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History of Medicine. 4000 BC - 3000 BC. Believed that illness and disease were caused by supernatural spirits and demons. Ceremonies were used to drive out evil spirits. Herbs and plants were used for medication. Skeletal evidence has been found demonstrating trepanation.
4000 BC - 3000 BC • Believed that illness and disease were caused by supernatural spirits and demons. • Ceremonies were used to drive out evil spirits. • Herbs and plants were used for medication. • Skeletal evidence has been found demonstrating trepanation. • Average life span = 20 years.
Trepanation Unearthed in Peru; 6000 BC. Unearthed in Peru; 7000 BC
2000 BC – 300 BCAncient Egypt • Earliest known health records. • Offerings to gods for healing. • Imhotep (2700 BC) first recognized physician. • Use of blood-letting and leeches as treatment. • Herbs and plants used as medicine • Average life span = 20 to 30 years. Ancient papyrus Imhotep
1700 BC – 220 ADAncient Chinese • Monitored pulse rate to determine the condition of the body. • Believed in curing whole body by curing the spirit and nourishment: Yin and Yang • First recorded “pharmacy” of herbs. • Use of acupuncture and acupressure. • Began searching for organic causes of disease. • Average life span = 20 to 30 years. Acupuncture
1200 BC – 200 BCAncient Greeks • The start of the Hippocratic tradition “will cause no harm to the patient”. • Believed illness the result of natural causes. • Introduction of massage therapy and continued use of herbal therapy. • Introduced concept that good diet and cleanliness prevented disease. • Average life span = 25 to 35 years. Hippocrates
Surgical hooks 753 BC – 410 ADAncient Romans • First to organize medical care for wounded soldiers. • Early hospitals allowed for separation of well and sick. • Beginning of public health and sanitation systems. • Diet, exercise and medication used to treat disease. • Average life span = 25 to 35 years. Various surgical tools
800 – 1400 ADMiddle Ages • Renewed interest in work of Greeks and Romans. • Medical universities open in the 9th century. • Pandemic of bubonic plague occurred. • Chemistry advances in pharmacology. • Average life span = 20 to 35 years. Doctor dressed for visiting patient believed to suffer from Black Death.
1350 – 1650 ADRenaissance • Dissection of the human body allowed for better understanding of anatomy and physiology • Invention of the printing press allowed knowledge to be spread to others. • Average life span = 30 to 40 years. David, by Michelangelo Circle Man, by da Vinci
16th and 17th Centuries • Causes of disease still unknown. • Many died from infection and childbirth fever. • Apothecaries made, prescribed, and sold medications. • Average life span = 35 to 45 years.
Ambroise Pare1510-1590 • Father of Modern Surgery • Introduced amputation to battlefield care of wounded soldiers. • Promoted use of artificial limbs. • Use of ligatures to stop bleeding and bind arteries.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek1632-1723 • Developed one of the most important inventions of all time – the microscope! • Began using the lenses to observe the microscopic world. • Discovered bacteria, protists, rotifers, and blood cells. Early microscope Rotifer
Franklin 18th Century • Fahrenheit created first mercury thermometer. • Priestly discovered the element oxygen. • Ben Franklin invented bifocals for glasses. • Lind prescribed limes to prevent scurvy. • Jenner developed first smallpox vaccine. • Average life span = 40 – 50 years.
Edward Jenner1749-1823 • Edward Jenner learned early in his medical career that if at one time one had cowpox, they would not get smallpox. • The human immunity from the infection of smallpox was tested by vaccinating patients with fluid from pustules of cowpox-infected patients and then showing that these subjects were immune to smallpox.
19th Century • Many discoveries and inventions • First use of anesthetic for surgeries. • International Red Cross was founded in 1863. • Discovery of bacterial causes of disease. • Average life span = 40 – 60 years.
Important Dates • 1819: First successful human blood transfusion by James Blundell. • 1819: Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope. • 1849: Elizabeth Blackwell was the first female physician in the U.S. • 1865: First use of antiseptics during surgery by Joseph Lister. • 1892: Discovery of viruses by Dimitri Ivanfski. • 1895: X-rays discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen.
Louis Pasteur1822-1895 • Worked to disprove the idea of spontaneous generation. • Proved that microorganisms cause disease: Germ Theory of Disease • Developed pasteurization to kill microorganisms in milk. • Created a vaccine for rabies.
Gregor Mendel1822-1884 • Developed Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance. These laws established principles of heredity and dominant/recessive patterns. • Presented his finding to the medical community, but they weren’t widely accepted until the early 1900’s.
1901: ABO blood groups identified 1920: Health insurance plans are introduced. 1928: Fleming discovered penicillin 1952: Development of polio vaccine. 1953: DNA structure described by Watson & Crick. 1954: First kidney transplant. 1962: First severed arm reattached. 1963: First liver transplant. 1964: First lung transplant. 1968; First heart transplant. 1970: First synthesized gene. 1975: Amniocentesis used to diagnose birth defects in-utero. You name it, it happened!
1978: First test tube baby. 1981: AIDS epidemic begins. 1982: Artificial heart is implanted in human. 1984: HIV identified. 1990: Gene therapy used to treat disease. 1990’s: Human Genome Project begins 1997: Dolly the sheep is cloned. And more! Dolly Introduction of sperm into egg cytoplasm Jarvik-7 artifical heart
Cures for current diseases like AIDS. Gene manipulation to prevent inherited diseases/Designer babies. Slow the aging process. Treatment for spinal cord injuries. Improved transplantation techniques. Reduced antibiotic resistance. Computerized body parts. Increased cloning activities. Increased average life span to 100+ years. Potential