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PowerPoint Lesson 4 Expanding on PowerPoint Basics. Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory. Integrating PowerPoint with Other Office Programs. As you learn to work with different computer programs, you will develop preferences for using certain programs for various tasks.
PowerPoint Lesson 4Expanding on PowerPoint Basics Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory
Integrating PowerPoint with Other Office Programs • As you learn to work with different computer programs, you will develop preferences for using certain programs for various tasks. • Ex. Use a chart in Excel for your PowerPoint presentation • Ex. Insert text from a document you made in Word to your PowerPoint Presentation • You can easily insert objects and _______or embed text or data from other programs into a slideshow
You can import text from Word to create a new presentation or add slides to an existing presentation. _______________means to bring a file or part of a file into the presentation. A Word outline is the easiest kind of document to import because it is formatted with styles. Integrating PowerPoint:Importing 3 3
The Office theme is applied to the slides in the presentation by default. When you work on more than one file, it is convenient to refer to the files as source or destination files The presentation file is the ___________________ file. The source file is where you have the text or data to bring into the presentation. When you move data among applications, Microsoft Office changes the format of the data so it can be used in the destination file. Integrating PowerPoint 4 4
Integrating PowerPoint:Embedding • When it is easier to edit the information using the original application, you can embed the data as an object using the Insert Object dialog box • _____________________– to place an object that was created in another application such as Word or Excel in a slide. When you select the object, the original program will open for editing. • Embedded information becomes part of the new file, but as a separate object that can be edited using the application that created it. • For example, if a table from a Word document is embedded into a PowerPoint, PowerPoint enables the table to be edited using Word.
Integrating PowerPoint: Embedding • Two options for embedding; create a new object or insert an existing file as an object.
Integrating PowerPoint:Linking • If you insert an object from a file, you can choose to link the object • Linked Object –a file, chart, table or other object that is created in another application such as Excel, stored in a source file and inserted into a destination file such as PowerPoint, while maintaining the _____________________between the two files. • If you link the object, a connection is retained between the source and destination files. • With a linked object, if you update the source file, the data in the destination file is also updated.
Data from one application can be embedded into another application, using the copy and paste commands. The Paste _____________command has several options that provide flexibility in how data is copied from a source file to a destination file. To make changes to a file embedded in a PowerPoint presentation, double-click the data you want to edit. Integrating PowerPoint:Paste Special Paste Options buttons 8 8
Integrating PowerPoint:Paste Special • Paste Special options 9 9
To make changes to the Word file embedded in the PowerPoint presentation, _____________________ the text you want to edit. The file will then open so you can edit text. When you finish and return to PowerPoint, the presentation will include the changes you made Integrating PowerPoint :Editing Embedded Data 10 10
There are different methods for reusing slides: You can copy and paste slides between presentations This is easy to do in slide sorter view Use a Slide ____________ to store favorite slides. Click the New Slide button and then click Reuse Slides Integrating PowerPoint:Reusing Slides 11 11
Sending a Presentation to Word • You can save a presentation as a Word ____________________to use as a handout, or create other documents using the text and slides from the presentation. • To save a presentation that can be edited in MS Word, click the File tab, click Save & Send, and then click Create Handouts • You can send your presentation to Word in several different formats
Creating New Masters • PowerPoint allows you to apply more than one slide master to a presentation. • This is useful if your presentation contains slides with more than one ____________________. • This saves time as you create presentations, because you can choose which master to apply to each slide
Creating New Masters • Several ways to create a new master • Insert Slide Master button • Apply a new theme (each theme will generate a new slide master)
Creating New Layout Masters • PowerPoint allows you to create a new ______________________master for any slide master. • When you click the New Slide button, you are presented with a series of layouts for that slide master. • PowerPoint allows you to create a custom slide layout and then add the placeholders as needed. 15 15
Formatting Text and Objects • Formatting allows you to change colors, fonts, and effects in both text and objects. • You can replace a font throughout your presentation with another fontusing the replace font dialog box. • If you format an object with certain attributes, and then want to format another object the same way, use the Format ________________ • Also located on the mini toolbar. 16 16
Using the Grid, Guides, and Rulers to Align Objects • A good presentation uses short phrases, pictures and graphs to convey its point. • Out of alignment text or pictures can distract from the point of a presentation. • Use the grid, guidelines, and ruler in concert to place objects on a slide. • To align a text box or picture, you can display the grid and guidelines on the slide pane; the ruler identifies the exact placement on the slide. • The ________________ to option "Snap objects to grid" moves an object to the closest intersection of the grid on a slide. 17 17
Using the Grid, Guides, and Rulers to Align Objects (continued) • Using the gridlines, guides, and ruler 18 18
Inserting Comments • Users do not have to be present with the slide show to edit slides or pass along comments • You can insert, review, and edit ____________________ on slides for others to see. • Each user's comment will have a different color or initial. 19 19
Using the Compare Tool • The ___________________tool makes it possible to see which changes have been made by each contributor and create one presentation file that includes all the changes. • The Reviewing pane displays the changes to the presentation and a popup box identifies all changes that you can accept or reject.
