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West Liberty High School Student-Parent Handbook. S.O.A.R. to Success 2012-2013. S.O.A.R. to Success!. We are soaring comets who work to show: S elf-Discipline O wnership A chievement R espect. Self-Discipline means. Be in the classroom before the bell rings.
West Liberty High School Student-Parent Handbook S.O.A.R. to Success 2012-2013
S.O.A.R. to Success! • We are soaring comets who work to show: Self-Discipline Ownership Achievement Respect
Self-Discipline means Be in the classroom before the bell rings. Wear appropriate clothing. Use cell phone only in designated areas. Have your ID with you at all times.
Ownership means Bring planner, writing utensil, and other classroom materials. Take pride in your school. Take off hats when entering the building and leave them in your locker. Report any serious concerns to staff.
Achievement means Be on time to all classes. Complete work on time. Be leaders by words and examples. Check in/out when leaving the building during school day.
Respect means Respect rights of all students and staff. Listen to and follow directions from staff. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Before you speak, text, write, or post, ASK yourself… Is it TRUE? Is it KIND? Is it NECESSARY?
www.wl.k12.ia.us • The Student-Parent Handbook may be accessed on the school website. • Following are major points…
Attendance (p.7) • Students are expected to be in class and on time, ready to learn. • Students will have 4 minutes passing between class periods. • Tardies—1st unexcused tardy = warning 2nd – 6th unexcused tardy = detention 7th unexcused tardy = DROP from class with F
Excused Absences If a student is ill or has an appointment and needs to miss school, the parent or guardian must call or send a note to excuse the absence. The phone call or note must be presented to the school within 24 hours of the absence. The High School office number is 319-627-2115. If the office doesn’t receive notification, the absence will be counted as unexcused.
Truancies/Skipping class (p. 7) • If a student reaches their 3rd truancy in a class, they will be placed on an attendance contract. • If a student is truant for a 4th time, they will serve in-school suspension. • 5 truancies will result in being dropped from the class with an F.
Unexcused Absences (p.8) Students with 3 unexcused absences in a class will be placed on an attendance contract. 5 unexcused absences in a class will result in being dropped from the class with an F.
Add/Drop a Course (p.12) • To Add a class • have 5 school days at the beginning of the term • To Drop a class without grade penalty • 20 school days for 9 week class • 30 school days for semester length class
Open Campus (p. 14) • Only Seniors have open campus/open lunch privileges. • Seniors with open periods must be in the commons, library, or leave campus. • Seniors may not loiter in halls or sit in vehicles. • All other students are to remain in the building during lunch.
Student parking (p. 15-16) Students are expected to park in parking slots. Students who park in visitor or faculty parking will receive consequences. Students are encouraged to lock their vehicles at all times.
Hallway Behavior (p. 18) Loud, boisterous behavior, whistling, shouting, scuffling, hitting, running, and/or blocking halls is not permitted. Students are not to sit on floors and should not gather in large groups. Keep to the right and keep moving during passing times. Displays of affection are not allowed. Students are not permitted in the building before 7:00 am unless supervised by a coach or teacher.
Planners and Hall passes (p.18) Students are not allowed in the hallway during class time without a proper pass • (Signed pass from a teacher or signed passport in planner) Hallways B and C will be closed until 8:00 am daily and during both lunch periods. Hallways B and C will be closed to students once class is in progress. Seniors with open periods are to report to the library or commons.
Dress Code (p.20) Dress appropriately for your age. Cover your midriff, chest, and torso. Wear clothing that is not distracting to the educational environment. No tube tops, spaghetti straps, backless or strapless Wear clean, well-fitting clothing without holes. Hats or head coverings are to be removed when entering the building and kept in lockers. Carrying hats is not permitted during the school day. Coats, backpacks, gym bags, etc. are to be kept in lockers not classrooms.
Bullying Treat others the way you want to be treated! Any form of bullying or harassment will result in disciplinary action. If you experience or witness any form of bullying or harassment, please report it to the office.
Electronic Devices (p.21) • Cell phone use is not allowed between 8:15 and 3:15 in the • Classroom/Library • Hallways • Cell phone use is never allowed in the • Locker rooms • Restrooms • Cell phone use is allowed during a student’s lunch period
Electronic Devices (p.21) • Students are responsible for their own actions and for themselves. • A student who uses any electronic device at an inappropriate time will have the item confiscated to be returned at the end of the day. • An electronic device maybe be returned to the parent/guardian if it is confiscated more than twice. • Continual violations will be viewed as insubordination and consequences including suspension will follow.
Student I.D. (p.21) • All students will be issued an ID • Use for breakfast and lunch • Use for library card and to check out laptops. • Do not alter, cut or mutilate
Respect rights of all students and staff.Weapons(p.22) Students who possess, handle, or transmit any object which could be used to injure another person will be subject to consequences including expulsion. Law Enforcement will be notified and criminal charges could follow.
Fighting (p.23) • Students that participate in a fight or assault on any school district property or at any school activity will be suspended from school for a minimum of 3 days. • Law enforcement will be notified in all cases of fighting and/or assault.
Drug use or possession (p.23) • Any student under the influence of, or possessing, storing, using, selling, supplying, or distributing illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, imitation substances, or drug paraphernalia while on school property or at a school activity will receive a 10 day out of school suspension and could also be expelled and/or face criminal charges.
Insubordination (p 24) • Students are expected to follow directions of school employees. • Refusal to follow directions from a school employee and/or use of verbal or profane abuse to a school official will result in consequences which can include in-school, out of school suspension, expulsion.
Sexual Harassment (p. 26) Unwanted or unwelcome activity of a sexual nature which interferes with the educational process will not be tolerated. Students should refer to the policy on page 26 of the Handbook. Report any incidents to the office or a faculty member immediately.
Dating Violence (p. 26) Dating violence occurs when a person in a current or past relationship uses verbal, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse to harm, threaten, intimidate, or control the other person. Students should review this policy on p. 26 of the Handbook. Report any incidents to the office or a faculty member.
Inspections and Searches (p.26-27) School officials may search lockers, personal possessions, and vehicles parked on school property whenever there is suspicion that a school district policy, state or federal law has been violated.
Lockers Lockers are school property. They may be searched if there is suspicion of violation of school policy or rule. Students should keep their lockers, gym lockers, and vehicles locked at all times. Students are not to share lockers or share their combination with another.
Student/Parent Handbook It is your responsibility as a student to follow the rules and meet the expectations found in the student/parent handbook. Review the policies on-line or request a copy from the office.
As Comets, SOAR to be the best! • Self-discipline • Ownership • Achievement • Respect Set your goals! Aim high! Soar to Success!