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Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisation for Service-centric Systems

Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisation for Service-centric Systems. Mustafa Bozkurt CREST, University College London. Services Market. Gartner estimated Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud-based business application services market as

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Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisation for Service-centric Systems

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  1. Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisation forService-centric Systems Mustafa Bozkurt CREST, University College London

  2. Services Market Gartner estimated Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud-based business application services market as $13.4 billion in 2011 and projected that the market will grow to $32.2 billion in 2016. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  3. Mobile Application Market • Google Play has 800K+ apps as of February 2013. • Android users are downloading 2.5 billion apps a month  (Google announced). • Apple App Store has 900K+ apps as of June 2013. • iOS users 2 billion downloads a month (estimated).* * http://venturebeat.com/2013/06/03/three-months-from-today-google-play-will-have-more-total-app-downloads-than-apple/ M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  4. What do these numbers mean? Many of these apps rely on web services and web APIs. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  5. Why is this important to SBSE? ScS and SaaS usually has faster release cycles compared to traditional software.* *http://blogs.gartner.com/guy-creese/2010/05/18/saas-vs-software-the-development-cycle-for-saas-is-usually-not-always-faster/ M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  6. Why is this important to SBSE? Testing frequency might be increased. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  7. Why is this important to SBSE? Optimisation!!! M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  8. What are the concerns in testing? • Coverage • Cost (often time it takes to execute a test case) • Fault detection capability • Resource usage • Etc. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  9. What are the concerns in ScST? • The monetary cost of invoking services during runtime testing. • Service disruptions that might be caused by extensive testing. • Effects of testing in some systems, such as stock-exchange systems, where each usage of the service requires a business transaction, that carries with it a monetary cost. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  10. What are the concerns in ScST? Test case reliability. (Small side track for 8 slides) M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  11. Test data generation for ScS M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  12. Test data generation for ScS M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  13. Test data generation for ScS Service-centric test data generation.* * M. Bozkurt and M. Harman, “Automatically generating realistic test input from web services” in SOSE '11. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  14. Service-centric test data generation M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  15. Service-centric test data generation ISBN generation ZIP Code generation M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  16. Reliability formulation Available: M. Bozkurt and M. Harman, “Optimisedrealistic test input generation using web services” in SSBSE 2012 M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  17. Why is data reliability is important? Human-oracle cost reduction due to the testers’ trust in the test input or its source. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  18. Why is data reliability is important? Avoid extra testing cost caused by erroneous test inputs. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  19. Why is data reliability is important? 12171 ZIP codes of 23 different U.S. states M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  20. Why is data reliability is important? M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  21. Proposed approach T1 T2 M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  22. Objective Functions Coverage: M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  23. Objective Functions Cost: Contract : Per-use : M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  24. Objective Functions Reliability: M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  25. Multi-objective Algorithm Hybrid NSGA-II (HNSGA-II) by Yoo and Harman† combines effectiveness of greedy algorithm and NSGA-II. † Yoo, S., Harman, M. “Using hybrid algorithm using hybrid algorithm for pareto efficient multi-objective test suite minimisation”, Journal of Systems Software, 2010 M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  26. Multi-objective Algorithm M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  27. Representation and Parameters • ECJ framework built-in NSGAII. • Pop. size 2000and number of generations 100. • 5% mutation probability for each gene. • Single-point crossover with 90% crossover probability. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  28. Case Studies Complex (CS1)is an artificial test object with complex branching conditions and loops.* * J. Wegener, A. Baresel, and H. Sthamer, “Evolutionary test environment for automatic structural testing" Information and Software Technology, vol. 43, no. 14, pp. 841-854, 2001. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  29. Case Studies Shipping Service (CS2)is a synthetic workflow generated for existing real-world services. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  30. Case Studies Shipping Service (CS2) M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  31. Case Studies Test data generation sources M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  32. Case Studies 12%of the test cases for CS1 34% of the test cases for CS2 are equivalent M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  33. Results 12% of the test cases for CS1 34% of the test cases for CS2 are equivalent M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  34. Results M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  35. Results CS1 Contract based CS2 Contract based M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  36. Results CS1 Per-use CS2 Per-use M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  37. Results CS1 Contract Projected 100% coverage M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  38. Results CS2 Contract Projected 100% coverage M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

  39. Conclusion • First approach to introduce multi-objective formulation of test suite minimisation in ScST. • Reduce runtime cost of testing. (one of the major challenges in ScST) • Enable tester to make trade-offs between different aspects of a test suite such as coverage, cost and reliability. M. Bozkurt, Cost-aware Pareto Optimal Test Suite Minimisationfor Service-centric Systems GECCO 2013, July 6-10, Amsterdam, Holland

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