Delivering a Presentation • To start a slide show, click the Slide Show button on the status bar(F5) • If your presentation has a lot of slides, you can break the presentation into _________________. • Working with sections allows you to organize long presentations making it easier to work with them as you create and edit slides • Sections can be created based on content, type of slide, or some other professional feature. • The Section menu includes options to rename, collapse, expand, and remove sections. 22 22
Delivering a Presentation (continued) • Adding sections 23 23
Delivering a Presentation:Creating Custom Shows • A ______________show is a way to limit the slides in any slide show for a particular audience.
Delivering a Presentation (continued) • There are _______________ navigation tools you can use to control a presentation while presenting it. • To use on-Screen tools: Click the Menu button and a Slide show menu is displayed. • Click the mouse to advance slide. • Use the Previous or Next button to display the slide before or after the current one. • To go to another slide, choose Go to Slide from the menu. • To exit the slide show, choose End Show from the menu
Delivering a Presentation:Creating action buttons • __________________Button – An interactive button that performs instructions such as going to a specific slide or other object that you can create by drawing from the shapes gallery. • When inserted on a slide, Action buttons enable you to jump from slide to slide. • Action buttons are assigned hyperlinks to direct the actions. 26 26
Delivering a Presentation:Creating action buttons • Two ways to insert Action buttons: • Click shapes button and then click the Action button you want. The Action Setting dialog box opens automatically. • Open the _________________gallery, and then draw the shape you want to be the button. Click the Action button and create the Action button using the Action Settings dialog box.
Hiding Slides and Annotating a Show • If you need to limit the number of slides, you can quickly __________________ slides. • Click the Hide Slide button in the Set Up group on the Slide Show tab. • This is quicker than creating a custom show
Hiding Slides and Annotating a Show • As you are presenting a slide show, you can use the on-screen ______________________tools to emphasize text or graphics. • Right click the screen, point to Pointer options, point to Arrow Options, and then select from: Automatic, Visible, and Hidden. • The Pen and highlighter are tools that allow you to write or highlight features on the screen • The Eraser tool erases any ink it touches and Erase All Ink on Slides deletes all ink marks
Setting Up a Slide Show • There are several options for delivering a presentation: • A presentation can be set up to be ________________________. • Example: for viewing at a trade show booth • You can broadcast a presentation using a browser over the Internet. • The most common method is to run a presentation with a speaker who directs the show.
Setting Up a Slide Show • To set up the slide show, on the Slide Show tab on the Ribbon, click the ____________ _____ Slide Show button. The Set Up Show dialog box opens. It has six sections.
Setting Up a Slide Show (continued) • Understanding Set Up Show 32 32
Setting Up a Slide Show:Presenter View • __________________view offers a way for you to view your presentation with speaker notes on one computer screen, while an audience views the presentation without viewing the speaker notes on another computer screen. • This feature is useful if you are presenting to an audience and want to be able to track your presentation and use your notes as a script. • This view only works if your computer is set up with two or more monitors. 33 33
Setting Up a Slide Show:Rehearsing Timing • PowerPoint can automatically advance the slides in your presentation at preset time intervals. • This is helpful in the case of an unattended presentation at a kiosk or sales booth or if you make a presentation within a specific time limit. • Slide sorter view allows you to view rehearsal times for each slide. • Time allotted is listed in _________________ left corner of each slide.
Inspecting a Document and Viewing Document Properties • Before you send a presentation for review, or even submit it as final, it is a good idea to inspect the document for personal information or anything you might not want to “travel” with the presentation file. • Document ______________________a feature that enables you to check for hidden metadata or personal information in a presentation. • The Document Properties Panel stores information about the document called the document properties. • Document properties include author name, document title, subject, keywords, category and status 35 35
Embedding Fonts • Not all computers have every font style installed on them. • If you are giving your presentation on a computer other than your own, your presentation text might not look exactly as it did when you created it. • If you are not using your own computer, you can embed _______________into your presentation so the text appears exactly as you originally created it.
Embedding Fonts • To embed fonts, Open the PowerPoint Options dialog box. Click Save in the left pane. • The Customize how documents are saved pane appears. Click the Embed fonts in the file option button, and then click Embed only the characters used in the presentation option button.
Some presentation files can be too large for the limits of a flash drive. If you are giving your presentation on another computer, you can use Package for ___________ to compact all your presentation files into a single, compressed file that fits on a CD. You can then unpack your files when you reach your destination computer. If the computer on which you are giving your presentation does not have PowerPoint installed, you can download a PowerPoint Viewer. Using Package Presentation for CD and Copying Presentations to Folders 39 39
You can send a presentation as an e-mail _____________________ or e-mail it to a recipient for review. If you click Send as Attachment, and you have the Outlook e-mail program installed on your computer, a new blank message will open with the presentation attached. Sending a Presentation via E-mail 41 41
You can alter the output format of your presentation by working in the ___________ ________________ dialog box. You can change the orientation of your slides or notes, handouts, and outline. Before you print or share a presentation, you should check spelling, review the design of each slide, and run the show to check timings. Setting Up the Pages 42 42
Lesson 4 Assessment Directions: Add the following assessment questions to your other PowerPoint assessments (2 & 3). Type the questions and bold your answers. When you finish, save, upload, print and turn in. • What is importing? What is the easiest document to import into a PowerPoint? • What is a comment? Explain how to insert a new comment on your slide show. • What is an action button? Give one example of when you might use an action button in your presentation. • What are the six sections in the Set Up Show dialog box? • When traveling with a PowerPoint presentation, why might you use Package for CD? 43 43