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Vendor Master. To access the vendor master file, select: Financials Main Menu Accounts Payable Menu # 3 A/P File Maintenance # 20 Vendor Master Maintenance.
To access the vendor master file, select: Financials Main Menu Accounts Payable Menu # 3 A/P File Maintenance # 20 Vendor Master Maintenance
Or, you may enter the ‘dot jump code’ . VMM at any selection line within the ‘Financials’ section. If you are not within the ‘Financials’ section, you may enter (comma) ,VMM to access the Vendor Master.
Vendor Number: To create a ‘new’ vendor account, enter an alphanumeric vendor code 1-6 characters in length. For company names we recommend using the first 3 characters of the first name, along with the first 3 characters of the second name. Ex. ABC Supply = ABCSUP For personal names we recommend using the first 3 characters of the last name, along with the first 3 characters of the first name. Ex. John Smith = SMIJOH
Vendor Number: To recall a previously entered vendor, enter the vendor code directly or perform a vendor search. To perform a vendor search, enter the ‘dot jump code’ .W, the following window will appear:
Search Options: Query Thru All Vendors - allows a look-up by vendor number. You may enter a starting vendor number or <enter> to display all vendors in alpha order. A vendor may be recalled by selecting it from the list. Alpha Search for a Vendor - allows a look-up based on the 6 character search key, starting with the first character, within the vendor master. It displays all vendors found matching that criteria (ex. BEN). A vendor may be recalled by selecting it from the list.
Vendor Name: 1-25 characters. Enter full name of vendor. This name prints on cheques/reports and displays in inquiries/transaction entry screens.
Address 1 & 2: 1-20 characters each. This address prints on cheques as well as vendor listings.
Search: 1-6 characters. A cross reference to the vendor number. Typically the first 6 characters of the vendor name. Ex. ABC Supply = ABCSUP John Smith = SMITH When performing a vendor search, you may enter from 1-6 characters of the search key, starting with the first character. Ex. A, AB, ABC, ABCS, ABCSU or ABCSUP
Phone Number: Enter the phone number as a 10 digit number without dashes or parentheses.
Fax Number: Enter the fax number as a 10 digit number without dashes or parentheses.
Vendor Type: Valid codes are 1 and 2. Used to distinguish suppliers from subcontractors. 1 = Supplier 2 = Subcontractor
Temp/Purge Code: Valid codes are 0, 1 and 2. Controls if and when vendors are purged from the system. 0 = Normal vendor – will never be purged. 1 = Temporary vendor – will be purged at month/year end if the vendor’s current balance equals zero and no outstanding activity exists. NOTE: Temporary vendors setup during A/P invoice entry are automatically assigned a temp/purge code ‘1’. 2 = To be purged – will be purged during month/year end if the vendor’s current balance equals zero and no outstanding activity exists. If year-to-date totals exist on vendors that are going to be purged, the totals will be transferred to a consolidated vendor, which is defined in the Temporary Vendor Maintenance. Select: # 3 A/P File Maintenance # 21 Temporary Vendor Maintenance The A/P Vendor Purge function may also be run if you prefer to purge vendors before month/year end. Select: # 10 A/P Period End # 22 A/P Vendor Purge IMPORTANT: We do not recommend the purging of any master records. Instead, we recommend flagging inactive vendors with a unique ‘category’, therefore giving you the ability to exclude them from reports and listings, yet leaving them available for history purposes.
1099 Eligible: Only valid in the United States, set to ‘N’ for No.
Category: Categories must be previously defined in Vendor Category Maintenance. Used to categorize vendors for reporting purposes. Select: Accounts Payable Menu # 4 A/P Misc Maintenance # 21 Vendor Category Maintenance
Remittance Code: Valid codes are 0, 1 and 2. Determines if remittances are printed on cheque stubs or separate remittance statements. 0 = If stub fills print on statement – if more than 12 remittances, they will all print on a remittance statement. The # of remittances, along with the message ‘see remittance statement’ will be printed on the stub. 1= Always print remittances on stub – if stub fills (max =12 remittances), system will void following cheque(s) and use the stubs to print remaining remittances. 2 = Never print remittances on stub – system will always print remittances on remittance statements.
Recipient ID #: Used in conjunction with 1099’s. (United States only).
GL Expense Account: Must be a valid account previously setup in the General Ledger. Represents the expense account to be debited when purchases are entered for this vendor. Defaults during invoice entry but may be edited.
