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PRESENTATION TO PARLIAMENT Education Portfolio Committee 21 October 2008 Mr. Mahalingum Govender

ELRC HIV/AIDS Intervention Programme. PRESENTATION TO PARLIAMENT Education Portfolio Committee 21 October 2008 Mr. Mahalingum Govender Principal Investigator Accounting Officer. History of the ELRC/PCTA.

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PRESENTATION TO PARLIAMENT Education Portfolio Committee 21 October 2008 Mr. Mahalingum Govender

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  1. ELRC HIV/AIDS Intervention Programme PRESENTATION TO PARLIAMENT Education Portfolio Committee 21 October 2008 Mr. Mahalingum Govender Principal Investigator Accounting Officer

  2. History of the ELRC/PCTA The ELRC commissioned the Human Science Research Council (HSRC) to undertake the first-ever comprehensive study on Supply and Demand, of which one of the components was the Impact of HIV/AIDS on educators in South Africa, in 2003. Based on the findings of this Report, the Prevention, Care and Treatment Access Project (PCTA) was initiated in the three South African provinces most impacted by HIV and AIDS. The project provided the first comprehensive effort to deliver HIV/AIDS programming dedicated exclusively to educators living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

  3. History of the ELRC/PCTA (Cont..) Through this effort, levels of union capacity have begun to evolve to a higher level and many valuable lessons have been learned. Building on the lessons learned, and in an effort to ensure indigenous ownership and leadership of the efforts, the ELRC through its HIV/AIDS Intervention Programme, stepped forward to implement the next phase of the PCTA project nationwide, with the AFT offering the necessary and vital technical assistance. ELRC Council approved that the GS and the trade unions can use the ELRC as the vehicle to solicit funds for the HIV/AIDS intervention programme – ELRC-PCTA

  4. History of the ELRC/PCTA (Cont..) The condition of the permission included: That the project must be managed by the GS and the respective trade unions separately; and That the project must be accounted for separately. This means the GS and trade union leaders must ensure that the ELRC is not brought into disrepute. On 13th May 2008, the GS as Accounting Officer informed Parliament of the project and that it will be reported and accounted for separately.

  5. Overview of ELRC/PCTA GOAL To reduce the number of new HIV infections among educators (and their families) and to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on educators (and their families). AIMS • expanding access to Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT); • Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART); and • care and support for those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.

  6. Overview of ELRC/PCTA (Cont..)

  7. THE PROJECT • In 2008The ELRC-PCTA project is an HIV and AIDS Prevention, Care and Treatment Access project designed to address the needs of the South African educators with regard to HIV and AIDS. Funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and implemented by the educator’s Trade Unions, the project has shown successful results . • The ELRC has served as a prime to three implementing sub-partners namely; National Professional Teacher’s Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA), National Professional Union (NATU) and Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysersunie (SAOU) with two American based organizations namely; the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and Academy for Educational Development (AED) which provided technical support, training and Monitoring and Evaluation.

  8. THE PROJECT (Cont..) • All activities planned and conducted by the educator unions, master trainers, provincial and branch leaders were coordinated by the Secretariat at the ELRC-PCTA with the support of the Academy for Educational Development (AED) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). • The ELRC-PCTA project is governed by the Project Governance Committee which comprises of all the leaders of National Teacher Union (NATU), National Professional Teachers’ Organization of South Africa (NAPTOSA), Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysersunie (SAOU), South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) and the General Secretary of the ELRC who also serves as the project chairperson. The duties of the Governance Committee includes amongst others to oversee the smooth running of the project and management of political issues across the different project partners.

  9. THE PROJECT (Cont..) • The ELRC-PCTA project has partnered with the Academy for Educational Development (AED) that offers training, development across all the unions, development of IEC material and supporting a systematic and common Monitoring and Evaluation approach. The American Federation of Teachers to offers technical support and ensures that the overall objectives are met. Tshepang Trust as a Treatment partner funded by PEPFAR has played a huge role in conducting Voluntary Counseling and Testing across all the implementing partners.

  10. Performance Table 1 – Prevention

  11. Performance Table Table 2 – Counseling and Testing

  12. Performance Table Table 3 – Policy Analysis and System Strengthening

  13. Grants Allocation and Expenditure NB: These figures are unaudited and subject to change.

  14. Grants Allocation and Expenditure (Continued..)

  15. Conclusion The project is strengthening the capacity of the mentioned teachers unions to address HIV/AIDS amongst educators both affected and infected by it. We are measuring our services and relationships on the basis of the 5 performance indicators including the program indicators and targets set for the project in the program areas stated above.

  16. Conclusion

  17. END Serving learners, educators and public education THANK YOU

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