM; for MOX with C(Pu) 15-20% and 700 TTmelting NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 31/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: : Approaches, Methods & Tools 10/ CoreOptimisation: Verification with respect to other neutron parameters: 2/2 Neutron Irradiation Damage: which “delimits” the life of fuel and structural components; FRs: (En > 0.1MeV) > 50% totwhile (En < 0.1keV) negligible; d (E) 56Fe, 238U, 239Pu are close one to the others, while Ed(56Fe) 2 Ed(238U, 239Pu) dpa(238U, 239Pu) 2dpa (56Fe) NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 32/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IV Concepts for R&D: Physics and Core Design: Approaches, Methods & Tools 11/ FR (EFIT) neutron flux spectrum: En (0.40-0.45) MeV Low energy 1n-contribution: negligible ! FNR 1n-mean free pathLWR1n-mean free path ! Physics:“ simple” with respect of the LWRs! Deterministic / Monte Carlo approaches ? Choice: Problem depending ! Strong absorber problems: Transport; other: Diffusion; Strong Heterogeneity problems: by Monte Carlo; Adjoint problems: Transport/Diffusion, by Deterministic. For any neutron-problem: Multigroup/Point wise appropriate xs-library ! NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 33/
Questions??? slide 3 T h a n k y o u NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 33/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: slide 23 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 25/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Physics and Core Design: slide 23 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 25/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Scattering-xs: slide 24 Capture-xs: slide 24 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 25/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Nuclear Data Challenges to meet Gen-IV Goals slide 3, slide 17 by sensitivity analysis on the multiplication factor dependence from the neuton balance components: NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 37/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Nuclear Data Challenges to meet Gen-IV Goals slide 3, slide 17 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 34/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Nuclear Data Challenges to meet Gen-IV Goals slide 3, slide 17 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 35/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Nuclear Data Challenges to meet Gen-IV Goals slide 3, slide 17 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 36/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/
Generation-IV Overview FRs Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools Gen-IVConceptsforR&D: Nuclear Data Challenges to meet Gen-IV Goals slide 3, slide 17 NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 3/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 37/ NEWLANCER 1st RM. Gen-IV Overview FR Core Design Approaches, Methods & Tools KFKI, Budapest, 02-04Apr.2012, G. Glinatsis 4/