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Origin of native medicine and farmacy . History of medicine and farmacy of Ukraine of IX – XII century. Medicine of Scythia.
Originofnative medicineandfarmacy. HistoryofmedicineandfarmacyofUkraineof IX – XII century
Medicineof Scythia • Opening of trupilska civilization which attained the bloom for 3 thousands years B.C. certifies that our ancestors knew about medical properties of some plants and used them for treatment of many diseases. Consequent development of salving is attained during scythian and cherniahivska cultures. Slavs had a settlement near the rivers of Dnipro, Dnister from ancient times. Scythians left most memory about itself among ancient peoples, what populate south earths steppe
Scythians in VII c B.C. populate Crimea and territory between Dnipro and Danube. They next to growing of cereals reared herbages. • Scythians, as well as any peoples, had certain knowledges in the relation of treatment of different deseases and damages. Gold vases are found with the representation of scythians which render a medical help (bandaging of extremities, delete of tooth) during excavations of Chertomlinskij burial mound (near Nikopol)
«Father of botany» Feofrast in his labours (370-285 B.C.) mentions «Sweet scythian root», about absinth and poisonous matter of aconite. Pliniy and Dioskorid also mentions about а «sweet root». This enigmatic plant - modern liquorice. Already in those timespeople knew about its coughings up properties, applying at а cough, cold diseases; juice was mixed up with honey and put to the abscesses.Generally sweet scythians was very valued. Warriors appeased thirst twith his plant during 12 days
Facilitiesofanimaloriginhadwideapplicationinscythianmedicine (beaverstream, fats, brain). • It isherenecessarytounderlinethespecialimportanceofsteam„scythian bath-house”inrelationtosanitary – hygienicalmeasuresofscythianpopulation
Known greek writer Plutarkh (46-120 ð.ð. A.D.) mentions, that on stream of the river of Tanais (Don) there is a plant of alinda, which leaves reminds a cabbage. • Scythians used juice of this plant for rubbing of surface of body which guarded them from a chill and cold. For scythians hemp juice, extract of root of mandrake, opium served as anesthetics at surgical intervention. Scythian women, on the certificate of Gerodota, were able to make cosmetic ointments for a skin. They «grind by rough stone cypress, cedar and lavender tree and topping up water to them».
DevelopmentofmedicineandfarmacyofKievanRus. Kievan Rus rose to the level of the foremost states of Europe during principality of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (978-1015 ð.ð.). In cities among the representatives of different professions there were personswhich was engaged in medical affair. The separate from them was specialized on treatment of wounds, breaks, eyes and others. At monasteries and large churches and above all things at the Kievo-pecherskyj monastery places for patients and invalids are created after a greek consuetude.
Persons which specially devoted itself to the anxiety about patients and their treatment exuded between monks. Among them physician Agapit. • Labours of Galena and Hippocrates were widely used. The special place occupies «Sv’yatoslav’ collection» among of that time labours,which is rewritten specially for a son Yaroslav Wise. Advices for treatment of illnesses are given in «Collection», the list of medications is pointed.
A treatiseofEvpraksijaabout„Ointments” • HistoryofEvpraksijaissuch. Fromchildhoodshe wasinterestedinthesecretsofnationalmedicine, studied| propertiesofvulneraryplantsandointments. • Then she begantotreatpoorpeople. • Consisting of medicine of KievanRus is well shown in the work of EvpraksijaKievan (Zoy) - the grandchild of Vladimir Monomakh, which is written by her in Byzantium
Thistreatiseconsistsof 5 parts. Inthefirstpartis a generalreviewofviews onhygiene. Inthesecondareadvicesinrelationtotheobservanceofhygieneofmarriage, duringpregnancyandcareofchild. Inthethirdpartispositioaboutthehygieneofnourishment. Infourthisinformationaboutexternaldiseasesandrecipesoftreatmentofdentalandskinillnesses. Thefifthpartis about cardiacandgastricdiseasesandadvices for theirprophylaxis.
InXV centurypreparationofphysicianbeganinPolandintheuniversity of Krakiv.). Some graduatingstudentsofacademybecamefamous. Amongthem - George Drogobich-Katermak (1450-1494) got a baccalaureate, master'sdegree. In 1478 hereceivedtherankofPh.D., at 1482 - doctorofmedicine. Twoyearshewaselected a rectorofBolognauniversity.
In age-oldphysiciansimultaneouslywerechemists. Thedivisionofmedicineandfarmacypassedthen, whenmakingofmedicationswassubstantiallycomplicatedandrequiredthespecialknowledges. Thefirstmentionsaboutpharmacists belongtoXV century • InXI centuryKyivwasblasted as a resultofpermanentattacksofhordesand losesananchorwomanroleinculturallifeofUkrainianearthsonsometime. Lvivdecame such town.
Alreadyin 1337 inthecityactsofLvovthereisinformationaboutcreationintownofthe hospitalforpatientsandpoor. Thefirstrecordabout a pharmacyisdatedby 1445. • Experienceoflookingafterpatients, informationaboutmedicalherbages, medicinalmattersofnaturaloriginpassedfrom a generationin a generationfromtimesofKievanRus. Inthoseoldtimesonmarkets, in «greenrows» witch-doctorssoldmedicinalherbages, extracts, amulets, renderedmedicare, gaveadvicesandforesawthefuture.
Powders, ointments— «smear», «pets», extractsanddecoctions - «drink», «potion» werewidelyknown. Doctorsprepared «peas» — pills, appointedbathsfrommedicalherbages. Medicinalpreparationskeptinthespecialpigswhichareconsideredtheprototypeofpharmacies. Itwasadvisedtoacceptmostmedications « onanemptystomachheart» — onanemptystomach 2-3timesper a day — «morning», «in a day», «supper».
Usuallythecourseoftreatmentfolds 40 daysandeven2 monthes.HoweverpharmaciesinthemodernunderstandingofthiswordwasnotinKievanRus, unlikeWesternEurope. Onlyin XIII century inLvov (1270), atthetempleofIoannaKhrestitelrefugeandfirstpharmacywhichlastedto 1480 wasopened
Itisknownfromhistory, thatin XI century thereweredoctorsamongthemonksofthe Kievo-pecherskyjmonastery. In a hospitalwhichwasopenedat a monastery, were rendered a surgical, therapeutichelp. Themonksofthe Kievo-pecherskyjmonastery withexperienceoftreatmentwenttonearbyearths, foundednewmonasteries, thesameassistsindistributionofmedicalknowledges. So there was monasterial medicine.
The basic competitors of monasterial doctors at that time were barbers which belonged to city gentlefolks. Their services were very expencive. • Nationalmedicinereceived widedistribution, buttheseknowledgeswasobviouslynotenoughtoresistaninfectiousdiseaseof thattime
In 1490 oneofthefirstofficialpublicpharmaciesofthegeneralusewasopenedinLviv. Earlierpharmaciessatisfiedtherequirementsofmonasteriesinmedications. • Forpreparationofmedicationsprimitiveadaptationsandtableware: tinjugs, cauldronsformeltingofbeeswax, coppermortars, fryingpans, spatulasandotherslikethatwere used Chemistsalsomadecakes, marchpanes, liqueur. A pharmacyof thattimeanymorereminded a pastryshopthan medicalestablishment.