Insurance Expiry Date: If this is a subcontractor, you may enter their general liability insurance policy expiration date. (MMDDYY format). A warning will display during invoice entry for upcoming and past expirations.
Worker’s Compensation Expiry Date: If this is a subcontractor, you may enter their Worker’s Compensation insurance policy expiration date. (MMDDYY format). A warning will display during invoice entry for upcoming and past expirations.
Tax Jurisdiction: This code must be previously defined in Tax Jurisdiction Maintenance. To access the Tax Jurisdiction File, select: Accounts Payable Menu # 4 A/P Miscellaneous Maintenance # 23 Tax Jurisdiction File We recommend: 1 = GST only 2 = PST only 3 = GST & PST 99 = Tax Exempt NOTE:0 (zero) cannot be used.
Memo Fields 1 & 2: 1-10 characters each. General comments about the account. Memo field 1 may be used for reporting purposes.
Payment Terms Discount %: Represents the discount percentage allowed by this vendor if paying invoices by a certain date. A fraction of a percentage may also be entered. Ex. 1.5%. Used in conjunction with the ‘Discount Days’ and the ‘Days Type’ to calculate the discount amount. The discount amount displays during invoice entry but may be edited.
Discount Days: Works in conjunction with the following field, ‘Days Type’. If the ‘Days Type’ is set to ‘1’, this represents the number of days from the invoice date that invoices are eligible for discount. Ex. 15 days from the invoice date. If the ‘Days Type’ is set to ‘2’, this represents the date of the following month that will be used as the discount deadline. Ex. The 15th of the following month.
Days Type: Valid codes are 1 and 2. Works in conjunction with the previous field, ‘Disc. Days’. 1 = Number of days from invoice date. 2 = Day of the following month.
Due Days: Represents the number of days from the invoice date that payment is usually due. Used during A/P Invoice Entry to calculate the ‘Due Date’. This date may be edited during invoice entry for individual invoices, if required. THE VENDOR MASTER SETUP IS NOW COMPLETE
Additional Features: The following options exist at the bottom of the screen once a vendor master is created or recalled. E = Edit – Allows editing of the information entered for the vendor currently displayed. N = Next – Clears the screen and allows entry of another vendor number. B = Balance – Opens the ‘Balance Window’ to view purchase/payment information. P = Pay To – Opens the ‘Pay To Window’ allowing entry of a name and address, different from the vendors name and address, for printing on the cheques.
Balance Window: Current Balance: The total amount currently due to this vendor.
Payments YTD: Total year-to-date payments made to this vendor. Reset to zero during year end.
Purchases Current Pd: Total purchases posted to the period identified as “current” in G/L Period Status Maintenance. Replaced during period end with the amount in the following field ‘Purchases Next Pd’. To access G/L Period Status Maintenance, select: Accounts Payable Menu # 4 A/P Misc Maintenance # 24 G/L Period Status Maintenance This table is automatically updated during period end.
Purchases Next Pd: Total purchases posted to the period following the current period in G/L Period Status Maintenance. Invoices may be posted to the following period before running the period end function to close the current period. Once the period end is run, the total is moved to ‘Purchases Current Pd’ and ‘Purchases Next Pd’ is reset to zero. NOTE: Purchases posted to any other period are added to Purchases YTD only.
Purchases YTD: Total year-to-date purchases for this fiscal year. During year end, this total is moved to ‘Purchases Last-Year-To-Date’ and ‘Purchases Year-To-Date’ is reset to zero.
Purchases LYTD: Total purchases for the previous fiscal year. Updated during year end.
Last Invoice # / Date: Represents the last purchase from this vendor. Updated by the ‘A/P Purchases/Misc. Debits Update’. Allows quick reference to the last purchase without having to access vendor history.
Last Check # / Amount / Date: Represents the last payment made to this vendor. Updated by the ‘Post Payments to Invoices’ update. Allows quick reference to the last payment made without having to access vendor history.
Pay To Window: Represents the name and address that will be printed on the cheques for this vendor. Only required if you do not wish for the vendor’s name and address to be printed.
After creating new vendor masters or deleting old ones, the Vendor Rebuild Search & Query function should be run. This function re-links all of the vendor masters and cross references the search keys to their respective vendor numbers. This is necessary in order to search for vendors using the vendor search window/query. Select: Accounts Payable Menu # 4 A/P Misc Maintenance # 27 Rebuild Search & Query